Electromagnetic Properties of Light and Heavy Baryons in the Relativistic Quark Model (original) (raw)

Electromagnetic Properties of Baryons and the Quark Model

Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1966

I I 1243. The electromagnetic properties of baryons are investigated from the viewpoint of the Sakata Model, in which quarks are chosen as the three fundamental particles. Since vector mesons couple to the baryon indirectly through the constituent quarks, the electromagnetic form factor of the baryon has a further contribution coming from the baryon wave function as well as contributions from p, w and ifJ. This allows us to get rid of the difficulty encountered in the usual vector meson model in fitting the data with only the known p, w and r/J. It is also shown that in the "nonet limit" only p and w contribute to the nucleon form factors ; This explains the experimental relations and•

Quark Model of Heavy Baryons


We review the application of lattice QCD to the phenomenology of band c-quarks. After a short discussion of the lattice techniques used to evaluate hadronic matrix elements and the corresponding systematic uncertainties, we summarise results for leptonic decay constants, B-B mixing, semileptonic and rare radiative decays. A discussion of the determination of heavy quark effective theory parameters is followed by an explanation of the difficulty in applying lattice methods to exclusive nonleptonic decays.

The Hypercentral Constituent Quark Model and Its Application to Baryon Properties

Chinese Journal of Physics- Taipei-

The hypercentral Constituent Quark Model (hCQM) for the baryon structure is reviewed and its applications are systematically discussed. The model is based on a simple form of the quark potential, which contains a Coulomb-like interaction and a confinement, both expressed in terms of a collective space coordinate, the hyperradius. The model has only three free parameters, determined in order to describe the baryon spectrum. Once the parameters have been fixed, the model, in its non relativistic version, is used to predict various quantities of physical interest, namely the elastic nucleon form factors, the photocouplings and the helicity amplitudes for the electromagnetic excitation of the baryon resonances. In particular, the Q2Q^2Q2 dependence of the helicity amplitude is quite well reproduced, thanks to the Coulomb-like interaction. The model is reformulated in a relativistic version by means of the Point Form hamilton dynamics. While the inclusion of relativity does not alter the r...

A Relativistic Quark Model of Baryons

On the basis of the three-particle Bethe-Salpeter equation we formulated a relativistic quark model for baryons. Assuming the propagators to be given by their free form with constituent quark masses and the interaction kernel by an instantaneous potential, which contains a string-like parameterization of confinement and a flavor dependent interaction motivated by instanton effects we can account for the major features in the baryon spectrum, such as the low position of the Roper resonance and the occurrence of approximate parity doublets apparent in the N-and Λ-spectra.

Baryons in the Constituent-Quark Model


An elementary constituent-quark (CQ) model of mesons was previously presented. In this paper, we continue research into a study of the baryons in the constituent-quark model. Mac Gregor proposed a comprehensive model of elementary particles for which both mesons and baryons shared common mass-band structure in quantized units of m = 70 MeV, B= 140 MeV and X = 420 MeV. A review of the baryon data is under taken for comparison with the CQ model. It is shown in this paper that baryons possess an isospin I related to the mass quantum m = 70 MeV and to the B = 140 MeV quantum (or the mass of the pion). In order to establish a consistency with the quark model of Gell-Mann, we identify the SU(3) baryon decuplet as a standard feature to be maintained with only slight changes to the constituent-quark masses. By insisting on the J = 3/2, P-states of the SU(3) baryon decuplet to be in the same CQ excitation states, we are lead to establish baryon cores in the P-states with J = 1/2. Core corrections to Mac Gregor's CQ model of baryons are presented. Exact shell structure is found among all the baryons regardless of isospin as evidenced in the data from the Particle Data Group listing. New baryons are predicted to exist. The possible existence of magnetic charge in hadronic structure is suggested.

Electromagnetic properties of one- and two-baryon systems in the quark potential model

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 1996

These lectures review calculations of the electromagnetic properties of one-and twobaryon systems using the nonrelativistic quark model. We start with a short discussion of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, which is essential in understanding the transition from QCD to the constituent quark model. We then discuss the chiral version of the nonrelativistic quark model which simulates the symmetries and dynamical content of the underlying field theory in terms of gluon, pion, and sigma exchange between constituent quarks. In the second lecture, the electromagnetic properties of the one-baryon system are investigated in this framework. In particular, we focus on the effect of gluon and pion degrees of freedom in the electromagnetic current operators. These must be included in order for the electromagnetic current to be conserved. We also study the effect of scalar exchange currents connected with the confinement and sigma exchange potentials. By including these two-body exchange currents we go beyond the single-quark impulse approximation which has mainly been used up to now. The consistent treatment of gluon-, pion-, and scalar-exchange currents in the quark potential model is the new point of the present work. We show that exchange currents have a large effect on various electromagnetic properties, such as magnetic moments, charge and magnetic radii of the nucleon and A(1232). We point out that one cannot extract quantitative information about the quark-quark potential from electromagnetic observables without taking two-body exchange currents into account. In the third lecture, we use the quark potential model to study the electromagnetic properties of the deuteron. We emphasize that a quark-model description leads to short-range modifications of the conventional single-nucleon and two-nucleon currents, due to the quark-exchange currents. These appear as a consequence of the Pauli principle at the quark level.

Heavy baryons in the relativistic quark model

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2003

In the framework of the relativistic quasipotential quark model the mass spectrum of baryons with two heavy quarks is calculated. The quasipotentials for interactions of two quarks and of a quark with a scalar and axial vector diquark are evaluated. The bound state masses of baryons with J P = 1 2 + , 3 2 + are computed.

Quark-model study of few-baryon systems

Reports on Progress in Physics, 2005

We review the application of non-relativistic constituent quark models to study one, two and three non-strange baryon systems. We present results for the baryon spectra, potentials and observables of the NN, N∆, ∆∆ and NN * (1440) systems, and also for the binding energies of three non-strange baryon systems. We make emphasis on observable effects related to quark antisymmetry and its interplay with quark dynamics.

Constituent quark model study of light- and strange-baryon spectra

Physical Review C, 2005

We investigate the structure of the SU (3) octet and decuplet baryons employing a constituent quark model designed for the study of the baryon-baryon interaction and successfully applied to the meson spectra. The model considers through the interacting potential perturbative, one-gluon exchange, and non-perturbative, boson exchanges and confinement, aspects of the underlying theory, QCD. We solve the three-quark problem by means of the Faddeev method in momentum space. We analyze the effect of the different terms in the interaction and make contact with the use of relativistic kinematics. We find an explanation to the strong contribution of the pseudoscalar forces in the semirelativistic approach for the octet baryons. A phenomenological recipe for the regularization parameter of the one-gluon exchange is found.

Structure of baryons in a relativistic quark model

Nuclear Physics A, 2004

Baryonic excitation spectra, electroweak and strong decay properties are discussed within a relativistically covariant constituent quark model based on the instantaneous approximation to the three-body Bethe-Salpeter equation.