Incorporating conservation limit variability and stock risk assessment in precautionary salmon catch advice at the river scale (original) (raw)
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ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 2016
Following advice from the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas and North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization, Irish salmon stocks have been managed on a river-by-river basis since 2007 with biological reference points (BRPs) based on maximum sustainable yield (MSY). A method for estimating BRPs at the river scale and the associated variability arising from observed variability in population structures and fecundities is presented here. Calculations of BRPs (referred to as conservation limits, CLs) were updated and their natural variability was included. Angling logbooks provided new river-specific weight data to give sea age and fecundity ranges, and improved estimates of river-wetted areas, to account for available nursery habitat for juveniles and river-specific carrying capacities, were introduced. To transport BRPs, Bayesian stock–recruitment analysis was re-run with an updated list of monitored rivers and smolt ages. Results were converted to salmon numbe...
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2005
The paper presents the data, the models, and the approach for the provision of management advice for a high seas mixed stock fishery on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). The approach incorporates observation errors, model uncertainty, and considers a possible shift in the productivity of Atlantic salmon. The risk analysis framework further incorporates uncertainty in the fishery harvest characteristics and presents the catch advice as probabilities of meeting or exceeding the conservation objectives relative to catch options. There is very strong evidence from the analyses that there has been a phase shift in productivity of Atlantic salmon of North American origin in the Northwest Atlantic. The change in productivity likely resulted from a change in marine survival which occurred in the early 1990s and has persisted to date. When the uncertainties in the input data are considered, the most parsimonious models suggest that there has been a shift in absolute abundance independent of ...
Marine Policy, 2010
The Finnish coastal fishery of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the northern Baltic Sea is regulated using multi-annual, prefixed , opening dates of harvests that aim to enhance spawning escapement of early migrating wild salmon. Such an inflexible management regime does not set regulations that track varying run sizes of salmon. We introduce an array of computational intelligence techniques to estimate and forecast coastal run size and escapement of salmon into three spawning rivers in the northern Baltic Sea. Our results indicated that the present management pattern, driven largely by regional fisheries policy, contrasts greatly with a ''run-size driven'' (i.e. abundance-based) management approach. Introducing run-size driven management, i.e. setting regulations annually by tracking preseason forecasts, would better ensure adequate escapement and at the same time allow the maintenance of coastal catch at sustainable level. Setting regulations annually would allow effective harvesting in years when the run is high, and would effectively restrict harvests when the run is low.
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2004
Atlantic salmon, as a result of their population structure and behaviour, are potentially subject to a complex array of fisheries, ranging from those within rivers harvesting single stocks, to distant-water mixed stock fisheries that harvest fish from different countries, stock complexes, and continents. In addition, estuarine and in-river fisheries may catch fish from more than one stock or stock component, where these are present. One of the main challenges in managing salmon across this range of fisheries is to account for the differing status of stocks with respect to safe biological limits, noting that stocks of differing productivity may require different harvest strategies. Also, the existence of sequential harvest in different fisheries provides unique challenges, because decisions in an individual fishery cannot be made in isolation of the impacts of other fisheries on those stocks. We illustrate the uncertainties and complexities involved in managing mixed stocks of salmon...
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2004
The probability of achieving the spawning requirement objective of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) is defined by the stochastic properties of small numbers and biological characteristics of the stock. The uncertainty in achieving the spawning escapement objective is greater for small stocks than for large ones, such that measures of annual performance are more variable for small stocks. Summing individual river spawner requirements into a regional requirement reduces the probability of meeting the objectives simultaneously in all rivers. Variations in productivity among stocks, when not accounted for, can result in under-escapement in areas of lower productivity. The impact of mixed-stock fisheries can be most important for small stocks, and especially if these are of low relative productivity. Increasing the regional spawner requirement in an attempt to compensate for lower productivity may alleviate the problem somewhat, but it is not a guaranteed solution to the challenge of pro...
Elements in the development of conservation plans for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
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Marine and Coastal Fisheries
Mixed-stock fisheries simultaneously exploit populations that may differ in their conservation status, and uncertainty in stock-specific harvest rates can hamper evaluations of recovery prospects for depressed populations. These difficulties are exemplified in the Sockeye Salmon population from the Atnarko watershed, which collapsed in the early 2000s, causing cultural and economic hardship. A recovery plan identified the incidental harvest of Sockeye Salmon by mixed-stock fisheries in the Atnarko as a potential, but poorly understood, impediment to recovery. We reconstructed harvest rates for salmon in Indigenous and commercial fisheries and used an age-structured state-space model of stock-recruit dynamics to predict how a range of future mixed-stock harvest rates would influence recovery. Under recent harvest rates, there is a 50-60% chance that the population will grow to exceed a recovery goal of 15,000 spawners over the next four generations. Eliminating the harvest of Sockeye Salmon altogether increased predicted