Menelisik Persepsi Perilaku Milenial Pengguna Instagram DI Era New Normal (original) (raw)
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Social media is popular with all ages, people in young and old age groups can access social media. Social media is a place for information and opinion exchange. Twitter is one of the social media that is actively used in Indonesia. The new normal phenomenon that is currently being applied is wanted to be further known by researchers by referring to the hashtag #newnormalindonesia on Twitter. Researchers want to find out how public opinion is formed based on the hashtag #newnormalindonesia on Twitter. This research uses the concept of public opinion which is categorized into positive, negative, and neutral. In the research method, researchers use quantitative content analysis, the analysis unit uses thematic analysis units with the operationalization of concepts using the concept of public opinion. Coding sheets are used as instruments in data collection techniques, then in testing the validity and reliability using inter-coder reliability. The results showed that the twitter posts w...
Pemuda Rasional Tekankan Pikiran Kritis Di Era Milenial
Penerus bangsa adalah harapan bagi warga mendukung tanah air tercinta sebagai simbol nasionalisme membudayakan budaya bangsa dengan jejaring yang luas. Pemuda dimasa sekarang merupakan tonggak tajam warga Negara sebagai pemimpin dimasa yang akan datang. Eksistensi era milenial membuat pikiran orang orang jadi lebih berkembang berkat bantuan teknologi semakin merajalela membantu kualitas pikiran manusia. Banyak pemuda sekarang memperjuangkan jalan rasional mereka untuk melibatkan rasa tanggungjawabnya apa yang sudah mereka peroleh. Jejak pemuda milenial menjadikan pembelajaran rasa pikiran kritis dengan tingkat sosial tinggi. Rasa kritis dan optimis pemuda terjun dengan peran yang penting sebagai penegak bangsa. Pikiran yang dipenuhi digitalisasi dan pengetahuan sosial menekankan tingkat persaudaraan.
News that is often popupler among the millennial community is hoax news or hoax news that is often shared by a handful of irresponsible elements. Every day a lot of hoax news is spread by individuals who are not responsible for taking advantage in terms of political excellence or the economy. This hoax news about Covid-19 has a big impact, because Media Exposure for Instagram users who often read or watch a hoax news conveyed by the news, thus changing public opinion to believe the truth of the hoax news. This study aims to determine the effect of Instagram Media Exposed hoax news on Public Opinion. The research method used is quantitative methods. The number of respondents in this study were 70 people who were Instagram users and had seen or watched Hoax news. Analysis of the data used in this study is the Validity Test, Reliability Test, Normality Test, Correlation Test, Determination Test, Simple Linear Regression Analysis Test. From the results of the study, it was found that th...
Perilaku Konsumsi Generasi Milenial Terhadap Produk Islamic Fashion
Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah
Generasi milenial merupakan kalangan yang sangat tidak ingin tertinggal terhadap produk fashion. Dikalangan milenial, Islamic Fashion bukan lagi hanya sebagai alat untuk menutupi aurat, namun juga merupakan sebagai trend. Penelitian ini dilakukan agar dapat mengetahui bagaimana perilaku konsumsi generasi milenial terhadap Islamic Fashion khususnya mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode wawancara secara mendalam sebagai subjek penelitian. Teknik analisis yang dilakukan dalam hal ini yaitu dengan cara mereduksi data, menyajikan data baik melalui hasil wawancara maupun pengamatan peneliti terhadap informan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah pertama, perilaku konsumsi generasi milenial mahasiswa FAI Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor dipengaruhi oleh trend. Kedua, icon...
Milenial FoMO: Dispersi Perilaku Sosial Generasi Milenial
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Fenomena Hijrah DI Era Milenial Dalam Media Sosial
Ath Thariq Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2019
Hijrah is a positive action to change a person's bad behavior to be better, or in Islamic religion means returning to fitraAllah SWTSWT, the current state of the millennial tends to be based on following trends so that the migration is limited to physical packaging or method dress is not essentially practiced properly, this happens because of the social media support factor that forces millennials to follow the trend directed by social media, considering that social media has become a life for millennials, if it does not follow trends on social media then his existence will not occur.
Instagram: Periklanan Gaya Baru Di Era Kini
Jurnal Komunika Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi dan Kajian Islam, 2021
The widespread use of social media, one of which is Instagram in the current era, is getting higher. Almost everyone has an Instagram account, including those who work as product/service owners. So in order to conduct their product/service offerings, they use this platform very intensely. Photo and video postings in various ways through reels, igtv, or feed, as well as some activities increasingly show that the use increasingly populer. Thus, the effort in sending advertising message nowadays enter a new style era. By using Instagram as one of social media platform advertising gets advanced. Starting from the potentials that exist in the Instagram feature and also activities done by the owner of the product/service in their Instagram account indicates that nowadays advertising looks different.
Memaksimalisasi Minat Beli Kaum Milenial Jakarta DI Era Booming Sosial Media
Indonesia mengalami pertumbuhan industri kosmetik dan era social media, namun produk mineral botanica sampai saat ini kurang memaksimalkan pertumbuhan pasar yang ada. Oleh karena itu t ujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh social media marketing dan brand awareness terhadap minat beli melalui instagram pada mineral botanica. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, non-probability sampling melalui survey dengan menggunakan google form kepada 140 responden. Hasil penelitiannya adalah : dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar 71,9%. Social media marketing berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli. Brand awareness berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli. Social media marketing dan brand awareness berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap minat beli. Implikasi dari penelitian ini dapat memberikan pemahaman bagi para pemasar untuk memperhatikan dan membangun social media marketing dan brand awareness yang baik, terutama kepada Mineral Bota...
Kepuasan Hidup Remaja DI Era New Normal
Psychopedia Jurnal Psikologi Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang
This study aims to determine the level of life satisfaction of adolescents in the new normal era. The sample in this study were teenagers aged 15-18 years, amounting to 80 teenagers. The method used is descriptive quantitative method. The results of this study found that adolescents have the highest level of satisfaction in family life of 79.75% (calculation of 49.5% and 30.25%) in the new normal era. After life satisfaction in the family, adolescents also feel satisfied in the surrounding environment which is 72%, then adolescent self-related satisfaction is 57.25%. The lowest satisfaction of adolescents is in school life of 26.25% (calculation of 21.0% and 5.25%), followed by friendship life which is 50.75% so it can be concluded that the highest life satisfaction of adolescents in the new normal era is in family life. This is because in the new normal era, teenagers spend a lot of time at home so that it is an opportunity to gather and share with family members and a safe place d...
Kesantunan Berbahasa Generasi Milenial pada Media Sosial di Era Digital
Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami kesantunan berbahasa generasi milenial pada media sosial di era digital. Bahwa kesantunan, kesopanan, etika adalah tatacara, adat, atau kebiasaan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. Kesatunan merupakan aturan perilaku yang ditetapkan dan disepakati bersama oleh masyarakat tertentu sehingga kesantunan sekaligus menjadi prasyarat yang disepakati bersama oleh perilaku sosial. Hasil dari penelitian ini ada dua yaitu (1) Generasi milineal perlu perhatikan pentingnya kesantunan berbahasa di media sosial, (2) Generasi muda perlu menimbang dan memilih setiap ujaran atau tuturan yang disampaikan di media sosial. This research aims to understand the millennial generation's language politeness on social media in the digital era. It shows that politeness, courtesy, ethics are procedures, customs, or habits that apply in society. Unity is a rule of behavior that is determined and mutually agreed upon by certain communities which makes unity is at the same time a prerequisite that is mutually agreed by social behavior. The results of this research are: (1) The millennial generation needs to pay attention to the importance of politeness in language conveyed on social media. (2) The younger generation needs to consider and choose wisely on the utterance or speech delivered on social media.