Jaynes-Cummings model with quasiclassical fields: The effect of dissipation (original) (raw)

A moving three-level Λ-type atom in a dissipative cavity


In this paper, we consider a three-level Λ-type atom interacting with a two-mode of electromagnetic cavity field surrounded by a nonlinear Kerr-like medium, the atom and the field are suffering decay rates (i.e. the cavity is not ideal) when the multi-photon processes is considered. Also, the atom and the field are assumed to be coupled with a modulated time-dependent coupling parameter under the rotating wave approximation. The wave function and the probability amplitudes are obtained, when the atom initially prepared in the superposition states and the field initially in the coherent states, by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation by taking a proper approximation to the system of differential equations. An analytical expression of the atomic reduced density operator is given. We studied the degree of entanglement, between the field and atom, measure (DEM) via the concurrence, Shannon information entropy, momentum increment and diffusion, and finally we investigated the effects of decay rates and the time-dependent parameters on Husimi Q-function.

The Jaynes-Cummings model with a quantum external field

One of the simplest ways of studying the interaction of the radiation with the matter is through the Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM), that consists of an atom of two levels interacting with an electromagnetic field inside a cavity with high quality factor Q. This model has a great relevance in Quantum Optics, because it makes possible obtaining an exact analytical solution, within the dipole and rotate wave approximations (RWA). In the last years, several studies were realized on the system dynamics, where eects of collapses and revivals were observed in the inversion of atomic population, which proves the granular nature of the light and other associated nonclassical eects of the statistical properties of the field inside the cavity. With the help of the extensive literature on this topic, we verified that there is a model of nonlinear atomic homodyne detection, proposed by Wilkens and Meystre (1), that basically considers the JC molecule pumped by an intense coherent external field. I...

A pr 2 00 5 Dissipative dynamics of nondegenerate two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model

A nondegenerate two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model is investigated where the leakage of photon through the cavity is taken into account. The effect of cavity damping on the mean photon number, atomic populations, field statistics and both field and atomic squeezing is considered on the basis of master equation in dressed-state approximation for initial coherent fields and excited atom.

Nonclassical light in two-photon Jaynes–Cummings model of a three-level atom with different dipole transitions

Indian Journal of Physics, 2013

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Dissipative dynamics of nondegenerate two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model


A nondegenerate two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model is investigated where the leakage of photon through the cavity is taken into account. The effect of cavity damping on the mean photon number, atomic populations, field statistics and both field and atomic squeezing is considered on the basis of master equation in dressed-state approximation for initial coherent fields and excited atom.

NATO/ASI School Crete - 2005 - Quantum Computation in a radio-single mode cavity: the dissipative Jaynes and Cummings Model

In this paper we have considered the interaction of a Jaynes and Cummings system with the electromagnetic field in its vacuum state and, solving the dynamical problem, we have analyzed the amount of entanglement induced in the bipartite system (atom + cavity mode) by the common electromagnetic reservoir. This has allowed us to quantitatively characterize the regime under which field-induced cooperative effects are not vanished by dissipation. Once the Decoherence Free Regime is reached, transient entanglement tends to become stationary and, therefore, usable for quantum gate implementation. PACS. 03.65.Yz Decoherence, open systems, quantum statistical methods – 03.67.Mn Entanglement production and manipulation42.50.FxCooperative phenomena in quantum optical systems

Entanglement Control of Two-Level Atoms in Dissipative Cavities


An open quantum bipartite system consisting of two independent two-level atoms interacting nonlinearly with a two-mode electromagnetic cavity field is investigated by proposing a suitable non-Hermitian generalization of the Hamiltonian. The mathematical procedure of obtaining the corresponding wave function of the system is clearly given. Pancharatnam phase is studied to give a precise information about the required initial system state, which is related to artificial phase jumps, to control the degree of entanglement (DEM) and get the highest concurrence. We discuss the effect of time-variation coupling, and dissipation of both atoms and cavity. The effect of the time-variation function appears as frequency modulation (FM) effect in the radio waves. Concurrence rapidly reaches the disentangled state (death of entanglement) by increasing the effect of field decay. On the contrary, the atomic decay has no effect. 1. Inroduction Quantum systems promise enhanced capabilities in sensing, communications, and computing beyond what can be achieved with classical-based conventional technologies rather than quantum physics. Mathematical models are essential for analyzing these systems and building suitable quantum models from empirical data is an important research topic. In Dirac theory of radiation [1], he considered atoms and the radiation field with which they interact as a single system whose energy is represented by the frequency/energy of each atom solely, the frequency/energy of every mode of the applied laser field alone, and a small term is to the coupling energy between atoms and field modes. The interaction term is necessary if atoms and field modes are to affect each other. A simple model is that we consider a pendulum of resonant frequency ω 0 , which corresponds to an atom, and a vibrating string of resonant frequency ω 1 which corresponds to the radiation field. Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM) [2] is the first solvable analytical model to represent the atom-field interaction with experimental verification [3]. JCM has been subjected to intensive research in the last decades with many interesting phenomena explored [4-7]. The matter-field coupling term may be constant [8-10] or time-dependent [11,12], and that depends on the considered physical situation.

Stationary solution of a weak-driven open Jaynes-Cummings system of a degenerate two-level atom coupled to an arbitrary-polarized cavity field


Analytical solution for the stationary density matrix is derived, by using the Morris-Shore transformation, for an open Jaynes-Cummings system of a two-level atom with Zeeman sublevel degeneracy coupled to an arbitrary-polarized cavity mode. In the limit of weak excitation with the number of quantum in the system not exceeding one, we have obtained the stationary solution of the master equation up to the first order of the driving field intensity. We have also derived the analytic expressions for the excitation spectra of atomic spontaneous emission and cavity transmission. Our results show that the system can be regarded as a non-degenerate two-level system with a single effective coupling constant which depends only on the elliptic angle of the driving field as long as the atom-cavity coupling is not too strong. A precise condition for this approximation is derived. This work provides a theoretical ground for experimentally realizing a Jaynes-Cummings system with a coupling constant continuously varied for various cavity quantum electrodynamics studies.

XXXVIII Symposium on Mathematical Physics - Poster - Quantum Computation in a radio-single mode cavity: the dissipative Jaynes and Cummings Model

In this paper we have considered the interaction of a Jaynes and Cummings system with the electromagnetic field in its vacuum state and, solving the dynamical problem, we have analyzed the amount of entanglement induced in the bipartite system (atom + cavity mode) by the common electromagnetic reservoir. This has allowed us to quantitatively characterize the regime under which field-induced cooperative effects are not vanished by dissipation. Once the Decoherence Free Regime is reached, transient entanglement tends to become stationary and, therefore, usable for quantum gate implementation.

Dissipative dynamics of nondegenerate two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model


A nondegenerate two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model is investigated where the leakage of photon through the cavity is taken into account. The effect of cavity damping on the mean photon number, atomic populations, field statistics and both field and atomic squeezing is considered on the basis of master equation in dressed-state approximation for initial coherent fields and excited atom.