La agroecología como una alternativa de seguridad alimentaria para las comunidades indígenas (original) (raw)
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E l sistema agroalimentario mundial está experimentando una creciente globalización. A medida que la mayoría de los habitantes del mundo se trasladan a las ciudades y los que residen en zonas rurales y están conectados con la infraestructura adoptan estilos de vida urbanizados, el consumo de alimentos se vuelve más variado y más parecido en todo el mundo. La industria de la elaboración de alimentos y la de la venta al por menor ahora tienen un alcance mundial, y los agricultores especializan cada vez más su producción, lo que conduce a cambios en insumos como agua, semillas, alimentos para animales y equipamiento técnico, y, finalmente, a una nueva organización del sistema alimentario. LOS POBRES Y LA GLOBALIZACIÓN DE LOS ALIMENTOS Y LA AGRICULTURA INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN SOBRE POLÍTICAS ALIMENTARIAS soluciones sostenibles para acabar con el hambre y la pobreza Apoyado por el CGIAR
A Agricultura e Os Impactos Na Insegurança Alimentar
Anais do I Congresso Nacional de Ciências Agrárias On-line, 2021
Introdução: O crescimento populacional causou grandes impactos sobre a agricultura, e principalmente para a demanda de alimentos, tornando o setor agrícola muito importante para a alimentação da população, devido ao cenário de insegurança alimentar e de crescimento populacional. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma breve revisão de literatura sobre a insegurança alimentar e o cenário populacional em relação a produção de alimentos, caracterizando cada um deles e a relação que possuem, discutindo formas que possibilitem um aumento na produtividade das culturas. Material e métodos: O presente estudo foi realizado com base na revisão de literatura e pesquisas relevantes sobre a insegurança alimentar e o crescimento populacional em relação a produção de alimentos, demonstrando a importância da agricultura para suprir a demanda de alimentos da população. Resultados: O crescimento populacional continua em crescimento, atrelado a isso, a demanda de alimentos vem aumentando, ...
World food and agriculture: Outlook for the medium and longer term - PNAS 1999
The world has been making progress in improving food security, as measured by the per person availability of food for direct human consumption. However, progress has been very uneven, and many developing countries have failed to participate in such progress. In some countries, the food security situation is today worse than 20 years ago. The persistence of food insecurity does not ref lect so much a lack of capacity of the world as a whole to increase food production to whatever level would be required for everyone to have consumption levels assuring satisfactory nutrition. The world already produces sufficient food. The undernourished and the food-insecure persons are in these conditions because they are poor in terms of income with which to purchase food or in terms of access to agricultural resources, education, technology, infrastructure, credit, etc., to produce their own food. Economic development failures account for the persistence of poverty and food insecurity. In the majority of countries with severe food-security problems, the greatest part of the poor and food-insecure population depend greatly on local agriculture for a living. In such cases, development failures are often tantamount to failures of agricultural development. Development of agriculture is seen as the first crucial step toward broader development, reduction of poverty and food insecurity, and eventually freedom from excessive economic dependence on poor agricultural resources. Projections indicate that progress would continue, but at a pace and pattern that would be insufficient for the incidence of undernutrition to be reduced significantly in the medium-term future. As in the past, world agricultural production is likely to keep up with, and perhaps tend to exceed, the growth of the effective demand for food. The problem will continue to be one of persistence of poverty, leading to growth of the effective demand for food on the part of the poor that would fall short of that required for them to attain levels of consumption compatible with freedom from undernutrition.
Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo, 2017
Actualmente se ejecutan programas sociales con enfoque alimentario, cuya meta es combatir la inseguridad alimentaria y sus consecuencias. En muchos casos no alcanzan su objetivo debido a una mala planeación y diseño; lamentablemente el bajo impacto impide mejorar la nutrición de los más vulnerables: los menores de edad. El objetivo de este estudio fue proponer una alternativa en el diseño y la planificación de estrategias de mejora nutricional basada en el análisis de la cultura alimentaria local para incrementar la efectividad del programa. Se aplicaron encuestas a 74 madres de familia de niños preescolares y escolares en Tochimilco, Puebla, México, para obtener información sobre características generales y alimentación familiar. Se encontró que la muestra estudiada pertenece a un núcleo familiar de cinco personas en promedio, cuyo principal medio de vida es la agricultura. Uno de los cultivos principales en la región es el amaranto; este no es consumido de forma regular, debido al...
Problems of world food and agriculture
Futures, 1974
This article is concerned with the global implications of recent work in food and nutrition planning. It is based on the realisation that the world food situation is critical. Two distinct explanatory action paradigms that have been adopted by food~nutrition planners and other professional writers are identified and discussed. These approaches are then assessed in the light of forecasting techniques used to explore the future world food situation and more appropriate techniques are proposed. Rival paradigms The aggregate sup&~ and demand approach. In the two decades following the Second World War it was generally seen by concerned international agencies that a large fraction of the world's population was either underfed or eating an unbalanced diet. For example, the FAO Third World Food Survey2 of 1963 estimated that during the 1957-59 period 300-5OOm people were underfed and that some 60% of the population in the less developed areas lived on diets which were nutritionally inadequate. The proposed solution to this problem was then to increase the world aggregate food supply. The argument here generally followed the Malthusian pattern-that food supplies must be planned to eliminate existing shortages and keep pace with
Os efeitos do crescimento populacional, das mudancas climaticas, da rapida urbanizacao e do aumento na demanda por recursos energeticos, alimentares e hidricos, contribuiram para a consolidacao de um cenario global complexo e interdependente. Tal complexidade resulta em desafios e riscos globais que nao respeitam fronteiras geopoliticas e economicas, impactando sem precedentes, todo o planeta. Entre os inumeros obstaculos enfrentados pela humanidade, destaca-se a busca pela seguranca alimentar. Neste estudo, defendo a ideia de que tres pilares devam ser colocados como prioridade nas agendas regionais e internacionais para que se possa diminuir a inseguranca alimentar. Estes tres pilares concentram-se no incentivo a agricultura familiar; na boa governanca; e no desenvolvimento tecnologico. Ao final deste estudo, concluiu-se que sera necessaria uma melhor gestao por parte dos tomadores de decisao e do poder publico, garantindo que, atraves de politicas publicas, da conscientizacao dos...
The chapter argues that more enabling policies on agricultural products production and trade should be encouraged. Policies should always be directed so that they are in line with major development goals. For example, the policy on subsidies should be reviewed based on its implementation challenges. Though there have been proposals to withdraw this policy. The pros and cons of this action should be critically analyzed because it can bring food production activities to a standstill, which may result into food insecurity. Secondly, the current market structure for some agricultural products is still facing challenges of continuously fluctuating prices, high production costs etc. and as a result some farmers may not be able to continue operations should the subsidy be withdrawn. The chapter also recommends a user-friendly agricultural system and simple but high output technology methods should be vigorously introduced and sustained by African governments, private sector, NGOs and farme...