Physical Data Modeling for Multidimensional Access Methods (original) (raw)
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Modelling and Optimisation Issues for Multidimensional Databases
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000
It is commonly agreed that multidimensional data cubes form the basic logical data model for OLAP applications. Still, there seems to be no agreement on a common model for cubes. In this paper we propose a logical model for cubes based on the key observation that a cube is not a self-existing entity, but rather a view over an underlying data set. We accompany our model with syntactic characterisations for the problem of cube usability. To this end, we have developed algorithms to check whether (a) the marginal conditions of two cubes are appropriate for a rewriting, in the presence of aggregation hierarchies and (b) an implication exists between two selection conditions that involve different levels of aggregation of the same dimension hierarchy. Finally, we present a rewriting algorithm for the cube usability problem.
The decision making processes need to reflect changes in the business world in a multidimensional way. This includes also similar way of viewing the data for carrying out key decisions that ensure competitiveness of the business. In this paper we focus on the Business Intelligence system as a main toolset that helps in carrying out complex decisions and which requires multidimensional view of data for this purpose. We propose a novel experimental approach to the design a multidimensional data model that uses principles of the anchor modeling technique. The proposed approach is expected to bring several benefits like better query execution performance, better support for temporal querying and several others. We provide assessment of this approach mainly from the query execution performance perspective in this paper. The emphasis is placed on the assessment of this technique as a potential innovative approach for the field of the data warehousing with some implicit principles that cou...
Optimized Data Indexing Algorithms for OLAP Systems
The need to process and analyze large data volumes, as well as to convey the information contained therein to decision makers naturally led to the development of OLAP systems. Similarly to SGBDs, OLAP systems must ensure optimum access to the storage environment. Although there are several ways to optimize database systems, implementing a correct data indexing solution is the most effective and less costly. Thus, OLAP uses indexing algorithms for relational data and n-dimensional summarized data stored in cubes. Today database systems implement derived indexing algorithms based on well-known Tree, Bitmap and Hash indexing algorithms. This is because no indexing algorithm provides the best performance for any particular situation (type, structure, data volume, application). This paper presents a new n-dimensional cube indexing algorithm, derived from the well known B-Tree index, which indexes data stored in data warehouses taking in consideration their multi-dimensional nature and provides better performance in comparison to the already implemented Tree-like index types.
A Foundation for Multidimensional Databases
Very Large Data Bases, 1997
We present a multi-dimensional database model, which we believe can serve as a con- ceptual model for On-Line Analytical Pro- cessing (OLAP)-based applications. Apart from providing the functionalities necessary for OLAP-based applications, the main fea- ture of the model we propose is a clear sepa- ration between structural aspects and the con- tents. This separation of concerns allows us to
In recent years, index structures for managing multi-dimensional data became increasingly important. Due to heterogeneous systems and specific use cases, it is a complex challenge to find an appropriate index structure for specific problems, such as finding similar fingerprints or micro traces in a database. One aspect that should be considered in general is the dimensionality and the related curse of dimensionality. However, dimensionality of data is just one component that have to be considered. To address the challenges of finding the appropriate index, we motivate the necessity of a framework to evaluate indexes for specific use cases. Furthermore, we discuss core components of a framework that supports users in finding the most appropriate index structure for their use case.
Performance evaluation of multidimensional access methods
Storing multidimensional data in databases is an important topic both in the industrial and scientific database communities. Arrays are offered as a multidimensional data structure by most programming languages. Conventional database systems, however, do not support arrays of arbitrary dimensionality and base type. RasDaMan is a DBMS integrating arrays as a first class data type offering both a declarative query language and a specialised storage structure for arrays.
Optimization OLAP Design: Modern Principles and Challenge
In This paper our work is that demonstrates how one would const ruct a reliable and efficient storage engine for a contemporary OLAP server. We have discussed in detail how this integration would be performed in a practical environment. In addition, we have described how dimension tables and fact tables are encoded int o a more compact integer format. Furthermore, we have explained how the storage of non-hierarchical attributes as a set of compressed Fast Bit bitmap indexes can be used to enhance OLAP analysis. We also described how the data of hierarchical attributes are stored and accessed in order to allow the efficient creation of the Sidera map Graph at run time.
Index Structures for Data Warehousing and Big Data Analytics
Emerging Perspectives in Big Data Warehousing, 2019
With the ongoing increasing amount of data, these data have to be processed to gain new insights. Data mining techniques and user-driven OLAP are used to identify patterns or rules. Typical OLAP queries require database operations such as selections on ranges or projections. Similarly, data mining techniques require efficient support of these operations. One particularly challenging, yet important property, that an efficient data access has to support is multi-dimensionality. New techniques have been developed taking advantage of novel hardware environments including SIMD or main-memory usage. This includes sequential data access methods such SIMD, BitWeaving, or Column Imprints. New data structures have been also developed, including Sorted Projections or Elf, to address the features of modern hardware and multi-dimensional data access. In the context of multidimensional data access, the influence of modern hardware, including main-memory data access and SIMD instructions lead to n...
ERATOSTHENES: Design and Architecture of an OLAP System
On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a trend in database technology, based on the multidimensional view of data. The aim of this paper is twofold: (a) to list general problems and solutions applicable to the design of any OLAP system and (b) to present the specific design decisions that we made for a prototype under development at NTUA, which we call ERATOSTHENES. The paper addresses requirements and design issues for all three models involved in an OLAP system: the presentational, logical and physical model. It also discusses in detail the architecture and the major components of ERATOSTHENES. * This research has been partially funded by the European Union's Information Society Technologies Programme (IST) under project EDITH (IST-1999-20722).
A survey on multidimensional access methods
The extraordinary format of spatial data and the fact that there is no straightforward mapping of spatial objects from the multidimensional space to the 1-dimensional space, stimulated various researchers during the past two decades to develop multidimensional access methods that facilitate efficient indexing of spatial objects in large databases. This survey paper tries a classification of existing multidimensional access methods, according to the types of data they are most suitable for (points or objects with spatial extent), their structure (hierarchical or flat), and their performance over spatial queries. Most of this work is based on an excellent survey paper[Gaed97] * This work was conducted for the purposes of COMP630c, "Spatial, Image and Multimedia Databases," Oct. 1997 View publication stats View publication stats