김성례 국가폭력의 성정치학 제주4.3학살을 중심으로 흔적(2) (original) (raw)

Chapter 41, 42, and 43 of the Samguk sagi : An Annotated Translation of Biography of Kim Yusin

of the literary work or assume responsibility for the same. In addition, the literary works provided by DBpia may only be used by the users affiliated to the institutions which executed a subscription agreement with DBpia or the individual purchasers of the literary work(s)for non-commercial purposes. Therefore, any person who illegally uses the literary works provided by DBpia by means of reproduction or transmission shall assume civil and criminal responsibility according to applicable laws and regulations.


Copyright means the sole right to produce or reproduce whole the work or any substantial part thereof in any material whatsoever and the copyright in a work shall be deemed infringed by any person who, does anything the sole right to do which is conferred on the owner of the copyright. Copyright has played very important role in today’s world, especially in the context of development. Various International conventions took place for providing copyright protection to the authors and the publishers. It is quite obvious that the spread of education and progress of educational standards is the wheel of development process, so is the need for an effective copyright system to promote national intellectual creativity in order to achieve development process itself. The present work proposed to understand a comparative study of Indian Copyright Law with that of Copyright laws of United Kingdom and United States. Though, the scope of study is limited in the field of literary work only. The study, thus wishes to test the hypothesis that Indian Copyright law is highly inadequate as compared Copyright laws of United Kingdom and United States even after latest amendments. Using the research techniques both doctrinaire as well as comparative methods of research, the study have been divided into three parts. First part analyses the copyright in literary work in India, United Kingdom and United States. Part two discusses the International Conventions and their applicability in the India, United Kingdom and United States while third part talks about the challenges in the same field. The work concludes with the optimism that for the national development and economical growth the laws must be implemented effectively.

Dissemination of Copyright Law in Digital Products in Semarang City

Journal of Private and Commercial Law

A creative work created by its creator based on his sense and intention which is supported by his creativity will become an intellectual work with a high economic value. Such creators are like book and song writers who have an ability and idea to produce a work that can be enjoyed by everyone. Based on the principle of justice, it is understood that to produce such work is not an easy task because it requires sacrifice. Therefore, the creator is entitled to economic benefits for his work. An intellectual work having a very high economic value is supposed to get adequate legal protection supported by a sense of justice as the reward of the creator’s intellectual products. In addition to physical copyrighted work products, there are also digital products on which the creator owns a copyright. There are examples of digital products which follow the development of technology such as song files, e-books, software, etc. One of the problems that exists in the community is that the digital ...

Korupsi Di Sektor Publik : Tinjauan Literatur Sistematis Dan Analisis Bibliometrik

Integritas : Jurnal Antikorupsi

Adanya sudut pandang yang luas pada kumpulan pengetahuan tentang korupsi, memberikan peluang untuk dilakukan tinjauan dan analisis lebih lanjut terhadap literatur penelitian terdahulu. Dengan demikian, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan memetakan secara sistematis aliran penelitian utama, perkembangan penelitian bidang korupsi di sektor publik meliputi artikel jurnal utama, negara, institusi, penulis, jaringan di bidang ini, dan arah penelitian selanjutnya. SLR dan analisis bibliometrik digunakan untuk menganalisis 759 artikel dari database scopus sejak tahun 2011 – 2020. Hasil dan implikasi penelitian antara lain topik korupsi di sektor publik masih menjadi topik yang menarik. Artikel karya Chan, A.P.C.,Williams, C.C atau artikel yang dipublikasikan pada Journal of Financial Crime dapat menjadi sumber referensi utama dalam penelitian lanjutan. Selain itu, dengan menyoroti istilah-istlah seperti kata management, regulation, tax evasion, health care, investment...

Copyright Protection for Philippine Publications

Archivists and librarians bear enormous responsibilities in providing access to materials under copyright without documented permission in that they share with their patrons any liability for copyright violation. They are uncomfortably placed on the line between the right of the intellectual property-holder to the fruit of his/her labor, on the one hand, and the right of the public to know, on the other. At the same time, archivists and librarians must serve the demands of research and scholarship. An added complication is the ease with which present-day technology enables users of information to duplicate or replicate copyrighted material. Thus, copyright laws have become harder to enforce and interpret. The line should be drawn by the law, but in many cases, judgment calls are made, and the judgment often is made wittingly or unwittingly by the archivist or librarian. When the right to know comes into conflict with the right of the author or creator to the fruit of labor, the archivist or librarian is bound to rely on the law. To anticipate and avert whatever legal problems may arise, and to provide a clear understanding of what may and may not be done with copyrighted (and even uncopyrighted)materials, this paper discusses issues and concerns of Filipino librarians and archivists with the new Philippine Copyright Law, and seeks to answer the following questions: • What copyright problems are encountered in Philippine libraries/archives? • What is protected by the Philippine Copyright Law? • What reproduction rights do Philippine libraries/archives have under the law? • How can these libraries/archives avoid copyright liability? • What can Filipino librarians do to help in the enforcement of the law?

Pembangunan dan penilaian modul web CD 'baikpulih komputer' : aplikasi dalam makmal baikpulih komputer di Politeknik Malaysia


Modul Web CD BK yang dibangunkan merupakan satu media pengajaran yang mengandungi unit-unit aktiviti yang dibentuk untuk membantu dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai sejauh mana Modul Web CD BK dapat meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dari aspek kreativiti, kesesuaian isi kandungan, kesesuaian strategi pembelajaran dan mesra pengguna. Responden untuk kajian ini terdiri daripada 45 orang pelajar semester akhir Sijil Kejuruteraan Elektronik(Komputer) di Politeknik Port Dickson (PPD). Tiga orang pensyarah yang berkemahiran dalam bidang membaikpulih komputer dan pembangunan CD interaktif telah ditemubual. Untuk kajian ini, instrumen yang digunakan adalah borang soal selidik dan penilaian adalah berdasarkan persepsi responden terhadap keberkesanan Web CD BK. Sesi temubual juga dijalankan terhadap beberapa orang pensyarah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang membantu dalam pembangunan Web CD BK yang berkesan. Da...

Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Dukungan Sosial dengan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif: Sebuah Kajian Literatur

Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Berkala, 2020

Penelitian ini berbentuk kajian literatur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan literaturliteratur yang berisi tentang hubungan pengetahuan, sikap, dan dukungan sosial dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Kata kunci yang digunakan adalah, pengetahuan, sikap, dukungan sosial, dan ASI eksklusif. Sumber literatur diperoleh dari data base di Google Scholar dengan batasan lima tahun terakhir. Literatur yang digali dengan jenis penelitian cross-sectional. Ada sebanyak 3220 literatur yang diperoleh dari hasil pencarian menggunakan kata kunci, kemudian diseleksi secara bertahap sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan sehingga diperoleh delapan literatur yang dikaji dan dianalisis secara mendalam. Hasil pengkajian diperoleh informasi bahwa tidak semua literatur menampilkan data karakteristik responden dan hanya sebagian saja yang menampilkan data metode penelitian secara lengkap. Keseluruhan literatur menggunakan responden yang berjumlah di bawah 100 orang. Hasil analisis bivariat ke...