Hukum Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Kasus Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (original) (raw)

Ekonomi Islam Dan Politik Hukum DI Indonesia

Aktualita (Jurnal Hukum), 2019

ABSTRACTThis research will describe the history of modern Islamic economic and political relations with the law in an effort to formulate various Islamic economic laws. This article also describes the position of the Islamic economy in the Indonesian legal system so that a description of how Islamic economy can be implemented in the Indonesian economy will be obtained. This study aims to find a basis for the development of Islamic economic law in two periods, the New Order and the Reformation Era. So that Islamic economic instruments can be used as an important part of the mainstream of national economic policy, there needs to be a systematic effort to create a sharia economic political design. This design must include three main domains, namely the realm of regulation and the rule of law, the realm of institutional strengthening and expansion, and the realm of internalizing sharia economic values in the life of the state and society.Keyword: Islamic Economics, Politics of Law, and ...

Perspektif Hukum Bisnis Islam pada Bursa Berjangka Komoditas di Indonesia

The Finiqas Institute for Islamic and Humanity Studies, 2015

Abstrac Commodities markets have had an existance which is as old as human history itself. These markets have influenced not only the dynamics of production and resource utilisation in the primary sector but also served as the mechanism through which the term of trade played out and surplus was extracted. Creation of Derivatives market in commodities was a significant human innovation. Futures contracts are the oldest way of investing in commodities. Futures are secured by physical assets. Commodity markets can include physical trading and derivatives trading using spot prices, forwards, futures, and options on futures. Futures markets perform two main economic functions: price discovery and hedging. Price discovery has been defined asrevealing information about future cash market prices through the futures market. There is a relationship between the futures price of a commodity and the price that market participants expect to prevail at the time of delivery of the futures contrac. Conventional fiqh doctrine considers a sale valid only if goods are present at the time of contract, its based on direct translation the well known hadith: Do Not Sell What Is Not With You. the item must exist and be owned by the seller at the time of the contract.But some contemporary scholar argue the hadith only prohibited the sale of items that were not availabel at the time of sale.This is indicated in modern market which means that the sller can find the goods at almost any time and make delivery whenever required.Indonesia one of the top producers of a large number of commodities has no long time of trading in commodities and related derivatives. The institution of a formal commodity futures market in Indonesia which was formed in 1971. The government originally only meant to set up rubber exchanges. The regulation of a new Indonesian Commodity Exchange implemented in 1982 with the issuance of Government Regulation No. 35 of 1982 on the Commodity Exchange. A number of regulatory measures were also imposed on existing Commodity exchanges in line with international best practices. At present adjusted on both The derivatives as well as the spot markets in commodities were Imposed by way of the Commodity Exchange (Regulation) Act,2011 that islamic derivatives market are permitted to engage in derivatives transactions regional and country-wide.

Pengaruh Globalisasi Ekonomi Terhadap Hukum Ekonomi Islam DI Indonesia

Jurnal Adzkiya, 2013

Nowadays, the world is experiencing a global crisis that the impact is also felt by Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia is attempting to restore the economic system after the economic crisis was hitting since the middle of July 1997s. One of the best ways to solve the problem is the development of syariah economy system, that was tested to solve the economic crisis. It was caused by economic system that was used not influenced by the banking interest rate that caused by coming up of inflation. The implementation of law aspects of Islamic economic must be understood comprehensively. It starts from the conceptual and teoritical to the problem and the implementation. A number of experimental implementation of the economic system which is based on the principles Islamic Syari'ah has shown many indications of success, such as, the development of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). The various economic institutions and the action program which was conducted in Islamic countries and the other countries that the majority of the population converted to Islam, such as: Algeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Turkey. Moreover, a number of banking and non-banking financial institutions is based on the Syari'ah values that has developed quite rapidly in leading business cities, such as London, New York, and Geneva.

Analisis Kesesuaian Konstitusi Ekonomi Indonesia Terhadap Ekonomi Islam

Penelitian ini berusaha untuk melihat kesamaan antara kandungan konstitusi ekonomi Indonesia dengan ekonomi Islam. Secara garis besar konstitusi ekonomi Indonesia memiliki kesamaan dengan sistem ekonomi Islam khususnya pada tataran nilai dasar, prinsip dasar dan instrumentalnya. Kesamaan dasarnya terletak pada asas kegiatan ekonominya yang didasarkan pada prinsip kekeluaragaan dan kebersamaan beserta peranan penting negara dalam pengalokasian sumber daya ekonomi untuk kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan bersama. Kesamaan penting lainnya adalah adanya kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap kaum fakir miskin dan anak-anak yang terlantar melalui instrumen-intrumen kebijakan ekonomi berupa jaminan dan perlindungan sosial. Olehnya, tidak perlu dilakukan pertentangan antara konstitusi ekonomi Indonesia atau ekonomi Pancasila dengan ekonomi Islam.

Hukum Islam Dan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat


Abstract: Reactualization of Islamic law can be done through empowerment of fiqh and fatwa to understand that fiqh and fatwa are the product of scholars’ thought affected by the socio-cultural aspects accompanying it. The Product of that thought is used as a device to overcome the problems of the religious dimension of worship, muamalah, family law, civil and criminal. Generally, Muslims tend to assume that the product of fiqh thought is considered as religious because most of the practice and application of religious teachings are derived from fiqh, such as the ordinance of purification, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and etiquette for transaction which is appropriate to Shari'a guidance.


Ibnu Iyadh, 2020

Perkembangan Islam di Indonesia tidak sebatas ritual keagamaan tetapi telah menyatu menjadi nilai-nilai sosial, hukum, politik maupun ekonomi, sehingga setiap perubahan dan perkembangan masyarakat di Indonesia, Islam senantiasa menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan untuk ikut mewarnai perubahan tersebut. Hakikat lahirnya ekonomi Islam tidak semata-mata bertujuan untuk mempromosikan dan mengembangkan penerapan prinsip-prinsip Islam didalam perundang-undangan di Indonesia, tetapi juga memberikan perbaikan kualitas ekonomi masyarakat dalam lingkup khusus ataupun ekonomi negara dalam lingkup umum 1. Ekonomi Islam memiliki keterkaitan langsung terhadap politik suatu negara. Keberhasilan sebuah gagasan ataupun sistem ekonomi akan dipengaruhi oleh proses serta mekanisme politik 2. Politik hukum adalah. legal policy atau garis (kebijakan) resmi tentang hukum yang akan diberlakukan baik dengan pembuatan hukum baru maupun dengan penggantian hukum lama, dalam rangka mencapai tujuan negara. Dengan demikian politik hukum merupakan pilihan tentang hukum-hukum yang akan diberlakukan sekaligus pilihan tentang hukum-hukum yang akan dicabut.

EDITORIAL: Hukum dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi

Jurnal Hukum PRIORIS

Pelambatan ekonomi yang terjadi sejak awal pemerintahan Joko Widodo, telah direspon dengan kebijakan publik berupa rangkaian paket kebijakan ekonomi. Respon ini pada dasarnya merupakan upaya sengaja menstimulasi terjadinya perubahan melalui kebijakankebijakan dalam bentuk peraturan perundangundangan. Begitulah kodratnya hukum selain ditempatkan menjadi sarana perubahan (law as a tool of social enginering), juga sering kali berperan sebagai suporting bagi perkembangan peradaban masyarakat yang dibangun melalui kebiasaan-kebiasaan (living law) yang diformalkan melalui

Interkoneksi Stain, BSM, Dan Mes Dalam Mengembangkan Ekonomi Islam: Studi Kasus DI Purwokerto

Jurnal Penelitian Agama, 2011

STAIN, Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), and Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES, Syariah Economic Society) have important role in the development of Islam economy in Purwokerto. This research result evidenced that these three institutions have an Islamic economy development program according with vision and mission of their institution. STAIN as Islamic higher education is on curriculum design and lecture quality domain, BSM as banking financial institution on enhancing employee/manager quality, and MES Banyumas Raya as community organization at socializes about Islamic economy. Interconnection between STAIN, BSM, and MES in developing Islamic economy is still informal/incidental nature, although there several direction to formal cooperation, namely between STAIN and BSM.

Ekonomi Islam Dan Sumber Hukum


Pada dasarnya manusia sebagai makhluk sosial tidak dapat lepas dari kegiatan ekonomi, atau dalam ajaran Islam biasa kita kenal dengan istilah mu’amalah. Islam sangat menekankan bahwa kegiatan ekonomi merupakan salah satu perwujudan dari pertanggungjawaban manusia sebagai khalifah di bumi, agar keseimbangan dalam kehidupan ini tetap terjaga.