Le secret selon Heidegger et « La lettre volée » de Poe (original) (raw)

Lire la pensée comme dans un livre: secret et transparence selon Jean Duns Scot et Henri de Gand


: The existence of the «heart’s secrets» is obvious when it comes to human beings, since each protects his inwardness from the eyes of others by hiding it within his body. But what happens in the case of pure spirits? Without a body to protect and hide them, are they at the mercy of the glance of others or do they uphold secrecy ? This is the question that several medieval thinkers asked themselves when they began to think about the language and communication of spiritual creatures (angels or «intelligences»). Do they carry any secret? Do they hide something or are they fully transparent? Discussed in the Summae and the Commentaries of the Sentences of Peter Lombard, these interrogations led to important considerations on communication as a speaker’s act towards its recipient. In this survey, we illustrate John Duns Scotus’ position on the matter. Through his criticism of Henry of Ghent’s doctrine, he delivers a conception of inter-subjective communication that aims at maintaining t...

Les Cahiers noirs de Heidegger: un cryptage meurtrier

Les Cahiers noirs de Martin Heidegger : un cryptage meurtier RÉSUMÉ. — Les Cahiers noirs de Heidegger permettent d'éclairer l'importance chez les épigones de Heidegger des malentendus concernant le langage ainsi que le statut et les objectifs de la philosophie du Maître. Les Cahiers apportent une confirmation de l'utilisa-tion systématique par leur auteur d'une stratégie d'égarement, celle-ci comportant deux aspects majeurs. D'une part, le message heideggérien s'adresse à un « petit nombre » de lecteurs ou auditeurs et non pas aux hommes en général. La pensée de l'Être est en effet conçue comme combat contre la rationalité comme faculté et valeur universelle, la communication devant dès lors se faire intentionnellement ambiguë. D'autre part, suivre la voix de l'Être ne relève pas de l'émancipation humaine mais d'un processus d'« éveil » tribal. ABSTRACT. — Heidegger's Black Notebooks demonstrate that there have been serious misconceptions about the status and aim of his philosophy and language. They show this to be a result of intentional misdirection which finds a twofold expression in his language : For one, an exceptional " few " are addressed rather than the reader or listener in general. Being is seen as struggle of intuitive insight against common rationality, and communication must, thus, be intentionnally ambivalent. Secondly, for the selected few the understanding and guiding our Being is a matter not of human emancipation but a process of völkisch " awakening " and " perception " .


Les Lettres persanes de Montesquieu, éd. C. Martin, Paris, Oxford, PUPS et Voltaire Foundation, coll. Vif, p. 291-306., 2013

En terme de dévoilement, le roman de Montesquieu promet beaucoup. mais que réalise-t-'il en effet ? Il s'agit de voir en quoi cette inflexion du projet de connaissance détermine une conception spécifique du savoir, du sujet et du processus de savoir dans les Lettres persanes.

Le secret en littérature et médecine : pour une éthique du partage


Literature and medicine are two disciplines in-between Arts and Sciences, and the fertility of their dialogue is evident in the flowering of Narrative Medicine, about three decades after its onset. Very present today in medical research, practice and training, NM re-proposed the question of the subject, which is central in medical ethics, to the core of the therapeutic relationship. Given the current hyper-scientific evolution of medicine and healthcare, it is important to continue on reasoning and questioning notions as the “secret”, closely related to categories as subjectivity and intimacy. This article follows this evolution and the modern settings in medicine and literature in order to establish new bridges between a medical ethics concerned with the loss of the singular conversation and human reality and a literary discourse capable of activating operative resources through which the secret can be converted into a central element for a qualitative intersubjective encounter.

Deux périodes et métaphysiques de l’Aufklärung : Herder et sa critique de Wolff

in book: Les Métaphysiques des Lumières, eds. Pierre Girard, Christian Leduc, Mitia Rioux-Beaulne, Classiques Garnier, 2016

This paper provides the first ever analysis of Herder's short piece "Ueber Christian Wolfs Schriften" [sic] in which Herder opposes Wolff's approach to philosophy as a science of possibles based on a static metaphysics of essences. Herder proposes instead an anthropological philosophy starting from a dynamic metaphysics of forces. Le sujet de cet article est la critique de la philosophie de Christian Wolff par Johann Gottfried Herder. Il consiste principalement d’une analyse du texte Ueber Christian Wolfs Schriften (1768) qui porte sur le Discours préliminaire sur la philosophie en général de Wolff. Herder y imagine le remplacement d’une philosophie comme science des possibles qui repose sur une métaphysique statique des essences par une philosophie anthropologique qui commence par une métaphysique dynamique des forces.

«Le Poetique Habite Dans L’Home » – Commentaires Sur Heidegger

European Scientific Journal, 2014

According to Heidegger there are some dangers threatening a rational thinking. But it seems to be others ways of knowledge and action beyond a rational thinking. Those are mystic and poetic modes. Heidegger said "poetically man dwells on the earth". Paraphrasing Heidegger-and in fact following him-I state: "poetry lives in man". The two formulae express both an existential disappointment and a deep epistemological need. As we know, for the ordinary people poetry was and is a preceding form of knowledge and expression of sensitivity: precursory to the philosophical and scientific formalisation of knowledge. But for Heidegger: "The good and thus wholesome danger is the nighness of the singing poet./ The evil and thus keenest danger is thinking itself. It must think against itself, which it can only seldom do. ". Therefore Poetry is maybe better another way of access to the truth of being. Thus, it seems that the most important reason of poetry is its possibility to be an antidote of the danger represented by the philosophical thought itself. Is there an identity between poetry and mysticism? My text tries to offer an answer using a work of Derrida where Heidegger is opposed to Kant. Finally, I remark Heidegger's philosophical-poetical discourse by which nothing is stated in an apodictic manner, but all is metaphorically suggested. It seems to be a third way of thinking that Heidegger not highlights but practice it.

Fictions du secret, secrets de la fiction

Inflexions, 2021

Dans un contexte où la demande d’informations concernant les activités des services de renseignement ne cesse de croître, et où la ligne de démarcation entre réalité et fiction semble constamment brouillée, les fictions d’espionnage répondent à une double exigence : la prétendue mise en visibilité de ces acteurs de l’ombre, dont l’opacité structurelle met au défi le principe démocratique de publicité ; leur dissimulation plus efficace, sous couvert de mise en transparence. Plus que de simples miroirs, qui reflèteraient de façon plus ou moins réaliste un monde autrement inaccessible, elles sont une condition du secret en démocratie.