Functions and Strategies to the Integration of Multicultural Values in Textbook Discourse for Elementary School Students (original) (raw)
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Theory and Practice in Language Studies
The values of multicultural education in Indonesian middle and high school textbooks have been of great interest among researchers, for the Indonesian people have a variety of cultures, ethnicities, religions, as well as different levels of economy. Teaching the values of multicultural education in Indonesian language textbooks aims to foster solidarity and harmony in society. Multicultural education aims to achieve two objectives, namely national unity and cultural diversity, in order to adapt to the changes brought about by the country's economic progress and globalization. This study compared the dominant values of multicultural education between Indonesian language textbooks for grade 7 middle and grade 10 high schools. Based on critical discourse analysis, this study documented the values of multicultural education in three major issues: religion, culture, and ethnicity. The results of the comparative analysis show that high school Indonesian language textbooks dominate the...
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This research aims to examine the visual components of a Pearson primary school English textbook. By applying visual semiotic theory to the visual aspects (Barthes, 1977). This research demonstrates that the EFL textbook has three kinds of multicultural values: respect for other people's traditions, appreciation for women's equal rights, and appreciation for other people's viewpoints. Three photos exemplified respect for other people's traditions, one exemplified gratitude for women's equal rights, and two exemplified appreciation for another person's viewpoint. Additionally, two visual components identified in this research are classified as source culture (SC), four visual elements are classified as universality culture (UC), and there are no visual elements that reflect target culture (TC). The current investigation discovered that the EFL Pearson textbook for Indonesian primary school continues to have an asymmetric depiction of multicultural values.
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
This study uses literary analysis to provide a model for how multicultural education might help Indonesian schools meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. This study fills a knowledge vacuum by employing works of fiction to investigate the importance of intercultural education. The novel Negeri 5 Menara also depicts a multicultural lifestyle and educational system. In this investigation, we employ a qualitative strategy based on content analysis. The study's data comes from a search for examples of intercultural education's core values in literature. This study used a selected data gathering method that Huberman and Miles refer to as "data reduction," consisting of five steps: selecting, focusing, simplifying, summarising, and modifying the raw data. Credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability are all aspects of data validity that should be examined. According to the study's findings, 1) multicultural education is beneficial because...
Abstract Multicultural Education Values in Literature
Literature consists of several parts, among others: novel, short story, serialized story, drama, and poetry. Among the various parts of the literature, the authors focus on just one section, namely poetry. Poetry utilizes vocabulary with fairly frugal, but contains a value that is very dense and diverse, such as education value of religious multicultural , education value of aesthetic multicultural, education value of ethical multicultural, and education value of philosophical multicultural. However, this paper only discusses the philosophical value of multicultural education. Philosophical value of multicultural education is limited to the aspect of the principle of life, self-esteem, and hard work with data sources of poetry Aspar Paturusi, with the title of the book is a collection of poems Perahu Badik: Membaca Laut (Reading the Sea). Aspar Paturusi is one of the national actors who lives in Jakarta. He was born on April 10, 1943 in Bulukumba, South Sulawesi. His work, in addition to the actor is also writes books of literature, such as drama, novels and poetry. To reveal the value of multicultural education in the aspects mentioned above, so it is used a hermeneutic approach of Paul Ricoeur.
The first phase of this two-year study aims at describing the teachers" awareness to include culture in the teaching and learning process, what cultural aspects are included in the English textbooks used in a number of schools in the Province of DIY and how the cultural elements are inserted in the books. The research data were obtained through a focus group discussion (FGD) attended by 20 English teachers from 5 regencies in the Province of DIY and from 7 English textbooks used by these teachers. The data from the FGD were analyzed using qualitative data analysis, while the books were discerned using content analysis. The results of the analyses show (1) the teachers have inserted cultural elements in their teaching and learning process, following the explicit and implicit modes of insertion used in the textbooks; (2) the cultural elements in the books consist of knowledge, behaviors, and artifacts; and there are 409 western cultural elements and 739 Indonesian ones, but they are not followed by adequate explanations to anticipate confusion and misunderstanding.
International journal of language and literary studies, 2023
Multicultural values in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks have attracted many researchers, academics, and educators in many studies around the world. However, there is limited literature examining the representation of multicultural content in English course textbooks used in Indonesia, specifically EFL course textbooks from world-class franchise programs. Therefore, this study employs Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to examine the impartiality of cultural content representation provided by the EFL course textbook regarding different cultures and ethnic groups. This study provided Halliday's systemic functional analysis to examine verbal data. While Kress and Van Leeuwen's visual grammar theory was employed to comprehend, analyze, and explore visual representations from selected EFL course textbooks. This study reveals the EFL course textbook does not reflect the diversity of cultures in Indonesia, as it mainly focuses on the perspectives and traditions of Western and European countries. This creates an unfair and distorted representation of other cultures, especially those from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, whose values and beliefs are not adequately considered or respected within the EFL course textbook. The implications of this study suggest that the inclusion of cultural sensitivity within EFL course textbooks is crucial in fostering cultural awareness, promoting respect among EFL learners, and creating a more equitable and inclusive learning environment.
Investigation of Cultural Values in English Textbooks for Junior High School Students
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
The purpose of this study was to identify the embodiment of cultural values in English textbooks for junior high school students. This research used a qualitative approach with a content analysis method. The research data was in the form of a collection of discourse texts in the form of monologues, dialogues and exercises. The data were taken from two books entitled Scaffolding and In Focus, published by the Book Center of the Ministry of National Education. It is grade X. The data analysis procedure used in this research was qualitative content analysis. The process of validity was done through credibility, transferability, triangulation, dependability, and confirmability. The results showed that the dominant cultural value was the optimistic value of 43%. Then followed by the brotherhood value of 23.80%, the social value of 19% and the freedom value of 14%. Each cultural value found also describes some more specific values. The value of freedom contains character values, namely th...
A Visual Analysis of Multicultural Values in Junior High School English Textbook
The purpose of the present study is to analyze visual elements of junior high school English textbook published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The visual elements were analyzed by using the visual semiotic theory by (Barthes, 1977). This study shows that there are three categories of multicultural values represented in the EFL textbook: respecting other people’s tradition, and appreciating women’s equal rights, and appreciating other people’s perspectives. Three images represented respecting other people’s tradition, one image represented appreciating women’s equal right, and two images represented appreciating other people’s perspective. Furthermore, two visuals found in the present study are categorized as source culture (SC), four visual elements are categorized as universality culture (UC), and there is not visual elements representing target culture (TC). The present study found that there is still imbalanced representation of multicultur...
In responding to multicultural literature, high school students may have difficulty interpreting characters' practices because they are not familiar with the cultures portrayed in these texts. One reason for the challenges in teaching multicultural literature is that high school students have difficulty interpreting the larger cultural or institutional forces associated with race, class, and gender systems. A qualitative research study determined how high school students' discussion of and writing about multicultural literature served to challenge and foster changes in their discourses related to race, class, and gender. Research questions led to a methodological framework involving several types of research, including classroom observation, discourse analysis of student discussions, student interviews, analysis of student journal writing, teacher reflections, and ethnographic research of the school and community at large. Research was conducted at a large urban high school of 1600 students in a "working class" section of a large midwestern city. Each of the 14 students in the multicultural literature class was interviewed twice for 40-45 minutes over the semester. Over time, some students did change iri their value stances related to discourses of race, class, and gender, particularly in recognizing how racism, class attitudes, and sexism are constructed through language and discourses in both texts and their everyday lives. This suggests the value of responding to multicultural literature as evoking competing discourse perspectives. Further research is called for. Appended are: interview questions, coding of school culture data, and codes for analysis of classroom/interview data. (Contains 83 references.) (NKA) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. CJ1 11")