Rotation of Comet 103P/HARTLEY 2 from Structures in the Coma (original) (raw)
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Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012
Context. In late 2010 a Jupiter Family comet 103P/Hartley 2 was a subject of an intensive world-wide investigation. On UT October 20.7 the comet approached the Earth within only 0.12 AU, and on UT November 4.6 it was visited by NASA EPOXI spacecraft. Aims. We joined this international effort and organized an observing campaign with three key goals. First, to measure the parameters of the nucleus rotation in a time series of CN. Second, to investigate the compositional structure of the coma by comparing the CN images with nightly snapshots of C 3 . And third, to investigate the photochemical relation of CN and HCN, using the HCN data collected nearly simultaneously with our images. Methods. The images were obtained through narrowband filters using the 2-m telescope of the Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory. They were taken during 4 nights around the moment of the EPOXI encounter. Image processing methods and periodicity analysis techniques were used to reveal transient coma structures and investigate their repeatability and kinematics. Results. We observe shells, arc-, jet-and spiral-like patterns, very similar for the CN and C 3 comae. The CN features expanded outwards with the sky-plane projected velocities between 0.1 to 0.3 km s −1 . A corkscrew structure, observed on November 6, evolved with a much higher velocity of 0.66 km s −1 . Photometry of the inner coma of CN shows variability with a period of 18.32±0.30 h (valid for the middle moment of our run, UT 2010 Nov. 5.0835), which we attribute to the nucleus rotation. This result is fully consistent with independent determinations around the same time by other teams. The pattern of repeatability is, however, not perfect, which is understendable given the suggested excitation of the rotation state, and the variability detected in CN correlates well with the cyclic changes in HCN, but only in the active phases. The revealed coma structures, along with the snapshot of the nucleus orientation obtained by EPOXI, let us estimate the spin axis orientation. We obtained RA=122 • , Dec=+16 • (epoch J2000.0), neglecting at this point the rotational excitation.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2011
Earth-and space-based observations provide synergistic information for space mission encounters by providing data over longer timescales, at different wavelengths and using techniques that are impossible with an in situ flyby. We report here such observations in support of the EPOXI spacecraft flyby of comet 103P/Hartley 2. The nucleus is small and dark, and exhibited a very rapidly changing rotation period. Prior to the onset of activity, the period
Coma morphology and constraints on the rotation of Comet HaleBopp (C/1995 O1)
Earth, Moon, and Planets, 1997
We present constraints on the spin state of comet Hale-Bopp based on coma morphology. Three cases of rotational states are compatible with near perihelion observations: (1) principal-axis rotation, (2) complex rotational state with a small precessional angle, or (3) complex rotational state with a large ratio between the component periods. For principal axis rotators, images from 1996 (pre-perihelion) are consistent with a rotational angular momentum vector, M, directed at ecliptic longitude and latitude (250 • , −5 • ) while images from late 1997 (post-perihelion) indicate (310 • , −40 • ). This may suggest a change in M. A complex rotational state with small precessional angle requires only a small or no change in M over the active orbital arc. In this case, M is directed near ecliptic longitude and latitude (270 • , −20 • ). A rotationally excited nucleus with a large ratio between component periods requires the nucleus to be nearly spherical. The transformation of dust coma morphology from near-radial jets to bright arcs and then again to near-radial jets is interpreted as a heliocentric and geocentric distance dependent evolutionary sequence. The spiral structures seen in CN filters near perihelion (in contrast to sunward side arcs seen in continuum) can be explained if the precursor of CN molecules (likely sub-micron grains) are emitted from the nucleus at low levels (≈ 10% of the peak daytime emission) during the nighttime. This may be indicative of a nucleus with a CO-rich active area(s).
The Astronomical Journal, 2015
We present an analysis of Kitt Peak National Observatory and Lowell Observatory observations of comet 103P/Hartley 2 obtained from August through December 2010. The results are then compared with contemporaneous observations made by the EPOXI spacecraft. Each ground-based dataset has previously been investigated individually; the combined dataset has complementary coverage that reduces the time between observing runs and allows us to determine additional apparent periods at intermediate times. We compare CN coma morphology between ground-based datasets, making nine new measurements of apparent periods. The first five are consistent with the roughly linearly increasing apparent period during the apparition found by previous authors. The final four suggest that the change in apparent period slowed or stopped by late November. We also measure an inner coma lightcurve in both CN and R-band ground-based images, finding a single-peaked lightcurve which repeats in phase with the coma morphology. The apparent period from the lightcurve had significantly larger uncertainties than from the coma morphology, but varied over the apparition in a similar manner. Our ground-based lightcurve aligns with the published EPOXI lightcurve, indicating that the lightcurve represents changing activity rather than viewing geometry of structures in the coma. The EPOXI lightcurve can best be phased by a triple-peaked period near 54-55 hr that increases from October to November. This phasing reveals that the spacing between maxima is not constant, and that the overall lightcurve shape evolves from one triple-peaked cycle to the next. These behaviors suggest that much of the scatter in apparent periods derived from ground-based datasets acquired at similar epochs are likely due to limited sampling of the data.
Earth, Moon, and Planets, 2009
We present preliminary results of the narrow-band CN observations of comet 8P/Tuttle from early January 2008, realized as part of a project consisting of nearsimultaneous spectroscopic monitoring of HCN at millimeter-wavelengths and optical imaging of the coma. The mean-image subtraction method revealed low-contrast CN envelopes. Using the image cross-correlation technique we measured the projected velocity of these shells. For the sunward part we found it to be equal to 0.96 ± 0.03 km s -1 on January 4 and 1.10 ± 0.01 km s -1 on January 9, whereas the anti-sunward part reached 0.73 ± 0.05 and 0.80 ± 0.02 km s -1 , respectively. The periodicity of gas emission was investigated using a repeatability of the shells, their kinematics, and an aperture photometry of the near nucleus region. We found a period of 5.70 ± 0.07 h (along with multiples), consistent with previous findings by other authors. A toy Monte Carlo model was implemented to reproduce the time-series of the CN images. We show that emission of HCN into a relatively wide cone by a single active region on a rotating nucleus is the most probable scenario.
The nucleus of 103P/Hartley 2, target of the EPOXI mission
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2010
Context. 103P/Hartley 2 was selected as the target comet for the Deep Impact extended mission, EPOXI, in October 2007. There have been no direct optical observations of the nucleus of this comet, as it has always been highly active when previously observed. Aims. We aimed to recover the comet near to aphelion, to a) confirm that it had not broken up and was in the predicted position, b) to provide astrometry and brightness information for mission planning, and c) to continue the characterisation of the nucleus. Methods. We observed the comet at heliocentric distances between 5.7 and 5.5 AU, using FORS2 at the VLT, at 4 epochs between May and July 2008. We performed VRI photometry on deep stacked images to look for activity and measure the absolute magnitude and therefore estimate the size of the nucleus. Results. We recovered the comet near the expected position, with a magnitude of m R = 23.74 ± 0.06 at the first epoch. The comet had no visible coma, although comparison of the profile with a stellar one showed that there was faint activity, or possibly a contribution to the flux from the dust trail from previous activity. This activity appears to fade at further epochs, implying that this is a continuation of activity past aphelion from the previous apparition rather than an early start to activity before the next perihelion. Our data imply a nucleus radius of ≤ 1 km for an assumed 4% albedo; we estimate a ∼ 6% albedo. We measure a colour of (V − R) = 0.26 ± 0.09.
Shape, density, and geology of the nucleus of Comet 103P/Hartley 2
Icarus, 2013
Data from the Extrasolar Planet Observation and Deep Impact Extended Investigation (EPOXI) mission show Comet 103P/Hartley 2 is a bi-lobed, elongated, nearly axially symmetric comet 2.33 km in length. Surface features are primarily small mounds <40 m across, irregularly-shaped smooth areas on the two lobes, and a smooth but variegated region forming a ''waist'' between the two lobes. Assuming parts of the comet body approach the shape of an equipotential surface, the mean density of Hartley 2 is modeled to be 200-400 kg m À3. Such a mean density suggests mass loss per orbit of >1%. The shape may be the evolutionary product of insolation, sublimation, and temporary deposition of materials controlled by the object's complex rotation.
Earth, Moon, and Planets, 2007
High quality CCD images obtained at two different observatories in North Italy allowed the identification of four morphological structures near the nuclear region of the comet Ikeya-Zhang (I-Z): haloes, jets, shells and spirals. The interpretation of the nature of these structures has been attempted by means of a comparison of different up-to-date image processing techniques, which led to a single common estimate of the rotation period (p=1.48±0.20 days).
Photometry and imaging of Comet 103P/Hartley in the 2010–2011 apparition
Icarus, 2013
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