The Temperature and Time Influence of Immersion in Water Solvent against Formaldehyde Salted Level Belanak Fish (Mugil cephalus) (original) (raw)

Pengaruh suhu dan lama perendaman dalam pelarut air terhadap kadar formalin ikan asin Belanak (Mugil Cephalus)


INDONESIA: Ikan asin merupakan salah satu bahan makanan yang sering dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat pada umumnya, namun masyarakat tidak menyadari bahwa banyak beredar dipasar ikan asin yang berformalin yang dapat membahayakan terhadap kesehatan tubuh dan merupakan bahan makanan yang tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui suhu dan waktu yang diperlukan agar formalin dalam ikan asin dapat berkurang. Metode yang digunakan untuk menurunkan kadar formalin pada bahan makanan khususnya ikan asin yaitu dengan menggunakan perendaman dalam air. Perendaman ikan asin dilakukan dengan menggunakan variasi suhu dan waktu perendaman. Tahapandaripenelitianiniadalahdimulai dengan pembuatan ikan asin dengan penambahan formalin dengan konsentrasi 4 %. Ikan yang digunakan merupakan ikan belanak segar. Variasi suhu yang digunakan adalah 40 oC, 50 oC, 60 oC dan 70 oC sedangkan variasi waktu yang digunakan adalah 10, 15, 20 dan 25 menit. Analisis kadar formalin mengguna...

Penentuan Pengurangan Kadar Formalin Pada Ikan Asin Sepat Dengan Perendaman Perasan Belimbing Wuluh Dan Variasi Suhu Akuades

Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik, 2018

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman dengan belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L) dan pengaruh perendaman dengan variasi suhu air untuk mengurangi kadar formaldehida pada ikan asin. Penelitian menggunakan Spektroquant NOVA 400 pada panjang gelombang 565 nm dan menggunakan reagen HCHO-1 dan HCHO-2 untuk mengetahui tingkat formaldehida dalam ikan asin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat persentase formaldehida tanpa perendaman adalah 0%, sedangkan perendaman dengan air dingin (28 o C-29 o C) adalah 31,62%, perendaman dengan air hangat (50 o C-60 o C) adalah 53,69%, perendaman dengan air panas (85 o C-95 o C) adalah 62,78%, sedangkan perendaman dengan belimbing konsentration 100% adalah 94,47%. Hal ini menunjukkan perendaman dengan air dapat menurunkan kadar formaldehida dengan air panas, tapi perendaman dengan belimbing konsentration 100% dapat menurunkan kadar formaldehida yang lebih tinggi dari perendaman dengan air panas. Hasil perhitungan statistik dengan ANOVA satu arah (p <0,05) memberikan hasil yang berbeda secara signifikan antara masing-masing perlakuan.

Formalin pada Ikan Laut Segar KASUS DISTRIBUSI DAN PENGGUNAAN FORMALIN DALAM PENGAWETAN KOMODITI IKAN LAUT SEGAR (STUDI KASUS DI KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG) [Formaldehyde Distribution and Using for Preserving Fresh Fish (A Case Study in Bandar Lampung City)]


The purpose of this study was to identify the presence of formaldehyde in some fresh fish commodities and to trace formaldehyde distribution in Bandar Lampung City. The formadelhyde tests were done on the storage water of fresh fish samples. The study conducted in July to October 2013 was devided in two stages: a survey to fill out a questionnaire to a number of respondents, followed by sampling some storage water of fresh fish to be tested in the laboratory. The tests were carried out on 52 sampling points taken from the fishing boats in the fishing landing port (17 boats), fish supplier car from outside Bandar Lampung (6 cars) as well as some fish sellers in 5 traditional market in Bandar Lampung (29 sellers). By conducting a laboratory test using Formaldehyde Test Kit, there were 2 samples that were purple (positively contain formaldehyde), which were taken from 2 boats in fish landing port of Lempasing. Then the assertion test was carried out to the positive samples using chromotropic acid (SNI 01-2894-1992). The results showed that the samples positively contained formaldehyde indeed, which was characterized by a bluish purple color. Based on the survey results and tracking, there was a distortion of formaldehyde distribution in Bandar Lampung, where domestic industries (including fisherman) obtained formaldehyde illegally, either from End Users, a local manufacturer or drugstore/hospital/other health care facilities.

Influence of Immersion Time on The Performance of Katombong Fish in Liquid Smoke Solution Corn Cob Grade 1 Pyrolysis Result )


Katombong fish is a type of fish that is consumed by many people, but the price often falls so that it is often detrimental to fishermen because of its very limited shelf life. It is necessary to strive for fish preservation methods that are safe, cheap and easy to do. Corn cobs waste with the main chemical content of lignin and cellulose allows it to be processed by pyrolysis to produce liquid smoke which contains acid, phenol, and Journal of Chemical Process Engineering e-ISSN Number 2655 2967 119 carbonyl compounds which are antibacterial so that it can be used as a fish preservative. In this study, the application of grade 1 liquid smoke resulting from the simultaneous pyrolysis of corncob biomass waste was carried out as a preservative for katombong fish. The effect of soaking fish in a liquid smoke solution on the shelf life of the fish produced was studied. From the results of the study, it was concluded that: (1) Grade 1 liquid smoke from corn cobs was free from carcinogenic...



The purpose of this study was to identify the presence of formaldehyde in some fresh fish commodities and to trace formaldehyde distribution in Bandar Lampung City. The formadelhyde tests were done on the storage water of fresh fish samples. The study conducted in July to October 2013 was devided in two stages: a survey to fill out a questionnaire to a number of respondents, followed by sampling some storage water of fresh fish to be tested in the laboratory. The tests were carried out on 52 sampling points taken from the fishing boats in the fishing landing port (17 boats), fish supplier car from outside Bandar Lampung (6 cars) as well as some fish sellers in 5 traditional market in Bandar Lampung (29 sellers). By conducting a laboratory test using Formaldehyde Test Kit, there were 2 samples that were purple (positively contain formaldehyde), which were taken from 2 boats in fish landing port of Lempasing. Then the assertion test was carried out to the positive samples using ch...

The Effect of Storage on Natural Formaldehyde and Deterioration Quality of Greater Lizardfish (Saurida tumbil)

Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia

Greater lizardfish (Saurida tumbil) is known to contain endogenous formaldehyde content. Formaldehyde can kill spoilage bacteria, pathogens, and molds. However, this compound is also carcinogenic. The present research was conducted to determine the profile of endogenous formaldehyde and deterioration in the quality deterioration of greater lizardfish during frozen storage. The sample was provided from TPI Cituis, Tangerang, Banten. Sampling and analysis to determine the formaldehyde profile and fish deterioration were conducted once in a month for four months. The samples were then analyzed for formaldehyde profiles (formaldehyde, TMA, TMAO, and DMA) and quality deterioration profiles (TVB-N, acidity, TPC, and organoleptic plates). The results showed that greater lizardfish had 8.62±3.4 ppm formaldehyde content, which increased in the first-month storage and then decreased in subsequent months. The content of TMA and TMAO increased during frozen storage. Greater lizardfish quality d...

Pembentukan Formaldehid Alami pada Beberapa Jenis Ikan Laut selama Penyimpanan dalam Es Curai

Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2014

Penelitian kadar formaldehid alami pada beberapa jenis ikan laut selama penyimpanan dalam es curai telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui intensitas pembentukan formaldehid alami oleh ikan setelah mati. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan untuk menduga kemungkinan dilakukannya penyalahgunaan formalin pada ikan. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap ikan laut hidup yang terdiri dari 6 jenis ikan yaitu bawal bintang (Trachinotus blochii), kakap putih (Lates calcarifer, bloch.), cobia (Rachycentron canadum), bandeng (Chanos chanos), kerapu cantrang (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus-lanceolatus), dan kakap merah/jenaha (Lutjanus johnii). Pengambilan sampel di lapangan dilakukan secara bertahap dan setiap pengambilan terdiri dari dua jenis ikan. Ikan tersebut dibawa ke laboratorium Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (BBP4BKP) dalam keadaan hidup, kemudian ikan dimatikan dengan cara hipotermal (dimasukkan dalam air es dengan suhu 0-4 o C selama 30 menit). Setelah mati ikan dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok dan disimpan dalam peti insulasi yang berisi es dengan perbandingan ikan : es adalah 1 : 3. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 3 hari selama 18 hari. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar formaldehid, trimethil amin (TMA), trimethil amin oksida (TMAO) dan kadar total volatile base (TVB) serta komposisi proksimat pada hari pertama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan formaldehid alami pada hari ke 12 penyimpanan pada bawal bintang,

Implementation of Lumi-lumi (Harpodon nehereus) Fish Fillet Processing Methods as Salted Fish to Short Drying Time

Eumpang Breuh : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

The downstream fishing industry in the form of fish processing has great potential to improve community welfare. In addition to providing added value to fishery products, fish processing is one solution if there is an overproduction of fishery catches. Salted fish processing producers at MSMEs Jaya Salted Fish in Langkak Village, Kuala Pesisir District, Nagan Raya Regency are currently continuing to improve production efficiency for production optimization. There are technical limitations in terms of production efficiency by partners so that counseling and training on improving production efficiency are needed. The methods used in this service are counseling and training. This activity was carried out at the MSME Jaya Ikan Asin unit in Langkak Village, District. Kuala Pesisir Nagan Raya Regency on October 1-2, 2022. This activity began with the manufacture of fishery products in the form of Bombay Duck salted fish. In this activity, there are several stages of activities, namely s...


A. TUJUAN PURPOSE 1. Mendeskripsikan kadar deterjen dalam air terhadap jenis ikan Describe the levels of detergent in water on fish species 2. Mendeskripsikan gerak operculum ikan Describe the movement of fish operculum 3. Mendeskripsikan pengaruh kadar deterjen terhadap gerak operculum ikan Describe the effect of detergent levels in the water to the movement of fish operculum B. RUMUSAN PERMASALAHAN PROBLEM FORMULATION Bagaimana kadar deterjen dalam air dapat mempengaruhi gerak operculum ikan? How detergent levels in the water can affect fish operculum movement? C. LANDASAN TEORI BASE OF THEORY 1. Kadar deterjen dalam air Levels of detergent in water Polutan adalah zat atau substansi yang mencemari lingkungan. Air limbah detergen termasuk polutan karena didalamnya terdapat zat yang disebut ABS. Jenis deterjen yang banyak digunakan di rumah tangga sebagai bahan pencuci pakaian adalah deterjen anti noda. Deterjen jenis ini mengandung ABS (alkyl benzene sulphonate) yang merupakan deterjen tergolong keras. Deterjen tersebut sukar dirusak oleh mikroorganisme (nonbiodegradable) sehingga dapat menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan (Rubiatadji, 1993). Lingkungan perairan yang tercemar limbah deterjen kategori keras ini dalamkonsentrasi tinggi akan mengancam dan membahayakan kehidupan biota airdan manusia yang mengkonsumsi biota tersebut.