The Influence Of Teacher Communication Ability On The Students’ Character (original) (raw)

Kompetensi Pedagogik Melalui Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Secara Efektif, Empatik Dan Santun Dengan Peserta Didik

Seminar Nasional Ilmu Pendidikan dan Multi Disiplin 3 (SNIPMD 3). ISBN: 978-623-6566-35-0, 2020

Pedagogic Competence is an educational science that teaches teachers to educate students as well as well, and a teacher must have. Communication is one of the many pedagogic competencies. Communication is a process carried out by a person or persons when conveying information. Educator communication with students has an important role in preparing and the learning process, therefore communication skills are one of the competencies that an educator must possess. An educator must master good communication applications so that the learning process takes place effectively. Teacher communication can lead to students' understanding of the subject matter delivered. The purpose of this study is to examine, see, describe and explain how the teacher's communication skills increase student motivation and to see that there is no effect of teacher communication skills on student learning satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach using descriptive analysis methods with analysis through the help of the Google application where this application is useful for analyzing questionnaires quickly and widely via a link that is brought to the research subject. From the research results obtained that the ability of teachers to develop positive attitudes in learning activities there are still teachers who are less sensitive to give proper appreciation for the beliefs made by students and there are still teachers who seem to differentiate students from other students, while the ability of teachers to prove flexible and open in learning activities that are not applied so that students do not understand the material being taught, as well as an increase in the increase in the ability of teachers to appear passionate and earnest in learning activities.

The Study of Differences and Influences of Teacher Communication and Discipline Characters of Students

Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar

Islamic education is one of the subjects related to the formation of the character of students in schools. However, in the formation of student discipline character is still less attention and development. One way to form a good student discipline character is to connect teacher communication and student discipline character so that students can have good discipline character. Therefore, the authors conducted research related to teacher communication and student discipline character in learning Islamic religious education. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison and influence of teacher communication variables and the disciplined character of elementary school students. This type of research uses mixed research methods with an explanatory design. Mixed methods research is a combination of quantitative research methods and qualitative research methods. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis technique used is rand...



This study aims to determine the relationship between interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence with teacher achievement motivation at MTs Negeri Stabat Langkat Regency. The formulation of the problems posed in this study are: 1) Is there a relationship between interpersonal communication and teacher achievement motivation at MTs Negeri Stabat Kab. Depart? 2) Is there a relationship between emotional intelligence and teacher achievement motivation at MTs Negeri Stabat Kab. Depart? 3) Is there a relationship between interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence with teacher achievement motivation at MTs Negeri Stabat, district. Depart? The type of research used is quantitative using a correlational approach, namely research that seeks to see the relationship between variables. The study population was all teachers of MTs Negeri Kab. Langkat numbered 41 people. Because the population is 41 people, the entire population is used as a research sample and is called t...

Comparision of Communication Levels and Personality Characteristics of the Students Who Study at İstanbul Gelişim Universty

American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2016

The main aim of this study is to compare the students of physical education and sport college communication skills and characters with the other students who study the other department at Istanbul Gelisim Universty. In order to collect data, communication skills inventory and scanned Eysenck personality questionnaire-shortened is used in the study. While the students of Fine Arts, Physical Education and Sport College and Architecture compose the population of this study, 130 Artchitecture, 133 Fine Arts and 164 Physical Education and Sport College compose the sample of this study. SPSS 15 packets program were used for interpreting data. “Kolmogorov-Smirnov” test is used to specify wherever the data has normal distribution or not, ''Anova-Homogenety of variance” test is used to specify whether it is homogenous or not and it has been specified that the data has normal distribution and homogenous. Definer statistical was used to analyze data, one way variance analysis test is u...

Corelation between communication skills and motivation of teachers

International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2020

The aim of this study is to identify to what extend gender, experience, education status and field of study predict the correlation between communication skills and motivation of teachers and reveal the correlation between communication skills and motivation. The target population of the study consists of teachers working in state schools from preschools, primary schools, secondary and high schools in Pamukkale and Merkezefendi which are central districts of Denizli province. 726 teachers were selected from target population using proportional sampling method. Data were collected using "Teacher Communication Skills Scale" developed by Çetinkanat (1997) and "Inventory of Factors Affecting Teacher Motivation" developed by Yıldırım (2006). At the end of the administration, Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient for "Teacher Communication Skills Scale" and "Inventory of Factors Affecting Teacher Motivation" was found 0.93 and 0.97 respectively. Data were analyzed using multiple regression and Pearson correlation coefficient techniques with the help of SPSS for Windows (Statistical Packages for Social Sciences). At the end of the study it was identified that experience is a significant predictor of teachers' communication skills. It was seen that gender is a significant predictor of teacher motivation. A positive and low-level significant correlation between communication skills and motivation of teachers was identified.

Kemampuan Sumber Daya Manusia Kearsipan Dalam Upaya Keberhasilan Pelestarian Arsip Statis Badan Arsip Dan Perpustakaan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, 2012

This paper reports on one aspect of a larger study to examine the relationship between preservice teachers' self-reports of their levels of knowledge and confidence concerning many key areas of professional knowledge and skills. Knowledge and confidence in working with parents were examined using information provided by current and recently graduated concurrent and consecutive bachelor of education students. Results indicate that although knowledge remains consistent over the course of concurrent education, confidence does increase between Year 1 and 3, but then remains constant. Recent graduates do not feel overly knowledgeable or confident in their ability to communicate with parents. However, consecutive students reported significantly more knowledge and confidence compared to concurrent students. Because communicating with parents is a key expectation of professional teachers, this finding is important. The results of this research support the need for additional strategic instruction and practice to develop skills related to communicating with parents in teacher preparation programs.

Educational communication skills and their problems among students of Princess Rahma university college at Al-Balqa applied university

Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences

The study aims to determine the reality of practicing educational communication skills among students at Princess Rahma University College (Al-Balqa Applied University) and the problems they face in practicing communication skills. The researcher used the descriptive method and a questionnaire consisting of two parts: the student's communication skills and the communication problems they face. The researcher used the statistical analysis program SPSS to extract the results which were applied to Cluster random sample of (145) male and female students with the percentage of 14% of the sample population. The results showed that the degree of practicing communication skills among the students at Princess Rahma University College was (moderate), while the most practiced skill was the speaking skill and the least was understanding and accepting others. the results also indicate that there are significant problems in educational communication among students of Princess Rahma University College that came to a high degree, where the field of the university environment came in the first place, followed by the field of study materials, while the field of faculty members came in the last place. The study found that there are statistically significant differences in the degree of the existence of educational communication problems among the students of Princess Rahma University College due to gender, academic level, and specialization variables. The research recommended constructing a new building for the college, providing classrooms with electronic educational devices, and developing the content of the study materials.

Pedagogical Competence: Effective Communication of Students of Primary School Teacher Education of Universitas Terbuka in Palembang

Jurnal Basicedu, 2021

Teacher is the party who is responsible for continuity of effective communication in learning so the teacher is urged to have a good communicative competence with students in order to obtain effective learning process. In this study teacher is students of primary school teacher education who has worked as a teacher (in-service training) or educator. This study is aimed to know how the competence of teacher in communicating effectively to the students. The research method used is mix research method (Survey and Thematic Qualitative). As a result, the level of effective communicative competence of students of primary school teacher education of UT who are also as teacher of primary school in Palembang is under the standard determined by The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). Hence, some ideas are formulated in Forum Group Discussion (FGD) namely the need of comprehensive training program and are continuously from the related institution, need of teacher’s supplementary b...



This research aims to describe the effect of connection ability and mathematical communication on student learning result of keas XII MIA in MAN 1 Trenggalek. The population in this study is all students of class XII MIA 8 in MAN 1 Trenggalek academic year 2017-2018. The sampling technique is carried out by saturation or census sampling. The research samples are all students of class XII MIA 8 which amount to 35 students. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results of research are: (1) The ability of mathematical connection has a significant effect on student learning outcomes. (2) The ability of mathematical communication has no significant effect on student learning outcomes. (3) the ability of connections and communications have a significant effect together on student learning outcomes

Genel Li̇se Öğretmenleri̇ni̇n Sinif Yöneti̇mi̇ Çerçevesi̇nde İleti̇şi̇m Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n Beli̇rlenmesi̇


The purpose of this study is to determine the high school teachers' opinions related to the communication skills in terms of classroom management. In the spring semester of 2005-2006, 121 teachers working in high schools in Kütahya participated to the present research. The research was conducted by means of survey method and its data was collected through a survey entitled "Communication Questionnaire" which was developed by Altınkurt (2003). In order to determine the difference in the opinions of the teachers with reference to variables such as gender and experience in the profession, "Independent Sample T Test" and "Kruskal Wallis H" test were used. The findings of the research revealed that in most of the statements, the participants accommodate with the general communication skills such as, sending effective messages, effective listening and giving effective feedback in terms of classroom management aspect. It was also found out that the communication features of the teachers show slight differences in terms of variables of gender and experience in the profession.