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VI Международной научно-практической конференции 23 марта 2023 г., 2023
Modern time demands forming a wide range of competences not only professional, but also socio-cultural and psychological ones. Russian and foreign educators efficiently adapt the area of Art Education as the subject to develop students’ creative skills, including this development as one of the important objectives of the educational standards. The article considers a colorful picture of the examples that schools and museums offer as educational activities to improve students’ creative mind.
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В статье рассматриваются урбанонимические традиции славян и китайцев, определяется история терминов для обозначения объектов внутригородского пространства. Город обладает свойствами артефакта, произведения архитектуры или инженерии. Обнаруживается важная роль урбанонимов и урбанотерминов, отражающих языковой вкус эпохи (В.Г. Костомаров), указывающих на состояние национального языка и уровень лингвосознания его носителей. Урбанонимические системы славян и китайцев отражают как общие закономерности образования названий внутригородских объектов, так и этнолингвистическую специфику онимообразования, традиции разных лингвокультур.
Економіка та суспільство
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Gennadii Medvedev (Institute of Archeology of Crimea, Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea) ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0977-8321 Rainwater Cistern of Hellenistic Period from the Settlement of Vilino (Rassadnoie) – as a Burial Structure of the Late Scythian Culture The information about the rainwater cistern of the Hellenistic period – the end of the 4th – the beginning of the 3rd century BCE is presented in the paper. The construction was studied at the settlement of Vilino (Rassadnoie) in 2008 in the Bakhchisarai Raion (District) in the Crimea. It was situated at the eastern wall inside the estate, which was a part of the choir of Chersonesus. In the Late Scythian period, the construction was reused as a burial structure (ossuary) – from the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 1st century BCE – till the end of the 2nd century CE – the first half of the 3rd century CE. About 30 people were buried in the ossuary. Then the ossuary was robbed and covered with resedimented occupation layer from the settlement. The cistern was robbed more than once, as testified by the diggings, ancient and modern. After stopping using the structure as an ossuary, its upper part started to be used as a basement. The fragments of archaeological material of the 4th – 2nd centuries BCE were found in the construction. Ceramic material indicates the wide trade links with the Black Sea and Mediterranean ancient centers (Sinop, Rhodos, Attica, Knidos, Ephesus, etc.). The remains of burial equipment are typical for the Late Scythian culture of Crimean Piedmont and the Sarmatian culture of the Northern Black Sea region. It is difficult to explain the situation of using the object as an ossuary at the settlement where the population lived. The cistern was constructed in the classical traditions of ancient Greek architecture and has analogies at the sites of ancient Greece and the Northern Black Sea region. Nevertheless, it is a unique object located on the choir of the Chersonesus state and the border with the barbarian world. Judging by archaeological and written materials, at least one more cistern could be present at the settlement. The construction could be an important object in the study of poorly studied issues related to the water supply in the ancient Greek poleis of the Northern Black Sea region. The settlement of Vilino (Rassadnoie) could become one of the basic objects for developing chronological issues, defining the borders of the Chersonesus state, trade relations with the Mediterranean, Greek-barbarian relations in Western Crimea in the era of Hellenistic Greece and Roman Period, etc. Keywords: rainwater cistern, burial structure, ancient architecture
Oriens Aliter. Časopis pro kulturu a dějiny střední a východní Evropy., 2020
This paper examines the heritage of the Prague journal Volya Rossii, one of the leading Russian emigration’s periodical publications in the 1920s, in terms of literary criticism. The journal’s editorial board included members of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (the Eser) and was mainly noted as an exponent of the political left. The staff of the journal observed the unfolding of the New Economic Policy with political optimism, and argued that their contemporary Russian literature was primarily thriving in Soviet Russia, but not in the exile. For this reason, this research aims to describe the main tendencies in the perception of the Soviet literature of the interwar period by the magazine’s critics and columnists. Furthermore, this paper includes thematical and theoretical preferences in publications of Mark Slonim, the chief editor of the literary section of Volya Rossii, and other key personalities from the journal’s editorial staff, as well as, their polemics on émigré critics who prophesied the death of Russian literature due to the revolution of 1917.
Considering the important role aliens species in modern the development of the flora different regions and insufficient examination of the issue for Volyn Polessya in general and for its reclaimed areas such as alien flora present study is of particular relevance. The importance of such studies growing also due to the fact as that prevailing at the time of drainage objects and caused a number of reasons. The purpose of our study was to determine the species composition of the alien flora in the drainage systems of the region, an analysis of its features, installation phytocoenotic role aliens plants. The investigate of 11 drainage system, located in the area Polessye in Volyn and Rivne region and received data on the species composition of the aliens flora. According to research in the drainage systems Volyn Polessye found 68 species spread of alien flora belonging to 60 genera and 25 families. The most numerous were such families as Asteraceae (17 species or 25 % of total species), Brassicaceae (9 species or 13,2 %), Poaceae (7 species or 10,3 %), Lamiaceae (5 species or 7.3 %), Fabaceae (4 species or 5.9 %). Together these families combine 42 species or 61.8 % of all marked alien species. The remaining 20 families account for less than 26 species, each represented by 1-3 species. At the time of entry of registered alien species markedly dominated archeophitie represented 41 species. Kenophitie include 27 species. Prevalence archeophitie, according to our results, possibly due to the peculiarities of the natural environment of the region and the specific environmental conditions in the reclaimed areas. Simultaneously, a division of alien species for future entry indicates that the reclaimed areas populated those species which are already entered into the territory of Ukraine. The degree of naturalization among the registered alien species predominate epekophitie represented 55 species. By origin flagged alien species were quite varied. The most numerous species is a group of mediterranean origin, represented by 19 species. 11 species are mediterranean-iranian-turanian origin. Group of north-american species represented by 9 species. Other groups are a small number of species or individual. In the spectrum of life forms recorded alien species is dominated by annuals that are 46 species. The predominance of annuals is the hallmark of alien flora. Within hidromorf alien species in drainage objects significantly out kseromezophitie represented 42 species and mezophitie represented 18 species. With registered drainage systems alien species only 19 species marked at all investigated sites. Most of these species grow in certain phytocoenosis 15 species are archeophitie and only 4 – kenophitie. The spread of other alien species is random, most are found along the roads, limits on abandoned places. As part of many plant communities in the drainage areas most commonly kenophitie Conyza canadensis (L.) Cranq. (about 50 %). In ruderal lands is often the case Atriplex prostrata Boucher, Ballota ruderalis Sw., Phalocroloma annum (L.), Tripleurospermum perforatum (Merat.), Lactuca serriola Torner. Most alien species of characterize by low projection surface. Notable role in most areas of the transformed. In general, as the analysis of published data, the alien fraction flora Volyn Polessye has a very high potential for practical use. Most of the plants at the same time has several valuable properties, but this potential is not fully used yet because research in this scenario is quite promising.
There are the results of full-scale researches and developed recommendations for the prevention of undesirable channel deformations in the course of earthen channel. The optimal dimensions of the mating structure are given.