Guiana Francesa, uma região ultraperiférica da União europeia: Questões e desafios no século XXI (original) (raw)

French Guiana, an Outermost Region of the European Union: issues and challenges in the XXI century

Diálogos, 2020

The Outermost Regions, ORs, are external borders of the European Union, EU. These borders are located in the Caribbean region, in the Atlantic Ocean, and in the Indian Ocean. This study proposes to approach the place of Guiana as a French Outermost Region in three aspects. From a legal point of view, what are the treaties, conventions, protocols adopted by the European Union, and therefore by France, in which Guiana is included as an outermost region. Under the economic and national security aspects, what are the neighborhood relations between Guiana, Brazil and Suriname. Finally, what kind of integration can Guiana aim for on the Guiana Shield given its historical past and geopolitical location. Essentially, our study proposes to analyze the challenges that Guiana has to face in a globalized and socially changing world in the XXI century.

Geoparque Quarta Colônia aspirante UNESCO: uma proposta de desenvolvimento territorial baseada na geoconservação da paisagem e do patrimônio no centro do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)


Desde os anos 2000, a proposta de reconhecimento dos geoparques como territórios que promovem o patrimônio da Terra e sustentam as comunidades locais por meio da conservação e uso sustentável do seu patrimônio, tem se consagrado como um novo paradigma em termos de desenvolvimento territorial. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os aspectos geopatrimoniais e paisagísticos mais relevantes inventariados no território da Quarta Colônia (RS), bem como a trajetória de construção deste projeto até a submissão do dossiê de candidatura à Geoparque Mundial da UNESCO. O território é composto por nove municípios, com pouco mais de sessenta mil habitantes, estendendo-se por 2.923 km², demarcando a transição entre o Planalto Meridional Brasileiro e a Depressão Periférica Sul-Riograndense. Tem como grande destaque geopatrimonial a presença de uma das mais importantes assembleias fossilíferas do triássico mundial. Soma-se a isso a grande diversidade de paisagens naturais encontrada...

French Guiana Between Portugal and France (1814-1817)

After five years of occupation (from 1809 exactly) by Portuguese troops come from Brazil, French Guiana was supposed to be retroceded to France after the fall of Napoleon and the first Treaty of Paris of may 1814. After the flight of the Eagle and the Hundred Days, however, the territory was to remain occupied by the Portuguese troops up to the end of the year 1817 when new French authorities could eventually be re-established in the colony. In my presentation here today, I will only stress some of the problems of this three year period of hesitations between de facto annexation to the Portuguese Empire of Brazil and de jure return to French sovereignty. • first, I focus on what it seems to be : a matter of rivalry between two colonial powers on the South American Continent – including the British, who were deeply interested in the new settlements of 1815 in the Eastern Caribbean, the Guiana plateau, and the Brazilian Empire. • second, I focus on the destiny of the slaves. Some of them were emancipated thanks to the conquest by the Portugueses, but for the most part of them, their condition was not changed by the new rulers of the colony. There was anyway a major interference, I mean the ban on the Atlantic slave trade edicted by the British in 1807 and confirmed by the Congress of Vienna in 1815. The colonial lobby in Paris claimed for new attempts to provision Guiana with African, Brazilian and Caribbean slaves, and so did the plantation owners disadvantaged by foreign occupation. • third, the conclusion of this period of occupation by the Portuguese is also the issue of the territory situated southwest of the river Oyapock, which was reconfigured by the re-drawing of frontiers in 1814-1817 into a Franco-Brazilian disputed zone for more or less a century : the so-called " contesté " finally obtained by Brazil at the beginining of the twentieth century after an international arbitration ruled by Switzerland.

Cartographic Expressions in the Guiana Region

Geousp, 2021

From the mid-twentieth century, there was a proliferation of studies in various fields of knowledge regarding the Guiana region. However, until today there still remains a large gap in updating thematic cartographies that explain the geographies of the region. The aim of this text, therefore, is to outline some reflections on the construction of 5 maps that have been created in order to highlight aspects of the territorial ordering of this region and, as a result, to clarify relevant questions concerning the past and present of the Guianas. In order to compose both the maps and our arguments, a literature review has been undertaken, together with the collection and tabulation of primary data (statistics) and fieldwork as methodological guidelines.

« L’Exclusif » in Theory and Practice: French Guiana and the Eighteenth Century Atlantic Economy

International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 2020

This paper documents the importance of French Guiana within the Modern World and the influence of this colony, considered as marginal, on the Atlantic trading networks of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. To reconstruct French Guiana’s commercial network, a material culture analysis of six archaeological collections and records of the boats reaching Cayenne annually during the Ancien Régime were juxtaposed. Through the lens of microhistory, this method led to a revisitation of the Eurocentric economic theories of the Ancien Régime, notably the protectionist policy of l’Exclusif, to better appreciate how the decisions of French Guiana authorities outmaneuvered the imperial power and had a tangible impact on the Atlantic economy by operating outside of the economic precepts of mercantilism.

Reconstruções Identitarias Em Sociedades Plurais: Os Povos Da Fronteira Brasil - Guiana


The reconstruction of identities that is taking place in the Americas is interconnected with the phenomenon of the Nation-State, for they are the consequences of colonization processes that have dominated peoples and disintegrated cultures. The national question - which began in the American colonial world as of the 1800’s independence movements in Latin America – has been articulated with contradictions. The resulting Nation-States took on the configuration of power of those who continued to pursue the same set of interests and privileges of the colonial power. For those under domination – native and black people – this meant the continuation of colonialism. This paper will investigate the ways through which these peoples have reconstructed their identities within a counter-hegemonic movement in the Brazilian and Guiana frontier. My goal is to study culture and nationalities based on categories of identity. Keywords: Brazil; Guyana; border; identities.

The dichotomy of universalism and particularism in French Guiana


December 2015 was a landmark in the political history of French Guiana with the election of the new single territorial community-the collectivité unique-which enshrined the official demise of the Région and, more pertinently, the Département that had previously embodied the principle of assimilation of this South American French territory to France. Broadly-speaking, the traditional two-tier system-which exists all over metropolitan France, although, in contrast to those overseas, mainland Regions comprise multiple Departments-has been slimmed down and streamlined into a single political body combining the powers of the former two. Martinique undertook the same reforms, albeit with different sociopolitical overtones, while Guadeloupe, which had turned down the offer of institutional change that was put to the Caribbean Overseas Departments in a 2010 referendum, maintained the departmental institution inherited from the 1946 law that had aligned the former colonies to the metropolitan institutional model. Guadeloupe also kept the Région which was established by François Mitterrand in 1982 and extended to the 'four old colonies' (Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Réunion). With the former two municipalities of Saint-Martin and Saint Barthelemy which acceded to the slightly different status of Overseas Territories when they split from 'continental' Guadeloupe. France now has five dependencies in the Caribbean region. While ceasing to be a Département, French Guiana still retains the social and symbolic significance attached to departmentalization. But for reasons related mainly to the history of its settlement, it is, of all these 'assimilated' territories, the one where administration-and more generally, French political culture-have gone through the most distortions. Unlike in Fort de France (Martinique) and Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe), French colonization was not accompanied by a creolization process

Suriname: Natureza e Cultura. (relato de uma experiência pessoal)

Suriname, 2019

No início do ano de 2001, fui chamado por uma empresa canadense de exploração mineral que foi subcontratada pela companhia estatal de Petróleo do Suriname para trabalhar como administrador e gerente de logística, de materiais e recursos humanos. Trabalhava, na maioria com surinameses e canadenses, os primeiros operários e ajudantes e os outros mecânicos, soldadores e técnicos de perfuração de poços. Nosso local de trabalho era nos pântanos do litoral do país, em uma área delimitada num campo, não muito longe da capital. Nossa missão era realizar os furos no solo pantanoso e testar os poços para o potencial da existência de petróleo e gás. Assim, durante quase todo o ano de 2001, como brasileiro, trabalhei e morei no país vizinho do Suriname, antiga Guiana Holandesa. (English version enclosed)

Territórios da natureza: apropriação e extinção no Brasil

GEOUSP Espaço e Tempo (Online)

A geografia, desde sua origem como campo do conhecimento e, mesmo antes, desde a antigüidade, sempre se preocupou em compreender o espaço enquanto morada do homem (e das mulheres) no planeta Terra. Constitui, portanto, uma ciência cujo conceito balizador de seus estudos é o espaço geográfico. Entende-se por espaço geográfico a materialização das práticas humanas sobre a superfície da terra (no sentido amplo). Trata-se de refletir sobre a produção do espaço na sua relação complexa e contraditória entre as práticas humanas que decorrem de seu modo de produzir, de sua forma de se organizar socialmente e da construção de sua cultura. Pensado dessa forma, o espaço geográfico constitui uma totalidade, impossível de ser contemplado analiticamente. Por essa razão, propomos que este possa ser lido a partir de diferentes conceitos, expressão diferenciada da leitura geográfica sobre o espaço geográfico.