Understanding alliances: a review of international aspects in strategic marketing (original) (raw)
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Strategic Alliances – Their Definition and Formation
Latgale National Economy Research, 2013
The article presents analysis of the definition of strategic alliances, the analysis of alliance and the research of a strategic alliance concept; furthermore, it focuses on the contingent hierarchy of alliances. The motives of strategic alliances formation, their categories, groups and benefit for business have been revealed in this article. Special attention is paid to the process of strategic alliance formation and the analysis of factors that influence the formation of strategic alliances and management success. Finally, the types of strategic alliances analyzed in the scientific literature are reflected and the theoretical insights of alliance formation, acquired through systemic analysis, are also presented in this study.
Factors of Success and Failures of International Strategic Alliance
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends and Challenges in the Management Theory and Practice (ETCMTP 2019), 2020
In a dynamically developing market, intensifying competition, it becomes clear that cooperation provides business structures with more strategic advantages. Top management of many enterprises is aware of the need for interfirm integration. This article is devoted to the study of the characteristic features of one of the most prospective forms of economic companies' integration. Due to its growing flexibility in terms of contradictory economic trends and conditions strategic alliances need a deep study for solving main problems of their functioning. To this end the author provides the common definition of strategic alliance and distinguishes the key factors for success and failures of strategic alliances which can be practically used by managers for planning and in all the phases of life cycle of a strategic alliance.
Need and potential risks of strategic alliances for competing successfully
Economia. Seria Management, 2010
In today's global economy, many companies' managers consider strategic alliances as a key strategic alternative. Even if it is true that strategic alliances can be a really powerful competitive tool, managers should pay attention to all potential risks before involving in a partnership. This paper aims to address a series of issues that may arise when forming a strategic alliance. Rezumat În economia globală de astăzi, managerii multor companii consideră alianţele strategice o alternativă strategică de bază. Cu toate că este adevărat că alianţele strategice pot constitui un factor de competitivitate foarte important, managerii ar trebui să ţină seama de riscurile potenţiale înainte de a se implica într-un parteneriat. Această lucrare urmăreşte o serie de probleme care pot apărea prin crearea unei alianţe strategice. Cuvinte-cheie: management strategic, alianţe strategice, intersectare culturală JEL Classification: F21, F23, L14, L21, L24, L25, M16
Strategic alliances � viable alternative to create a competitive advantage in a global market
Annals Economy Series, 2010
In the past years, in the light of the economic turbulences all around the world, one of the most important ways to assure a competitive advantage is creating a strategic alliance. Such collaborative ventures between firms were developed as a response to the changes which have been happening to the world economy as increased competition, higher costs of developing new products, accelerated technological changes and, maybe the most important-the recent world economic crises. Being part of a strategic alliance creates competitive advantage for the companies by establishing their presence worldwide, by building up operating experience in overseas markets and gaining access to those national markets that were inaccessible before. At the same time, a strategic alliance means management commitment, special skills and forward planning for each company which takes part to an alliance.
Strategic alliances in perspective: A management process and research questions
Southwestern Marketing Association Conference, 1994
Growing competitive intensity is forcing many companies to share their resources and expertise via strategic alliances. Discussed here are a comprehensive framework of strategic alliance formation, a situational approach to strategic alliances, and some suggestions for future research on strategic alliances.
Over the past few years, the strategic alliances had been increasingly common. The term "strategic alliance" can mean many different things, but the commonly used meaning entails a joint corporative effort by two or more companies working towards agreed upon goals.
Strategic Alliances and Innovations in the International Business
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2016
The innovation process should be treated as ? multidiscipline and multidimensional process in which ? great number of people participate. With direct or indirect connections and through different communication channels, organization is able to approach wide spectrum of other organization resources, and this enables creation of larger number of projects with lower investments and risks. For an organization, entering the alliances is no longer the matter of finding new resources, but it becomes the main cause of strategic innovation and preparation for unpredictable future challenges and development. Cooperation among enterprises brings certain risks, among which are most often information drain, loss of the control and independence, conflicts because of different aims and interests, increased complexity, and all these factors can produce negative influence on innovation creation and on innovative potential of the participant. Although an alliance should reduce expenses, risk and time...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
Strategic alliances have become more and more a necessity for ensuring a competitive edge in the market-place. In spite of this growing interest, the number of strategic alliances fails after conception and indication. This paper aims to examine the underlying dimensions, the role of determinants, form and functions. This study proposes a conceptual model for analyzing the structure and components in strategic alliances. A learning perspective of strategic management and strategic alliances has been employed to determine the dynamics of collaborations within companies. Following an extensive literature review on strategic alliances to identify gaps in literature, this study offers a conceptual model providing a holistic approach.