A Framework of IS/Business Alignment Management Practices to Improve the Design of IT Governance Architectures

This research aims to identify specific management practices that can help to improve the process of IS/business alignment and the design of ITG architecture that supports those processes. To this end the authors propose a framework that is used as a reference to classify relevant management practices in the process of IS/business alignment and design of ITG architectures. The analysis was carried out in a large leading international food and beverage company. Findings show that at operational and tactical levels, improving the coordination of the IT investment management process and enabling structures that strengthen the connection of budgetary controls are core structural capabilities that can positively improve the process of IS/business alignment and impact significantly the design of ITG architectures.

Conceptual dependencies between two connected IT domains: Business/IS alignment and IT governance

2008 Second International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2008

Mastering the complexity of IS engineering processes which are more and more constrained with the rapid market change became an essential requirement. IS engineers are challenged to develop systems that can meet the requirements of modern organisations in a continuously evolving environment. As far as IS engineering is concerned, IT governance has also the responsibility to master the change process and the evolution of the IS. We argue that Business/IS alignment and decision making mechanisms serve each other: strategic alignment is well performed when leaders make adequate decisions in time and strategic alignment facilitates the decision making process related to the information system (IS) and business processes (BP). We argue that it is essential to understand the dependencies and implications between ITG and alignment in order to improve both as a whole and to enhance the sustainability of ISs we engineer. This work provides a first stage in the understanding of Business/IS alignment and IT governance requirements and of their dependencies. It also offers a comparison framework for IS development approaches with respect to their ability to support Business/IS alignment and IT governance requirements.

Business Strategy, Structure and IT Alignment

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology

The structure of production during the last decade has been changed radically. The importance of design, flexibility, quality, and dependability increased. The main motive behind that restructuring seems to be the qualitative and quantitative diversification of demand (regulatory, technology, and other issues can be mentioned as well). The diversification of demand forced production to be more flexible in order to accommodate the environment’s variations. Information systems (IS) proved to be a perfect ‘partner’ for the enterprise who wants to move along at this pace: to increase competitive advantage and retain its competitive position in the market. The capabilities of information technology (IT) for increasing competitive advantage forced management to consider IT in the strategic planning process and to consider IT not as a mere tool of bolts and nuts, but as a strategic partner. The key for the successful IT-IS adoption is the strategic IT alignment model. According to this, IT...

Looking at IT and Business Alignment from the Stone Age of Information Technology

International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications, 2013

This article uses seminal and contemporary literature from 1980s till 2012. It captures issues of processes, alignment and trails patches of the issues for every tri-decade. Tri-decade analysis will be organized by researching issues from beginning of a decade, moving along to mid-decade leading towards the closing of a decade. This approach will be done for three decades in a similar manner. After the collection of issues, the issues will be analyzed and put in prospective for practitioner and researchers to consider an implementation or continue research to build on the topics. Furthermore, the article will touch on why alignment still hasn’t concurred with Business and IT, and a prospective solution will be presented with a framework solution, with a further research section.

IT Business Alignment and IT Usage in Operational Processes: A Retail Banking Case

Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06), 2006

What is the impact of operational (i.e. nonstrategic) IT business alignment on IT usage? Using case studies in three branches of a retail bank employing identical information systems, many findings of the alignment literature can be supported. The cases also add new insights by showing that alignment is important in operations as well, and that alignment positively impacts IT usage. Especially mutual understanding between the business units and the IT unit turned out to be the single most important factor of IT usage that resulted from frequent interaction and, as far as the IT unit is concerned, from the business orientation of the IT personnel. IEEE can be interpreted as the capacity to deploy resources . The concept of alignment was originally introduced by Henderson and Venkatraman who proposed the strategic alignment model (SAM). They argue that the creation of value from IT investments needs an alignment between business and IT strategy in both strategy formulation (product-market choices) and implementation (choice of firm structure). The SAM distinguishes between an external and an internal domain where the first deals with strategy formulation reflecting the competitive environment. The latter is engaged in firm-internal choices like an IT infrastructure and operational processes.

Practices in IT governance and business/IT alignment

I n many organisations, information technology (IT) has become crucial in the support, sustainability and growth of the business. The pervasive use of technology has created a critical dependency on IT that calls for a specific focus on IT governance, which consists of the leadership, organisational structures and processes that ensure that the organisation's IT sustains and extends the organisation's strategy and objectives.

The Influence of Alignment on the Post-Implementation Success of a Core Banking Information System: An Embedded Case Study

2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07), 2007

The literature suggests that the success of an information system among others depends on its utilization. In this paper, we argue that operational IT business alignment is an important driver of system usage and thereby of the market success of the supported business process. Using an embedded case study in four branches, the back office, and the IT department of a retail bank, many findings of the recent alignment literature can be supported. Using a strict business process perspective, we also offer new insights by showing that alignment is important for IS success in operations as well and positively influences post-implementation IS usage. In particular, mutual understanding between the units and shared domain knowledge not only between IT and business but also between different business units supported by the same core IS turned out to be very important factors of IS usage that have so far been neglected.

Strategic Business and IT Alignment: A Prioritized Theory Diagram

2006 Technology Management for the Global Future - PICMET 2006 Conference, 2006

Many academic and practitioners' studies have shown that misalignment or lack of alignment between information technology (IT) and business strategies is one of the main reasons why enterprises fail to exploit the full potential of their IT investments. Furthermore, organizations that have accomplished a high degree of alignment are often associated with better business efficiency and effectiveness performance. Consequently, strategic business and IT alignment (SBITA) has consistently been one of the top concerns of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in an enterprise. Despite these facts, there is little consensus on what SBITA really is; there are few documented theories, concepts and operational approaches for identifying, measuring, improving and maintaining the SBITA level in an enterprise. This paper is based on the strategic alignment model (SAM) proposed by Henderson & Venkatraman in 1993, which is considered one of the most widespread and accepted models among the alignment community. Basically, all later alignment models and consulting practices start from this model. The SAM consists of a set of alignment sub-topics presented partially in figure # 3, which have been used for prioritizing the SBITA topic. An extensive literature survey has been carried out and the most relevant and cited references in the field have been categorized according to the sub-topics of the SAM. Doing so provided an indication of how important the alignment community finds the different aspects of SBITA.