Menumbuhkan Karakter Tanggung Jawab Melalui Buku Ajar Tematik Integratif Berbasis Karakter (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar tematik-integratif dengan tema “Lingkunganku Bersih dan Sehat” berbasis nilai karakter peduli lingkungan dan tanggung jawab yang layak dan efektif untuk peserta didik kelas I SDN 2 Padokan Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Research and Development (R & D), yang terdiri dari 9 tahap, yaitu: (1) studi pendahuluan dan pengumpulan informasi; (2) perencanaan; (3) pengembangan produk awal; (4) uji coba awal; (5) revisi untuk menyusun produk utama; (6) uji lapangan utama; (7) revisi produk operasional; (8) uji lapangan operasional; dan (9) revisi produk akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kelayakan bahan ajar ditunjukkan dengan penilaian “baik” oleh ahli materi dengan skor 50, penilaian “sangat baik” oleh ahli media dengan skor 47 dan penilaian “baik” oleh guru dengan skor 75. Keefektifan dibuktikan dengan hasil uji-t = -8,939 yang ...
Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan dan mengetahui keefektifan buku pelajaran tematik-integratif dengan tema "Mari Bermain Sambil Berolahraga" berbasis nilai karakter disiplin dan tanggung jawab untuk peserta didik kelas III SD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dengan model Brog & Gall. Uji coba produk melibatkan 67 peserta didik kelas III SD 2 Padokan Bantul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan buku pelajaran yang dikembangkan dari aspek kelayakan isi berkategori "sangat baik", aspek kebahasaan berkategori "sangat baik", aspek penyajian berkategori "sangat baik", dan aspek kegrafikaan berkategori "sangat baik". Hasil untuk nilai karakter disiplin menunjukkan uji-t=-3,110 dengan P sebesar 0,000 dan nilai karakter tanggung jawab menunjukkan hasil uji-t=-4,440 dengan P sebesar 0,003. Selain itu, nilai hasil belajar menunjukkan 100% peserta didik tuntas dalam pembelajaran.
Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan dan mengetahui keefektifan buku ajar pada pembelajaran tematik integratif berbasis discovery learning subtema Sumber Energi kelas III SD Negeri 4 Krandegan Banjarnegara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Pengumpulan data menggunakan pedoman wawancara, lembar penilaian produk buku ajar, lembar pengamatan motivasi belajar dan karakter tanggung jawab, angket motivasi dan karakter tanggung jawab, angket respons guru, angket respons peserta didik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji t dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aspek materi yang memperoleh skor 166 dengan kategori “baik”, aspek media memperoleh nilai 95 dengan kategori “sangat baik”, respons guru memperoleh nilai 69 dengan kategori “sangat baik”, respons peserta didik memperoleh 9,82 dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Keefektifan dapat dilihat dari observasi karakter tanggung jawab peserta didik kelas eksperimen 1 dan eksperimen 2 mempe...
Didaktik: Jurnal Ilmiah PGSD STKIP Subang, 2022
Education is very important in human life. Because education allows humans to know their abilities and potential. In an education there are 6 characters that must be developed, one of which is the character of responsibility. Therefore, this study aims to determine the development of the character of responsibility in thematic learning using the recitation method at SDN 13 Serang City. This study uses descriptive qualitative with the subjects in this study are teachers and students of SDN 13 Serang City. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the recitation method is considered appropriate to shape the character of student responsibility because in this method students are required to work on assignments independently and the answers will be accounted for.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa Subject SpecifiPedagogy (SSP) tematik integratif yang dapat meningkatkan karakter siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar, ter utama karakter hormat dan tanggung jawab. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas SSP tematik integratif dalam mengembangkan karakter hormat dan tanggung jawab peserta didik kelas IV SD Karanganyar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan, yang terdiratas beberapa tahapan, yaitu: (1) studi pendahuluan; (2) perencanaan; (3) mengembangkan produkawal; (4) uji coba awal; (5) revisi produk utama; (6) uji coba lapangan; (7) revisi terhadap produk operasional; (8) uji coba lapangan produk operasional; (9) revisi produk final; (10) penyebaran dan implementasi. Subjek uji coba adalah siswa kelas IV SD Karanganyar. Subjek uji coba satu-satu terdiri atas 3siswa. Subjek uji coba kelompok kecil terdiri atas 10 siswa yang belum terlibat dalam uji coba satusatu, dan subj...
Al-Mudarris (Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam)
This article aims to describe the internalization of the values of character education through the integralistic thematic learning approach in grade IV SDN Cempereng Batang. The dichotomy problem or differentiating and separating between religion-based subjects (morals) and science subjects that occur in many schools today is a reason to reveal character education practices that are not only the responsibility of Religion or Citizenship Education (Civics) subjects. The research method is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Informants from teachers, Principals, and Students. The analysis was performed using the analysis technique of Miles and Huberman. The results of his research: (1) internalizing the values of character education through an integralistic thematic learning approach, consisting of five components, namely readiness, planning, effort, implementation, and evaluation; (2) the values of character education that are internalized through a complete integralistic thematic learning approach are 18 values as in the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely religious values, honesty, tolerance, hard work, discipline, creative, independent, democratic, national spirit, curiosity, love the country, respect achievement, communicative, love to read, love peace, care for the environment, care about social and responsibility. (3) there are three supporting factors for internalizing the values of character education through an integralistic thematic learning approach, namely adequate facilities and infrastructure, teachers, and extracurricular activities, while the inhibiting factors are two, namely the environment where students live and the mass media. The results of this study are very relevant for those who want to explore examples of internalizing character education in the learning process.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
The research and development of Indonesian textbooks is very important especially for the textbook which integrates character education using communicative approach. Many textbooks have been published, but they are often only for reference in assignments and exercises. The existing textbooks do not fully use text that is a genre in learning Indonesian, namely the pedagogic genre. This research aims to produce forms of competence, material forms, forms of tasks, and forms of assessment in the development of Indonesian Language and Literature textbooks integrated with character education based on communicative approaches for junior high school. The method used was research and development with reference to the Borg and Gall model. The showed that learning devices, teaching books, are feasible to implement. In addition, practitioners' assessment of the implementation of this textbook is 3,526 categories "Good". Likewise, the assessment of students in the three aspects occ...
Metode Biblioterapi dan Diskusi Dilema Moral untuk Pengembangan Karakter Tanggungjawab
Jurnal Psikologi, 2014
This research aimed to know the effects of the methods of bibliotherapy and discussion on moral dilemma in enhancing responsible character. The subjects of the research were 65 students of "AN" divided into three groups; bibliotherapy experimental group, moral discussion experimental group and non-treatment control group. The research used pretestposttest-follow-up design. The data of this experimental research were obtained by using scale of responsible character consisting of aspects of self-control skill, risk-taking for personal choice and seriousness of doing obligation to other. The data were then analyzed using SPSS.19 software program. The analysed factors indicated that there were five dimensions shaping students' responsible character, namely carefulness, task oriented, excellence, preseverance and commitment. Based on the hypothesis test through one-way anava technique, it was concluded that the two methods have effect on the enchancement of students' responsible character.