نَجمُ الدين البَارِزِيِّ ومُقَدِّمَتهِ لِکِتَابِ "تَارِيْخُ العِبَادِ والبِلادِ" “al-Bārzī's Prolegomena” of his book “Tārīkh al-Bilād wa al-Ibād” (original) (raw)
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The background of this research is the lack of diversity of teaching materials and the need for teachers and students to develop them. The purpose of this study is to describe the development of Arabic language teaching materials based on multiple intelligences, to determine their validity and effectiveness. The research method used is R&D with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Application, and Evaluation). The results of the study are as follows: (1) Multiple intelligences-based teaching materials are valid with a percentage of 92.4% in terms of material, 87.5% in language and 94.23% in design. (2) Multiple intelligences-based learning materials are effective for improving students' understanding of qawaid, this can be seen from the Wilcoxon 0.000 test results which are less than 0.05. This shows that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected.
Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2019
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LISANIA: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature
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