Bilateral Prophylactic Mastectomy Decision Making: A Vignette Study (original) (raw)

1999, Preventive Medicine

risk significantly in women without breast cancer . Background. Little is known about the perception However, recent evidence suggests that, in unaffected of bilateral prophylactic mastectomy (BPM), and women, the surgery may need to be more extensive than whether perceptions are influenced by a family histhat performed routinely for treatment of an invasive tory of breast cancer. It is also unclear what factors cancer [2]. Moreover, the true preventive value of promay play a role in selecting BPM for follow-up care. phylactic mastectomy in high risk unaffected women Methods. Samples of predominantly Caucasian, wellhas yet to be determined; however, recent data suggest educated women with (n ‫؍‬ 129) and without (n ‫؍‬ 104) a reduction in risk [3]. In addition to the unclear efficacy family histories of breast cancer were provided a of the procedure and the surgical risks, there may be vignette of a woman at increased risk. They selected significant psychological morbidity in some women who one of two follow-up options: (1) clinical breast examination, breast self exam, and annual mammography or undergo prophylactic mastectomy. Thus, the identifica-(2) BPM.