Compact relativistic geometries in f(R, G) gravity (original) (raw)

Anisotropic Compact Stars in $ f (G) $ Gravity

This paper is devoted to study the possibility of forming anisotropic compact stars in"modified Gauss-Bonnet, namely called as f (G) theory of gravity which is one of the strong candidates, responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe. For this purpose, we have used analytical solution of Krori and Barua metric to the Einstein field equations with anisotropic form of matter and power law model of f (G) gravity. To determine the unknown constants in Krori and Barua metric, we have used the masses and radii of compact stars, 4U 1820-30, Her X-1, SAX J 1808-3658. The physical behavior of these stars have been analyzed with the observational data. In this setting, we have checked all the regularity conditions and stability the compact stars 4U 1820-30, Her X-1, SAX J 1808-3658.

Anisotropic Compact Stars in f(R)f(R)f(R) Gravity

In this paper we have investigated the possibility of forming of anisotropic compact stars in f(R)f(R)f(R) gravity, one of the competent candidates of dark energy. To this end, we have applied the analytical solution of Krori and Barua metric to a static spherically symmetric spacetime in f(R)f(R)f(R) gravity. The unknown constants in Krori and Barua metric have been determined by using masses and radii of class of compact stars like 4$U$1820-30, Her X-1, SAX J 1808-3658. The properties of these stars have been analyzes in detail. Furthermore, we have checked the regularity conditions, energy conditions, anisotropic behavior, stability and surface redshift of the compact stars 4$U$1820-30, Her X-1, SAX J 1808-3658.

Well behaved anisotropic compact star models in general relativity

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016

Anisotropic compact star models have been constructed by assuming a particular form of a metric function e λ. We solved the Einstein field equations for determining the metric function e ν. For this purpose we have assumed a physically valid expression of radial pressure (p r). The obtained anisotropic compact star model is representing the realistic compact objects such as PSR 1937 +21. We have done an extensive study about physical parameters for anisotropic models and found that these parameters are well behaved throughout inside the star. Along with these we have also determined the equation of state for compact star which gives the radial pressure is purely the function of density i.e. p r = f (ρ).

Anisotropic compact stars in f(T) gravity

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2015

This paper deals with the theoretical modeling of anisotropic compact stars in the framework of f (T) theory of gravity, where T is torsion scalar. To this end, we have used the exact solutions of Krori and Barua metric to a static spherically symmetric metric. The unknown constants involved in the Krori and Barua metric have been specified by using the masses and radii of compact stars 4U 1820-30, Her X-1, SAX J 1808-3658. The physical properties of these stars have been analyzed in the framework of f (T) theory. In this setting, we have checked the anisotropic behavior, regularity conditions, stability and surface redshift of the compact stars.

Relativistic compact stellar model describing anisotropic stars

University of North Bengal, 2021

In this paper, we have derived a class of analytical solutions of Einstein fi eld equations for a spherically symmetric anisotropic matter distribution. By choosing one of the metric potentials grr to be Krori-Barua metric type and a specific choice of anisotropy we obtain the other metric function. The interior solutions thus obtained has been utilized to construct a potentially stable model that could describe compact stellar objects. The exterior vacuum region has been assigned with the Schwarzschild spacetime metric. Across the boundary of the compact star where the radial pressure drops to zero, the interior metric has been matched smoothly wit h the exterior metric to fix t he model parameters associated with t he solutions. All the regularity conditions, energy conditions and all other physical requirements demanded for a realistic compact system has been shown to satisfy graphically with this model corresponding to the pulsars 4U1820-30 (Mass= l.58M0 and radius= 9.1 km) [1] and Gen X-3 (Mass= l.49M0 and radius= 10.136 km)[2]. The stability of the model is also discussed using some of the known stability criterion namely TOV equation, adiabatic index, Buchdahl condition and Herrera's cracking concept etc. The wide applicability of our developed model has been justified with the numerical values of current observational data set from various other known compact stars to a high degree of accuracy.

Generalized relativistic anisotropic models for compact stars

arXiv: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, 2015

We present new anisotropic generalization of Buchdahl [1] type perfect fluid solution by using the method of earlier work [2]. In similar approach we have constructed the new pressure anisotropy factor Delta{\Delta}Delta by the help both the metric potential elambdae^{\lambda}elambda and enue^{\nu}enu. The metric potential elambdae^{\lambda}elambda same as Buchdahl [1] and enue^{\nu}enu is monotonic increasing function as suggested by Lake [3]. After that we obtain new well behaved general solution for anisotropic fluid distribution. We calculated the physical quantities like energy density, radial and tangential pressures, velocity of sound and red-shift etc. We observe that these quantities are positive and finite inside the compact star. Also note that mass and radius of our models can represent the structure of realistic astrophysical objects such as like Her X-1 and RXJ1856-37.

[Study of compact stars in {\mathcal {R}}+ \alpha {\mathcal {A}}gravity](](

The European Physical Journal C

The main goal of this work is to provide a comprehensive study of relativistic structures in the context of recently proposedgravity]({\mathcal {R}}+ \alpha {\mathcal {A}}R+αAgravity,whereR + α A gravity, whereR+αAgravity,where{\mathcal {R}}RistheRicciscalar,andR is the Ricci scalar, andRistheRicciscalar,and{\mathcal {A}}Aistheanti−curvaturescalar.Forthispurpose,weexamineanewclassificationofembeddedclass−Isolutionsofcompactstars.Toaccomplishthisgoal,weconsiderananisotropicmatterdistributionforA is the anti-curvature scalar. For this purpose, we examine a new classification of embedded class-I solutions of compact stars. To accomplish this goal, we consider an anisotropic matter distribution forAistheanticurvaturescalar.Forthispurpose,weexamineanewclassificationofembeddedclassIsolutionsofcompactstars.Toaccomplishthisgoal,weconsiderananisotropicmatterdistributionfor{\mathcal {R}}+ \alpha {\mathcal {A}}R+αAgravitymodelwithstaticsphericallysymmetricspacetimedistribution.Duetohighlynon−linearnatureoffieldequations,weusetheKarmarkarconditiontolinktheR + α A gravity model with static spherically symmetric spacetime distribution. Due to highly non-linear nature of field equations, we use the Karmarkar condition to link theR+αAgravitymodelwithstaticsphericallysymmetricspacetimedistribution.Duetohighlynonlinearnatureoffieldequations,weusetheKarmarkarconditiontolinktheg_{rr}grrandg rr andgrrandg_{tt}gttcomponentsofthemetric.Further,wecomputethevaluesofconstantparametersusingtheobservationaldataofdifferentcompactstars.Itisworthytomentionherethatwechooseasetoftwelveimportantcompactstarsfromtherecentliteraturenamelyg tt components of the metric. Further, we compute the values of constant parameters using the observational data of different compact stars. It is worthy to mention here that we choose a set of twelve important compact stars from the recent literature namelygttcomponentsofthemetric.Further,wecomputethevaluesofconstantparametersusingtheobservationaldataofdifferentcompactstars.Itisworthytomentionherethatwechooseasetoftwelveimportantcompactstarsfromtherecentliteraturenamely4U~1538{-}52$$ 4 U 1538 -...

A Spherical Relativistic Anisotropic Compact Star Model

International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2018

We provide solutions to Einsteins field equations for a model of a spherically symmetric anisotropic fluid distribution, relevant to the description of compact stars. The central matter-energy density, radial and tangential pressures, red shift and speed of sound are positive definite and are decreasing monotonically with increasing radial distance from the center of matter distribution of astrophysical object. The causality condition is satisfied for complete fluid distribution. The central value of anisotropy is zero and is increasing monotonically with increasing radial distance from the center of the distribution. The adiabatic index is increasing with increasing radius of spherical fluid distribution. The stability conditions in relativistic compact star are also discussed in our investigation. The solution is representing the realistic objects

On relativistic anisotropic compact stars

In the present article we provide a new model of compact star satisfying the Karmarkar condition. We proceed our calculations by assuming a new type of metric potential for grr and gtt is obtained from the condition of embedding class one. The physical parameters are obtained by employing the metric potentials to the Einstein's field equations. Our model is free from central singularity and satisfies all the physical conditions. We have also investigated equilibrium and stability of compact star by several methods.

c © World Scientific Publishing Company Anisotropic Compact stars with variable cosmological constant


Recently the small value of the cosmological constant and its ability to accelerate the expansion of the Universe is of great interest. We discuss the possibility of forming of anisotropic compact stars from this cosmological constant as one of the competent candidates of dark energy. For this purpose we consider the analytical solution of Krori and Barua metric. We take the radial dependence of cosmological constant and check all the regularity conditions, TOV equations, stability and surface redshift of the compact stars. It has been shown as conclusion that this model is valid for any compact star and we have cited 4U 1820 − 30 as a specific example of that kind of star.