Quantum Phase Properties in Collective Three-Level V-Type System with Diamagnetic Term (original) (raw)

Quantum phase transitions of light

Nature Physics, 2006

Recently, condensed matter and atomic experiments have reached a length-scale and temperature regime where new quantum collective phenomena emerge. Finding such physics in systems of photons, however, is problematic, as photons typically do not interact with each other and can be created or destroyed at will. Here, we introduce a physical system of photons that exhibits strongly correlated dynamics on a meso-scale. By adding photons to a two-dimensional array of coupled optical cavities each containing a single two-level atom in the photon-blockade regime, we form dressed states, or polaritons, that are both long-lived and strongly interacting. Our zero temperature results predict that this photonic system will undergo a characteristic Mott insulator (excitations localised on each site) to superfluid (excitations delocalised across the lattice) quantum phase transition. Each cavity's impressive photon out-coupling potential may lead to actual devices based on these quantum manybody effects, as well as observable, tunable quantum simulators.

Quantum phase transitions in photonic cavities with two-level systems

Physical Review A, 2008

Systems of coupled photonic cavities have been predicted to exhibit quantum phase transitions by analogy with the Hubbard model. To this end, we have studied topologies of few (up to six) photonic cavities each containing a single two-level system. Quantum phase space diagrams are produced for these systems, and compared to mean-field results. We also consider finite effective temperature, and

Superradiant Effects in Systems of Two-Level Atoms

Physical Review A, 1972

The problem of the evolution in time of a system of two-level atoms that are coupled through their electromagnetic fields, is studied and solved in the framework of semiclassical radiation theory. The atoms may be in any initial states and the radiation reaction is fully taken into account. Both superradiance and time-dependent frequency shift or chirping effects are found. The assumption that all the atoms see the same field is shown to place severe constraints on the evolution of the system, in the form of constants of the motion. These constraints are most easily pictured in terms of the Bloch-vector representation of the atomic system, and they lead to explicit solutions for the time development of each atom. It is shown that the evolution of the complex system is describable by means of a collective super Bloch vector, whose behavior is similar to the behavior of the Bloch vector for a single isolated atom. The constraints on the motion also imply that the system cannot radiate all its energy coherently; some of it remains trapped, to be dissipated ultimately by incoherent processes. Somecurves are presented to illustrate the behavior of the system in special cases.

Superradiant transition and its classical analogue

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013

The two level quantum model proposed by Preparata, according to which the interaction of a material system with a electromagnetic field can cause the loss of stability of the lower level, is examined. As a result of this instability, the role of the ground state is played by a periodic process generating superradiance (in contrast to laser radiation induced by overpopulation of the upper level). A classical analogue of a super radiant quantum transition, a system of van der Pol-Duffing oscillators (generators) weakly coupled via a lin ear oscillator, is for the first time described. Such an analogue is a strongly modulated oscillatory process of almost complete periodic energy exchange between the generators. It is shown that a necessary condition for the transition to intense energy exchange in the classical system is the instability of one of the nonlinear nor mal modes, similar to how the condition for a superradiant transition to occur is the instability of the ground state of a two level quantum system coupled with a resonant electromagnetic field.

Superradiant Phase Transitions and the Standard Description of Circuit QED

Physical Review Letters, 2011

We investigate the equilibrium behaviour of a superconducting circuit QED system containing a large number of artificial atoms. It is shown that the currently accepted standard description of circuit QED via an effective model fails in an important aspect: it predicts the possibility of a superradiant quantum phase transition, even though a full microscopic treatment reveals that a no-go theorem for such phase transitions known from cavity QED applies to circuit QED systems as well. We generalize the no-go theorem to the case of (artificial) atoms with many energy levels and thus make it more applicable for realistic cavity or circuit QED systems.

Phase-dependent interaction in a four-level atomic configuration

Physical Review A, 2002

We study a four-level atomic scheme interacting with four lasers in a closed-loop configuration with a ♦ (diamond) geometry. We investigate the influence of the laser phases on the steady state. We show that, depending on the phases and the decay characteristic, the system can exhibit a variety of behaviors, including population inversion and complete depletion of an atomic state. We explain the phenomena in terms of multi-photon interference. We compare our results with the phasedependent phenomena in the double-Λ scheme, as studied in [Korsunsky and Kosachiov, Phys. Rev A 60, 4996 (1999)]. This investigation may be useful for developing non-linear optical devices, and for the spectroscopy and laser-cooling of alkali-earth atoms.

Phase Diagrams of Systems of 2 and 3 levels in the presence of a Radiation Field

We study the structure of the phase diagram for systems consisting of 2-and 3level particles dipolarly interacting with a 1-mode electromagnetic field, inside a cavity, paying particular attention to the case of a finite number of particles, and showing that the divergences that appear in other treatments are a consequence of the mathematical approximations employed and can be avoided by studying the system in an exact manner quantum-mechanically or via a catastrophe formalism with variational trial states that satisfy the symmetries of the appropriate Hamiltonians. These variational states give an excellent approximation not only to the exact quantum phase space, but also to the energy spectrum and the expectation values of the atomic and field operators. Furthermore, they allow for analytic expressions in many of the cases studied. We find the loci of the transitions in phase space from one phase to the other, and the order of the quantum phase transitions are determined explicitly for each of the configurations, with and without detuning. We also derive the critical exponents for the various systems, and the phase structure at the triple point present in the Ξ-configuration of 3-level systems is studied.

Evolution of Extended JC-Dicke Quantum Phase Transition with a Coupled Optical Cavity in Bose-Einstein Condensate System

International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2017

In this paper, the extended Jaynes-Cummings-Dicke (JC-Dicke) model which describes a two-level atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) dispersive coupled to a highfinesse optical cavity is considered. The theoretical description of an effective Hamiltonian for BEC is introduced. The potential energy surface of the system is obtained from the direct product Heisenberg-Weyl (HW1) coherent states for the field and U(2) coherent states for the matter. Also, the variational energy is evaluated as the expectation value of the Hamiltonian for this state in the framework of mean-field approach. The quantum phase transitions (QPTs) and the Berry phase for this model are investigated numerically. We observed that the atom-atom interactions can strongly affect the quantum phase transition point. Furthermore, we noticed that the coherent atoms not only shift the phase transition point but also affect the macroscopic excitations in the superradiant phase. Moreover, it is found that the new phase transition occurs when the microwave amplitude changes. Some of the numerical results in this paper are agreement precisely with the results of our paper which has published in Int. J. Mod. Phys. B when we studied the same model using a different coherent state.

A New First-Order Phase Transition for an Extended Jaynes–Cummings–Dicke Model with a High-Finesse Optical Cavity in the BEC System†

Journal of Russian Laser Research, 2018

We present a two-level atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with dispersion, which is coupled to a high-finesse optical cavity. We call this model the extended Jaynes-Cummings-Dicke (JC-Dicke) model and introduce an effective Hamiltonian for this system. From the direct product of Heisenberg-Weyl (HW) coherent states for the field and U (2) coherent states for the matter, we obtain the potential energy surface of the system. Within the framework of the mean-field approach, we evaluate the variational energy as the expectation value of the Hamiltonian for the considered state. We investigate numerically the quantum phase transition and the Berry phase for this system. We find the influence of the atom-atom interactions on the quantum phase transition point and obtain a new phase transition occurring when the microwave amplitude changes. Furthermore, we observe that the coherent atoms not only shift the phase transition point but also affect the macroscopic excitations in the superradiant phase.

An Investigation of Quantum Dynamics in a Three-Level Bose-Einstein Condensate System


Bose-Einstein condensates present to us the opportunity to probe into the atomic interactions that govern a macroscopic quantum mechanical system. The degenerate hyperfine manifold in the bosonic atoms splits in the presence of an external B-field; radio-frequency induced coupling releases experimentally-attainable knowledge about the Zeeman manifold in 87 Rb. The purpose of this study is to investigate quantum dynamics in two and three-component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) systems. We start with a theoretical analysis of Josephson tunneling dynamics between identical BECs trapped in a double potential well, paying particular attention to the non-linear self-trapping e↵ect observed as a consequence of the intra-well interaction. We present a model for the non-equilibrium dynamics in a two-level system and introduce the Rabi oscillations. This is followed by a numerical and experimental investigation of Rabi oscillations in a three-level 87 Rb BEC between the F = 1 hyperfine level spin states m F 2 { 1, 0, 1}. The relation between the observed total Rabi frequency, ⌦ R and the detuning , along with its e↵ect on the BEC population dynamics is explored. Finally, we explore the possible suspects for the shift of the resonance at strong Rabi frequencies ⌦.