Student Knowledge of Global Environmental Issues in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Investigatıon of Eight Grade Students' Knowledge Level About Global Environmental Problems
Eurasian Journal of Physics and …, 2009
This study aims to identify the knowledge level of eight grade students about global problems like greenhouse effect, the deformation of the ozone layer, acid rains and the destruction of biological diversity to analyze the gender and location factor of the students' knowledge level about global environmental problems. 201 randomly selected eight grade students from central schools of Ankara and Burdur attended to this study. 20 item-scale is used as data collection tool in the research. The percentage and frequency values of the students' answers are analyzed. The sum of points is tested for analyzing the variation of gender and location of education factor of students. The conclusive data obtained from this research points out that students have very low knowledge level about reasons and the negative effects of some global environmental problems. In the conclusion of this research; the total points which students get from the global environmental problems survey noticeably vary by the location where they are educated but not changed by the gender factor.
How Indonesian students think about environment: Case study at North Coastal Central Java, Indonesia
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Aberration in the northern coastal area of Central Java province of Indonesia is at an alarming level. What are the students think about the surrounding environment becomes very important information in increasing the environmental literacy in the region. 329 of students were given a questionnaire and some were interviewed to explore their opinions and verbal commitment to the various environmental issues and actions they could take. There is a variation in the verbal commitment of students who are dominated by willingness to invite others in pollution prevention efforts. Other results indicate that students have low scores on energy saving aspects. So it is necessary to update learning especially those related to environmental literacy.
European journal of environment and earth sciences, 2022
The SERASI program is one of the efforts to implement environmental education among school students in the state of Sabah, Malaysia. The SERASI program aims to create a society that always cares about the environment. SERASI is also a centre of learning and teaching that can influence schools and communities toward sustainable development. Hence, this study was conducted to assess the level of environmental knowledge, the students' sources of environmental knowledge and their knowledge about the types of pollution in their surroundings. Stratified random sampling was conducted to obtain data from secondary form four students. Three hundred eighty-five (385) sets of questionnaires were collected for this study and analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The results showed that the environmental knowledge among the form four students of SERASI was moderate. The student's sources of knowledge were through the SERASI program and the internet. The type of pollution widely noted by students was the waste issue.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2020
Human perspective on the environment is influenced by factors, education, economic status, and the living environment. This study aims to link environmental knowledge (EK) held by university students and their sustainable behaviour in greater Jakarta. This research is based on the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between knowledge and pro-sustainability behaviour. A survey was conducted for 50 university students in greater Jakarta, followed by an analytical descriptive to process the data. Research result shows that respondents who hold high Environmental Knowledge are less than respondents who obtain below average Environmental Knowledge. Moreover, it shows no relationship between knowledge and sustainable behaviour. Insights from this study will inform a higher level of environmental knowledge does not necessarily lead to more positive attitudes and behaviors regarding sustainability.
Environmental Awareness and Knowledge Level of Higher Education Students
Objective: This study was carried out as a descriptive study, aiming to reveal the environmental awareness and knowledge levels of the students studying at Karadeniz Technical University Health Services Vocational School. Method: The study was conducted with KTU HSVS students (n=184) in the 2016-2017 academic year. The data of the study were collected with "environmental awareness" and "environmental behavior" scales. Each of the scales was prepared with 13 items and 5 likert types. The significance level α = .05 was taken as the basis for the intergroup significance tests. SPSS-17 program was used for the analysis of the data. Data, descriptive statistics and unrelated samples were analyzed by t-test technique. Findings: According to the results of the research, it was found that the students opinions were "totally agree" on the environmental awareness scale and "mostly" on the environmental behavior scale. In comparison by genders, the mean ...
Environmental Knowledge in Higher Level students (Atena Editora)
Environmental Knowledge in Higher Level students (Atena Editora), 2024
México enfrenta un deterioro ambiental debido al uso desmedido de los recursos naturales y al crecimiento económico por las actividades antropogénica llevando a un desequilibrio ecológico en el planeta, encontrando la posible solución en el cambio de las actitudes, comportamientos y el aumento de los conocimientos con base en la Educación Ambiental. Siendo el objetivo de esta investigación, conocer el nivel de conocimiento ambiental de los estudiantes del nivel superior. El Instrumento aplicado fue diseñado en el Centro de Educación Ambiental en Wisconsin, EUA, encontrando como resultado el 70% de conocimientos ambientales aceptables, pero sin embargo, se sugiere implementar talleres, conferencias y cursos de temas ambientales para formar a estudiantes capaces de proponer estrategias para el cuidado del medio ambiente.
Students' cognitive awareness about the reasons of environmental problems
Globalization is an unchanging fact of modern time and this reality influences humanity by its positive and negative consequences. Unfortunately, natural environment is the most influenced area from negative consequences. Humanity has started to face with the results of problems emerging from global warming such as drought, ecological imbalance or extinction of some species. This confrontation brought about the necessity of environmental education. Current education program in Turkey involves objectives related to environmental awareness; however, students' awareness about those issues seems to be insufficient. Hence, this study was aimed to investigate seventh grade students' environmental awareness by using qualitative data collection tools. By compiling newspaper articles in line with the research problem, incomplete stories were created. Students were asked to complete these stories. After examining completed stories, 20 students having different environmental awareness were selected as a focus group to make interviews. The interview data were analyzed by content analysis. Results indicated that almost half of the students have knowledge about the ecological cycles. On the other hand, one third of students inferred that environmental pollution and improper human behavior caused global warming and this resulted in deterioration of the natural balance, and threatening bees to become extinct.
Knowledge of Indonesian University Students on the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Sustainability, 2013
Graduates of university programs addressing sustainable resource management are likely to shape strategies for natural resource use in the future. Their academic training needs to foster student knowledge of the multiple dimensions of natural resource management. This paper investigates university student understanding of such challenges. We differentiated situational, conceptual, and procedural types of knowledge, and three domains of knowledge (ecological, socio-economic and institutional knowledge), and sampled beginners (third semester) and seniors (seventh semester) of seven natural resource related programs at the leading Indonesian institution of higher education in the field of natural resource management (IPB Bogor; n = 882). The questionnaire consisted of multiple choice and rating scale items covering ‗locally' relevant open-access resource use issues. With a confirmatory tau-equivalent LISREL model, construct validity was assessed.
Secondary School Students’ Knowledge and Awareness on Environmental Issues
Chemistry can be used as a medium to integrate environmental issues, inculcate environmental awareness also as a platform to assess students’ knowledge and awareness on environment. This study is designed to fi nd out secondary school students’ knowledge and awareness on environmental issues. It employs a qualitative approach in which data are primarily gathered through observations and interviews. Observations of students’ attitudes were carried out in the classroom and laboratory while teaching and learning took place. As for the interviews, the process involved two different groups of samples namely students and chemistry teachers to support the data gathered through observations. Based on their green practices refl ected through their daily routines, the secondary school students were found to possess substantial knowledge on environmental issues and good attitudes towards the environment. However, they have moderate awareness on environmental issues examined through their knowledge and attitudes. It is recommended that chemistry teachers integrate environmental issues and promote environmental awareness as they teach any related chemistry topics given the significant role of knowledge integration in fostering environmental literacy among students.
Diagnosis of the Knowledge of Students and Professors About Environmental Education - Case Study.
The objective of this work was to investigate the treatment of the theme Environmental education in a transversal way with the students of the 1st periods of the courses of Buildings and Integrated Sanitation of the IFPE (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco) - Campus Recife, under the perspective of awareness of these students, with mathematics as an important aid tool. The survey took place in July and August 2020, where questionnaires were applied through Google Forms to 80 students. In a second step, another form was sent to the teaching segment, in a total of 50 questionnaires. The questions addressed in the questionnaires to students led to points such as the perception of the existence of environmental problems, also seeking to analyze the degree of understanding of students in relation to mathematics as a support to environmental education. Subsequently, tabulation, statistical treatment and analysis of the data obtained through descriptive statistics were performed. The results revealed that a significant portion of the students came to understand that the environmental issue is not only a matter of nature, but also of society. Although, it should be noted that some of them can better understand what an environmental problem is than fully understand what the environment is. As for the professors, they demonstrated to relate to the current reality of the planet, however, a portion of this segment suggests that the structure of work to approach the theme is not so adequate.