Réalisation et simulation d’un modèle rapide d’amplificateur opérationnel en technologie CMOS (original) (raw)
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This paper describes the design of fully integrated ultra low power CMOS low noise amplifier with inductive degeneration at the ISM Band (Industrial, Scientific and Medical). The power consumption is limited to 545 µW with 1 V supply voltage. The sizing of the MOSFET transistor is based on the Inversion Coefficient Method (IC), which leads to good design tradeoffs of the LNA. The two stages LNA has been designed CMOS 0.18 µm. using three integrated spiral inductors. The simulated power gain is 13.59 dB with a noise figure of 1.52 dB. The simulated reflexion coefficient S11 is-32 dB , which shows a good input matching. The circuit satisfied the requirement performance of the 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 low cost and low power standard.
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Estimation and optimization of the noise in detector readout front ends made by CMOS technology We present in this work the physical origins of independent noise sources in the front end circuit based on CMOS devices. In the first part, we are interested in the mathematic equations to express the different noise sources. The second part of this work has focused on its evaluation in terms of ENC (Equivalent Noise Charge). Studies and simulations are performed for a 0.35µm CMOS on standard technology AMS and shown that the design circuit can reduce the noise level of the CSA (readout front ends). ENC is dominated by the thermal noise of an input MOS and the thermal noise of the feedback resistor R f . We show several aspects of the noise optimization of the CSA regarding the optimum transistor width and the sensitivity of the ENC to this width.
Resumé: This paper describes the design of fully integrated ultra low power CMOS low noise amplifier with inductive degeneration at the ISM Band (Industrial, Scientific and Medical). The power consumption is limited to 545 µW with 1 V supply voltage. The sizing of the MOSFET transistor is based on the Inversion Coefficient Method (IC), which leads to good design tradeoffs of the LNA. The two stages LNA has been designed CMOS 0.18 µm. using three integrated spiral inductors. The simulated power gain is 13.59 dB with a noise figure of 1.52 dB. The simulated reflexion coefficient S11 is -32 dB , which shows a good input matching. The circuit satisfied the requirement performance of the 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 low cost and low power standard.
Réalisation d'un amplificateur opérationnel sur Microwind
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Modélisation Comportementale d'un Amplificateur Opérationnel en Hautes Températures
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