Entre hellénisme et romanisation : évolution des goûts et pratiques de l’usage de la sculpture en Grande Grèce et Sicile (original) (raw)

Supplementi dell'Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente 4: F. De Stefano, L'immagine e il contesto. Produzioni figurative e immaginario sociale nelle comunità della Siritide e del Metapontino (VIII-VI secolo a.C.), Firenze, 2019. ANTEPRIMA

This study proposes an attempt to analyze and reconstruct the features and evolution of visual imagery and the cultural systems of the communities that inhabited the territories of Siritide and Metapontino between the mid 8th century and the first decades of the 6th century BC, through the systematic examination of the known figurative productions expressed or used by these groups. The status and functions of the images for the construction and transmission of the cultural identity of a social group, or of its segments, and the mediation devices in the relational dynamics internal and external to it, are arguments that have been debated for a long time and whose fields of investigation go beyond the perimeter of the historical and archaeological disciplines and indeed derive from consolidated sociological and ethno- anthropological traditions. When applied to ancient communities, and in particular to the ones involved in the “colonial phenomenon” in southern Italy in the Archaic period - Greek, indigenous and “hybrid”- the study of the processes related to the development of their own cultural heritage and to the forms of their manifestation within ethnic and territorial contexts, different from those of Greece, has brought some fundamental problems to the attention of scholars. This concerns the variability of Hellenic experiences in the Mediterranean and the relationship between the social complexity of the communities that created it and that of the ideological and symbolic universe expressed by them; the origin, composition and status of apoikoi groups; their relationship with the socio-cultural context of origin and the forms of their interaction with their new homes; the role of indigenous peoples in the development of such relationships; the existence of “original” cultural identities and their possible correlation with substrates or matrices of ethnic type; the documentary significance of the testimonies of ancient authors about the events and characteristics of the first colonial communities and the correct epistemological approaches to these sources of information, in particular in relation to what is prefigured by archaeological phenomenology. In the context of these problems, which, especially over the last three decades, have been the corner- stones of a deep, sometimes radical, rethinking of the “Greek colonization” of the archaic period and of the hermeneutical categories with which it has traditionally been approached, we can place the theme of the role and informative contribution of figurative expressions as projections of specific ideological and identity traits. To analyze these issues, we chose a methodological approach in which the images are analyzed inside the context in which they were exposed or used and represent the variables of multiple relationships with other objects, architecture and fieldwork in the specific point in time during the history of the site they were part of. Following this approach, the book is organized into three sections, corresponding to three different moments of the research. The first is entitled “Quadro archeologico e attestazioni iconografiche” and collects the results obtained from an overview of the figurative documents found in the territories examined in the chronological period defined above. This survey of the iconographic dossier comprising the corpus of this research was carried out within the more general classification of the sites that made up the ancient landscape of the communities covered by the study. Each of these is analyzed and described in the light of the available topo- graphic, stratigraphic and architectural data, and, where possible, identified by its nature and functional destination in the periods considered. For each site the contexts that belonged to it were identified: houses, productive buildings, religious and funerary sites and those of uncertain definition. The objects found in each one were also identified, as well as those of uncertain origin. The description of sites, contexts and associated iconographies is discussed according to a diachronic sequence based on archaeologically detect- able transformations. This allowed us to outline a distribution scheme of images in the territory, organized on the basis of the historical sequence of their production/use and abandonment connected to the history of the sites where they were used and the type of supports on which they were reproduced. The second section details the «Repertorio delle immagini e dei Tipi iconografici». In it the images are organized according to the type of support to which they are associated and classified according to iconographic criteria. The iconographies were analyzed in the light of their stylistic and formal characteristics and seen within the broader panorama of the craft traditions of the Aegean and colonial area. Subsequently, the possible semantic values of each figurative document were examined in depth, considering the conditions suggested by the context of discovery and/or of use and their possible relations with other objects or buildings associated with them. Finally, the third section consists of a “Commento”. In it the information offered by the iconographies identified in the “Quadro” and analyzed in the “Repertorio” are integrated and related to the universe of sources (archaeological, literary, epigraphic, etc.) available for the contexts considered. This chapter delves further into the questions and issues evoked by the examination of iconography, questions for which iconographic analysis alone is insufficient. Thus the “Commento” completes, as far as possible, the pro- cess of recomposing the original connections between systems of signification and the other aspects that composed an ancient reality and which constituted the perimeter within which the visual imagery of the community was expressed. The volume is completed by a cartographic apparatus including period and phase maps of the territories considered, plans of the sites and contexts analyzed, tables and significant comparisons for the figurative documents examined, and, finally, a list of indexes and tables of concordance of the images and of the contexts studied.

Tracce di arcaismo greco nella scultura egizia di epoca tolemaica, in “Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia”, 73, 2000-2001, 177-198

GIUSEPPINA CAPRIOTTI VITTOZZI 1. P REMESSA II campo di rice rca di questo lavoro e l'espressione artistica del periodo tolemaico, quello che potremmo definire un territorio di confine: nella terra d 'Egitto, da tempo immemorabile meta di gruppi culturalmente eterogenei, l' impiantarsi della cultura greca produce frutti di grande valore. COSl, se da un lato nasce la grande arte alessandlina di espressione eUenistica, dall'altra Ie officine indigene, particolarmente queUe che possiamo chiamare faraoniche, continuano a realizzare progetti di tipo tradizionale. Tra questi due poli culturali e artistici, nasce, e diventa sempre piu produttiva, un tipo di arte, quella « greco-egizia ", che doveva essere particolarmente efficace e compresa in un orizzonte culturale vario e « bilingue " come l'Egitto tolemaico, un 'arte tuttavia che per noi presenta spesso vere difficolta esegetiche. el XX sec., comunque, grazie soprattutto all'attivita p ionieristica di Bernard von Bothmer e della sua scuola americana, I 10 studio deU 'arte tolemaica ha compiu to dei poderosi passi in avanti rive lando iI grande fascino di quest' espressione multiculturale. 2 * Letta nell 'Adunanza pubbJica del 26 aprile 200l.

Hierapolis di Frigia in età augustea e giulio-claudia: spazi sacri ed immagine urbana tra radici anatoliche e modelli romani, in L. Cavalier, M.-C. Ferriès, F. Delrieux (a cura di), Auguste et l’Asie Mineure, Scripta Antiqua 97, Bordeaux 2017, 309-329.

Lycie sous Auguste : une région entre libertas et provincia Alberto Dalla Rosa, Propriété familiale, pouvoir impérial : origine et gestion du patrimonium d' Auguste en Asie Mineure Anne-Valérie Pont, Cités grecques et administration romaine en Asie Mineure à l'époque augustéenne : l'interaction des normes civiques grecques et des dispositions romaines à travers la question des "droits" des juifs Les agents et les relais de Rome François Kirbihler, Les problèmes d'une mission publique entre République et Empire :

Culti e ceramiche greche nei santuari dei centri indigeni della Sicilia occidentale, in S. FORTUNELLI - C. MASSERIA ed.,Ceramica attica da santuari della Grecia, della Ionia e dell’Italia, Atti Convegno Internazionale (Perugia 14-17 marzo 2007), 739-757.

Culti e ceramiche greche nei santuari dei centri indigeni della Sicilia occidentale Un rapido sguardo alla documentazione dei centri anellenici della Sicilia occidentale, per quanto attiene la presenza di luoghi di culto, aree sacre e santuari, rivela immediatamente un panorama scarno di attestazioni, soprattutto per l'età arcaica e a confronto delle più ricche evidenze della parte centrale dell'isola 1 . Pur tuttavia, anche nella zona in esame emergono, nell'ambito di una religiosità indigena di cui ancora oggi sfuggono le più profonde connotazioni, delle significative attestazioni che documentano alcune specifiche linee di tendenza utili alla comprensione e alla definizione di quelle complesse interrelazioni che caratterizzarono particolarmente la Sicilia occidentale per la straordinaria compresenza di Sicani, Elimi, Greci e Fenici 2 .