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Since the boom of social networking lead to people using multiple account on many platforms in order to keep in touch with hundreds of contacts, managing one's contacts risks becoming a burden for many users. Following and finding information about friends and family has become an issue too. Guided by these observations and by careful research of existing adaptive web technologies, our team worked on the development of SNAP - an adaptive social network integrator which aimed to amalgamate four social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Buzz) in one adaptive environment, which to unobtrusively sort the users' feed according to his/her preference. To achieve data transfer and authorisation, SNAP used APIs and the newest version of the OAuth protocol. Adaptivity was achieved through statistical filtering. Despite efforts, the initial field tests show that the system is not as yet ready to be launched for wider use. However, there is room for improvement in terms of Social Network Integration, and tester users expressed an interest in the idea of using an adaptive social integrator such as SNAP.
User-centered Social Network Profiles Integration
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 2013
Large scale online social networks (OSNs) such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, have become an important part of our every day life. Users are connected to multiple OSNs in which they maintain their different profiles including a lot of personal and social information. As the number of friends of a given user may grow so rapidly, it becomes impossible to manage all updates from friends' profiles to filter relevant information. We present a FOAF-based profiles aggregation model, which is able to align different user profiles available on OSNs into aggregated profiles within a single triple store. The aggregated profiles are then linked together by friend connection. We illustrate the applicability by the presentation of some applications supposed to provide users some effective help in information searching.
Social Lab: An ‘Open Source Facebook
The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods, 2016
The overlap between our every day activities and our behaviours on the Internet is ever increasing. With the advent of social media the social and behavioural sciences are faced with new opportunities and challenges for research into social behaviour. The vast majority of social media are owned by private companies. Despite public application programming interfaces (APIs) being offered by some of these social media, research in proprietary networks is severely limited. Considering the limitations to social media research, we have developed Social Lab, an open source clone of Facebook with most of its features (messaging, sharing, befriending, wall posts, pictures, searching, profiles, privacy settings, etc.). In addition, Social Lab enables researchers to create "social bots"automated programmable profiles controlled through simple scripts-to facilitate the study of social phenomena. In the present chapter we introduce Social Lab using an example around privacy management in social media, show how to configure social bots in Social Lab, and explain how it can be used in research. The source code of Social Lab is freely available to the scientific community, so any research group can have its own Social Lab to conduct their Internetbased research.
Bringing Social Media Apps in One Touch
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), 2021
Nowadays, social networking is used in a wide range among a huge number of people worldwide, social media are not only used for pleasure in fact one of the greatest roles played in social media is for business-related projects, conferences, and meetings. In this proposed paper the main highlight issue linked is social media management. Although, there are hundreds of such applications that help in solving the problem of managing many social media accounts; yet, most of them varies with high irrelevant cost and supports unused features. Therefore, how about having a social media management application that is proposed to be able to solve management problems, supports social media users with the most desired features that will help to satisfy the recipient's demands and needs all in one platform.
SocConnect: Intelligent Social Networks Aggregator
Abstract. We have developed a dashboard application called “SocConnect” for integrating social data from different social networking sites (eg Facebook, Twitter), which allows users to create personalized social and semantic contexts for their social data. Users can blend their friends across different social networking sites and group them in different ways. They can also rate friends and/or their activities as favourite, neutral or disliked.
An analysis of social network connect services
Social network platforms are increasingly becoming identity providers and a media for showing multiple types of activity from third-party web sites. In this article, we analyze the services provided by seven of the most popular social network platforms. Results show OAuth emerging as the authentication and authorization protocol, giving support to three types of APIs, client-side or Javascript, server-side or representational state transfer (REST) and streaming. JSON is the most popular format, but there a considerable variety of resource types and a lack of representation standard, which makes harder for the third-party developer integrating with several services.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2023
Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter are inherently designed to enable people to share personal and public information and make social connections with friends, coworkers, colleagues, family, and even with strangers. A typical OSN provides each user with a virtual space containing profile information, a list of the user’s friends, and web pages, such as wall in Facebook, where users and friends can post content and leave messages. In addition, users can not only upload content into their own or others’ spaces but also tag other users who appear in the content. Although OSNs currently provide simple access control mechanisms allowing users to govern access to information contained in their own spaces, users, unfortunately, have no control over data residing outside their spaces. To overcome the problem based on Online Social Networks, a systematic solution to facilitate multiparty access control (MPAC) of shared data in OSNs is introduced. The user can share their data or images to their friends. When the user is tried to share other user’s data, the request will be send to the owner of the data. After receiving the request, the owner of the data has rights to accept or reject the request. The User can only share others data after getting the approval from the data owner, otherwise the user cannot share that data to others.
A Model to Support Multi-Social-Network Applications
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
It is not uncommon that people create multiple profiles in different social networks, spreading out over them personal information. This leads to a multi-social-network scenario where different social networks cannot be viewed as monads, but are strongly correlated to each other. Building a suitable middleware on top of social networks to support internetworking applications is an important challenge, as the global view of the social network world provides very powerful knowledge and opportunities. In this paper, we do a first important step towards this goal, by defining and implementing a model aimed at generalizing concepts, actions and relationships of existing social networks.
In modern era, the era of automation and social connectivity, everyone is connected with global world through multiple social sites to enjoy the blessings of modern technological trends. It is predicted that the advent of 5th G technology will revolutionized the ways of connectivity as well and every person will be equipped with at least two-three devices and several social accounts by the end of 2020. A person in a 'digital age' has to manage multiple social accounts to connect his friends, class rooms and professionals of his discipline. To accomplish online activities, user has to login on all the sites by providing password and (or) username all the time that will result in lot of time to recall and typing user names/password pair. In this paper, we have designed REXLINK: A Social Networking Site (SNS) that facilitate to Single Sign On (SSO) for most popular social sites like Facebook, Flicker and Instagram. We can like and share posts on all the media from REXLINK, the social networking platform.
An opensocial extension for enabling user-controlled persona in online social networks
Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications, Worksharing, 2009
User privacy is a challenging issue that must be addressed urgently in current online social networking (SN) sites. One of the fundamental problems associated with the issue is the lack of support of a user-centric approach to managing and sharing user profile information in current SN systems. In this paper we present a user-centric approach based on a credential system to enabling a user-controlled attribute (persona) sharing in online SN sites. Specifically we extend a Google-initiated open source project called OpenSocial, which provides a framework to support user attribute sharing between gadgets and online SN sites, in order to allow users to selectively share their attributes among online SN sites. This paper details the design and implementation of our extension.