Progressive Damage Modelling for Dynamic Loading of Composite Structures (original) (raw)
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Cmc-computers Materials & Continua, 2013
This article presents a three dimensional constitutive model for anisotropic damage to describe the elastic-brittle behavior of unidirectional fibrereinforced laminated composites. The primary objective of the article focuses on the three dimensional relationship between damage of the material and the effective elastic properties for the purpose of stress analysis of composite structures, in extension to the two dimensional model in Matzenmiller, Lubliner and Taylor (1995). A homogenized continuum is adopted for the constitutive theory of anisotropic damage and elasticity. Damage initiation criteria are based on Puck failure criterion for first ply failure and progressive micro crack propagation is based on the idea of continuum damage evolution. Internal variables are introduced to describe the evolution of the damage state under loading and as a subsequence the degradation of the material stiffness. Emphasis is placed on a suitable coupling among the equations for the rates of the...
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Applied Composite Materials, 2011
Composites are materials characterized by complex failure phenomena that onset and interact. Several approaches are available in literature to predict the behaviour of composite structures taking into account failure modes. However, most of them require the knowledge of experimental parameters, which generally are not provided by composite suppliers. Progressive failure techniques represent a valuable alternative to these methodologies because they rely on failure criteria and ply-discount techniques often based on the choice of a single degradation factor whose value is chosen by the analyst as small enough to prevent convergence problems in finite element analyses. The aim of this work is to analyze the behaviour of a composite structure taking into account the damage onset and evolution. The analysis is performed by using a constitutive material model (USERMAT) developed and implemented in the Finite element software ANSYS©. The accuracy of the procedure proposed is assessed by comparing numerical results and experimental data taken from literature.
Constitutive modelling of composite materials under impact loading
In this thesis a constitutive model is developed for the numerical prediction of UD composite material behaviour under impact loading. Impact induced loading usually results in three dimensional stress states which significantly influences the failure behaviour. The heterogeneous nature of composite materials, in particular, results in a complex failure behaviour which manifests itself in various failure modes. Predicting the onset and evolution of these failure modes requires the use of physically based three dimensional theories for the prediction of the onset of damage and subsequent damage evolution. Furthermore, the use of polymeric matrices in continuous fibre reinforced composites results in a distinct directional strain rate dependent material behaviour which needs to be incorporated in constitutive models for the numerical simulation of impact events. The developed constitutive model relies on the prediction of the onset of damage evolution by the use of physically based three dimensional stress based failure criteria. A special feature of the proposed model is the identification of potential fracture planes. Numerically efficient algorithms for finding such planes are developed thus enabling the implementation into an explicit FE environment which was prohibitive so far. Damage evolution is simulated by degrading the tractions which are acting on the failure mode dependent fracture planes. The damage evolution and consequent energy dissipation is thereby driven by physically based dissipation potentials which consider only stresses which contribute to damage growth. The well known mesh dependent energy dissipation in Continuum Damage Mechanics is reduced by the introduction of an element size dependent parameter into the constitutive equations. An experimental program is conducted to investigate the compressive behaviour of composites. The focus of the study is on the rate dependent failure behaviour. The experiments are designed such that the failure mechanisms can be studied at varying strain rates with identical boundary conditions. This allows for direct conclusions about the strain rate dependent material behaviour. Novel optical measurement techniques are applied across all investigated strain rates thus ensuring an improved observation of the failure modes. The proposed constitutive model is finally verified by modelling of three point beam bending experiments which were performed quasi-statically and at impact velocities. The experimental technique for beam bending at impact loading was therefore improved thus yielding significantly more accurate experimental data.
Polymers, 2022
To solve problems in the field of mechanical engineering efficiently, individual numerical procedures must be developed, and solvers must be adapted. This study applies the results of a carbon-fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) analysis along with the nonlinear finite element damage (FE) method to the translation of a linear solver. The analyzed tensile test sample is modelled using the ply-by-ply method. To describe the nonlinear post-damage behavior of the material, the Hashin model is used. To validate the transformation, an analysis and comparison of the damage results of the linearized and nonlinear model is carried out. Job linearization was performed by collecting elements into groups based on their level of damage and pairing them with unique material cards. Potentially suitable mathematical functions are tested for the grouping and consolidation of the elements. The results show that the agreement of some presented methods depends on the damage level. The influence of the sele...
Modeling damage in polymeric composites
We postulate that dominant damage modes in a fiber-reinforced laminated composite are fiber breakage, matrix cracking, fiber/matrix debonding, and delamination/sliding. The first three damage modes are represented by internal variables with their development governed by constitutive relations.
Composite Structures, 2019
A continuum damage mechanics-based material model for the constituent phases of a carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite material is presented. This constitutive model is applied to Eigenstrain based Reduced-order Homogenization framework for multiscale modeling. A key contribution is that all model parameters are directly or indirectly calibrated using experimental data and these model parameters can be readily updated by describing the evolution of damage as a function of the strain state. The constitutive model for polymer matrix captures mixed mode from pure uniaxial to pure shear loading without using any conventional failure criterion. The accuracy of the constitutive model is demonstrated by comparing experimental results of unnotched and open-hole laminates. In addition, a demonstration is presented to alleviate spurious residual stiffness appearing from the reduction of model order of the microstructure.
Failure analysis of laminated composites with shear nonlinearity and strain-rate response
Procedia Structural Integrity, 2019
Prediction of the mechanical response and failure behavior of laminated composites is vital for an efficient design in engineering applications. Vast quantity of failure models for composites were developed and compared in accuracy and applicability. In practice, many concerns usually appear at the material and damage model selection stage, since some models are not sensitive to important mechanical effects, while others are too complicated and require a large amount of experimental data. Presented work proposes a flexible approach for a failure modelling and initially requires only minimum of commonly available experimental data, but with possibility of extension to capture different forms of physical nonlinearity, including nonlinear shear and strain-rate effect. Proposed failure model is based on introduction of two damage parameters. Nonlinear shear response is formulated by introduction of an arbitrary polynomial shear stiffness dependency on shear strain component. Strain rate effects are considered using damage rate parameter, which has some advantages in constitutive equation formulation and practical usage. Special analytical relations for damage rate influence are presented with successful test correlation. Proposed model was implemented in commercial finite element analysis software via special user subroutines for practical computations. Numerical simulations for example problems of composites under biaxial loading and open-hole compression plate test were performed and a good correlation between theoretical and experimental results were achieved.