Implementation of Character Education at Madrasahs and Integrated Islamic Schools in Central Kalimantan (original) (raw)
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This study aims to determine, study and analyze character education management and its effectiveness at SDIT Al-Fityan School Gowa and SDIT Al-Biruni Mandiri Makassar. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The method of collecting data is through interviews with school principals, vice principals for curriculum affairs, students, homerooms and teachers. Other data sources are through observation and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed by data reduction steps, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that character education planning begins with establishing the school's vision, mission, goals and programs, as well as determining character values, designing a curriculum that integrates character values into an integrated syllabus and lesson plans based on Islamic education. The organization of character education is carried out by the principal through coordination between elements, division of tas...
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The Implementation of Character Education in Madrasah
Attadrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
This paper aims to describe the strengthening of character education in madrasas. Character education is an essential theme in efforts to overcome social problems that often plague this nation. Character education is an alternative solution considered the most appropriate and must be applied in everyday life, including in madrasas. Madrasahs are seen as an influential place in efforts to form a child's positive personality after the family. Strengthening character education is a process of forming, transmitting, transforming and developing students' abilities to think, behave, and behave according to Pancasila values. Character education in madrasas has the function of selecting and sorting Indonesian culture and foreign cultures that are more civilized and respectable. As a manifestation of the National Movement for Mental Revolution (GNRM), namely changing patterns of thinking (mindset), attitude, and better behavior, religious, nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation...
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Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2019
The issue of character education in Indonesia needs to be handled professionally from effective planning, implementation and supervision. This case study using qualitative approach with the phenomenology inductive to find a model of character education in MTs and MA NU Assalam. The technique of collecting data is done by interviews, observation and documentation. Data is analyzed through stages data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the concept of character education in Assalam MTs and MA NU is based on environmental integration by developing academic religious characters namely religious, sincerity, exemplary, and loving the goodness of honesty, discipline, responsibility, communicative, and self control ( 2) System character education planning is based on a systemic-integrative model. The system is implemented in a way formation of a conducive environment (bi'ah), habitualization (habituation), personification...
The Implementation of Character Education Management in Madrasah
Jurnal Basicedu
This study aims to describe the implementation of character education management in madrasas, from aspects of planning, organizing, implementing, to controlling/supervising. This type of research is qualitative with descriptive study method. The informants in the study included the head of the madrasa, deputy head of the madrasa, the teacher council, the madrasa administration section and students. Data collection was carried out using interview, observation, and document studies. Then, it is analyzed by sorting the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of character education management in madrasas has been carried out well in madrasas. This is a joint effort of the madrasa leadership in collaboration with the teacher council, homeroom teacher, guidance and counseling teachers in monitoring the development of student character. The concrete forms of implementation, namely (1) planning aspects, are implemented t...
Implementing Character Education in Madrasah
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2021
This study investigated the application model of character education in Islamic Religious Education learning and spiritual extracurricular activities in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Palembang. Data were collected using participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results show that the implementation model of character education is a collaboration between the integration model and the supplement. Character education is collaborated through learning Islamic Religious Education and spiritual extracurricular activities. These two activities produce knowledge, attitudes, and moral actions on the part of students. The success of character education can be seen from the behavior of students who have religious behavior, honest, disciplined, responsible, caring, polite, cooperative, creative, hard-working, curious, friendly, and social care. There were some factors that supported t...
This research aims to: 1) analyze the cultivation of students' disciplinary character at Al Ma'had An Nur Bantul Islamic Junior High School, 2) identify supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the cultivation of students' disciplinary character at Al Ma'had An Nur Bantul Islamic Junior High School, and 3) analyzing solutions in overcoming obstacles that occur in cultivating students' disciplined character at Al Ma'had An Nur Bantul Islamic Junior High School. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. This research is located at Al Ma'had An Nur Bantul Islamic Junior High School. Determination of research subjects was carried out purposively, consisting of: 1) Principal, 2) Deputy principal for student affairs, 3) Deputy principal for curriculum, 4) Pancasila and citizenship education teacher and Islamic religious education teacher at analyzing solutions in overcoming obstacles that occur in cultivating students' disciplined character at Al Ma'had An Nur Bantul Islamic Junior High School, and 5) Students in Al Ma'had An Nur Bantul Islamic Junior High School. Data collection in this research was carried out using observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The results of this research show that: 1) the cultivation of students' disciplined character at Al Ma'had An Nur Bantul Islamic Junior High School is carried out in a programmed and planned manner in learning and outside of learning; 2) Supporting factors for cultivating disciplinary character, namely that all students are required to live in Islamic boarding schools, the school cares about disciplinary character; 3) Inhibiting factors for cultivating disciplinary character are students' different backgrounds, lack of student awareness regarding disciplinary character; 4) The solution to overcoming obstacles is holding a program to introduce the madrasa environment, providing socialization and motivation to all students.
Al-Ishlah, 2023
This study aims to investigate the implementation of the Character Education method through Islamic Education learning for Muslim students at a senior high school in North Minahasa. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method using a case study design. The researchers collected the data through observation and interviews and analyzed the obtained data through content analysis. The results of the study reported that the implementation of character education methods through Islamic Education learning for Muslim students referred to the National education goals listed in the 2013 curriculum and the Decree of the Minister of National Education Number; 54 of 2013 concerning Competency Standards for graduating elementary and secondary education. Character education can be integrated into all subjects. The implementation of character education for Muslim students at the high school in North Minahasa Regency consisted of parents' involvement, extracurricular activities, habituation methods, exemplary, giving advice, and giving rewards and punishments.