Advertising Pragmatics of Contemporary Media for Polylingualism and Polyculturalism (original) (raw)
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Advertising, Language and Culture
The researchers examined the controversies surrounding advertising, language and culture which had been for a while as some scholars opined that language and culture should not necessarily be a primary determining factor in advertising messages. Others, however, argued that language and culture are significant aspects of peoples" lives that cannot be ignored and should be considered in advertising messages. The study is hinged on the culture-oriented and high context versus low context models. It was concluded that advertising does not debase language and neither does it debase culture; rather, it promotes it; albeit, the debate on the relationship between advertising and culture has not ended. To this end, the researchers among others recommended that the role of language and advertising in the construction of culture should be to spread the message of modernity without sacrificing that which is ethical and condemning that which is unethical.
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Textual and Cultural International Advertisements
4th International Conference on Applied Linguistics in Language Studies, 2016
Translation seems to play a significant role in international business and marketing in the frame of advertisements. With the proper translation, the ideas of the common culture between the SL and TL are transferable. Over the last decades, translation studies, as an interdisciplinary approach through culture and language, have focused on the larger parts to transfer and exchange messages and information between cultures in constant movement. This fact has focused not only on interdisciplinary collaboration where contextualization has been a fundamental and central issue, but also this has covered widespread perspectives on translation for individual contexts. The works of identifying unconscious meanings in the task of "cultural translation" is, therefore, more on the shoulder of psychoanalysts than linguists. To this aim, in line with E.B. Tylor's (1987) famous definition of culture, culture or civilization, taken in its wide ethnographic sense is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. A pair of advertisements between Persian and English was compared, and all the aspects were scrutinized by the abovementioned method. In sum, translating culturally determines a better understanding and more positive attitude towards the products of target consumers as source consumers. Also, colors play a very important role in translating the sense of message. Moreover, translating ideas from English to Persian should be with standardization, culturalization, and domestication in international communication.
Language variation in the advertising discourse: a cross-cultural approach
XLinguae, 2018
The paper presents the discussion of two types of language variation observed in the Russian and English advertising discourse. The material for the study is taken from open media sources of different kinds and some of the observations are verified with the help of sociolinguistic experimental methods. The Russian advertising discourse is claimed to be undergoing creolization, or mixing with elements from foreign language systems it is in contact with on the world market arena. The process of creolization involves all the linguistic levels, from lexis and graphics to pronunciation and grammar and on the whole is positively assessed by native speakers of Russian. The English (British) advertising discourse is shown to avoid language mixing, but to rely instead on the regional and social variation of English and to make use of nonstandard language forms, especially in the pronunciation domain. Certain sociolinguistic factors are offered as an explanation of the differences in the use of language variation in advertising in the cultures under consideration. It is emphasized that both the multilingual nature of the Russian advertising discourse and the free exploitation of deviant language patterns in the English one encourage creative techniques to be used in the sphere of product and service promotion.
Ethnosotsiopragmatic and Psycholinguistic Features of Advertising Texts
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2021
Today's social life, manufacturing companies are increasingly promoting their products through the media, television and radio through various visual aids. Advertising is not only a means of promoting a product, but also a rapid factor that demonstrates certain achievements in production, conveys information to the population, has a rapid impact on the mental and intellectual state of man, reflects the capabilities of language.
Culture in advertising and advertising in culture: Communication, translation, representation
Ars Aeterna, 2017
Her main research interests are translation studies, translation theory and didactics. She is author of numerous publications in the field of translation studies and translation pedagogy including Interpretácia v procese prekladu ('Interpretation in the Translation Process') in 1996 and Teória a didaktika prekladu ('Translation Theory and Didactics') in 2003 and co-author of Kultúra-Interkulturalita-Translácia ('Culture-Interculturality-Translation') in 2005.
Semiotic Problems in Translating Advertisements
Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii Politehnica din Timisoara, Seria Limbi Moderne, 2004
The article discusses translation problems in advertising texts arising from the fact that the semiotic hybridity, that is the interrelation of cultural images, visual signals and linguistic elements in advertising texts, varies on several levels, according to the respective country involved. Translation, when seen from a static point of view, may be analysed as the result of a translator's work and can be compared with the original. In a dynamic point of view however, and this is the translator's perspective, translation is a task yet to be fulfilled, with the objective to present a message understood from a text, as comprehensively as possible for target culture readers to be able to interpret it and react to it as intended by the authors. This article discusses the phenomenological and rhetorical aspects of the translational work. The translator's integrative approach The translation assignment gains a special quality when advertising texts are concerned. Such texts are often described as a "cultural mirror", being designed around and seeking to exploit culture-specific habits, behaviour, expectations and lifestyles, for a very pragmatic purpose. The production of advertising texts involves a huge amount of market research, so that the intended audience can be very carefully targeted, the right buttons pressed and the desired responses elicited. It is an interesting question for companies to know how advertisements are actually being adapted to the different addressees and various value systems, and which semiotic instruments are used. This is important even for linguists, as in many advertising companies it is the translators who are given the job of producing an adequate ad for the own product in the foreign market. While trans-national groups tend to maintain a consistent product policy and a market strategy based on corporate identity, there is also
Discourse functions and pragmatics of mixing: advertising across cultures
World Englishes, 1992
The aim of this paper is to examine the role of English in print advertising at the global level. Toward this goal a typology of the mixing of English in Asian and European languages is presented. In addition to examining the formal properties of mixing, the discourse functions of mixing are also analyzed. This cross-linguistic study goes on to argue that the pattern of mixing, even multiple mixing, is not a phenomenon restricted to the languages of the developing nations which are undergoing the process of modernization. European languages such as French, Italian and Spanish also reflect the same pattern to some extent. Not only this, but what is more interesting is the fact that some languages, such as Japanese and Chinese, which are not very receptive to foreignism, have yielded to influence from English that goes beyond the phenomenon of linguistic borrowing. What is even more intriguing is that English has begun to penetrate those discourse domains which were once guarded fiercely by the twice world language French' HYPOTHESES The universality of language mixing and the global power of English are tested by examining the following set of hypotheses:
Expanding the scope for research on global English‐language advertising
World Englishes, 2019
Language contact phenomena of English use in global advertising are usually analysed within the framework of world Englishes or linguistic hybridity for an examination of language contact and change, borrowing, hybridization, bilingual creativity, language attitudes, functions, and others. The insights of postcolonial performativity, however, suggest reconsidering the theoretical grounding for studying English use at the transnational level in diverse genres of different sociolinguistic communities around the world. This article posits a new direction for studying the use of English in global advertising. The high level of variation and complexity observable in many aspects of English use is assumed to be germane to, and constantly mediated through language ideologies that are often diverse, complex, unstable and even conflicting.