Idempotent Multipliers on Spaces of Continuous Functions with p-Summable Fourier Transforms (original) (raw)
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Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 1993
Let G be a compact abelian group with dual group Γ. For 1 ≤ p < ∞, denote by Ap(G) the space of integrable functions on G whose Fourier transforms belong to lp(Γ). We investigate several problems related to multipliers from Ap(G) to Aq(G). In particular, we prove that (Ap, Ap) ⊊ (Aq, Aq). For the circle group, we characterise permutation invariant multipliers from Ap to Ar for 1 ≤ r ≤ 2.
The generalized multiplier space and its Köthe-Toeplitz and null duals
Mathematical Communications, 2017
The purpose of the present study is to generalize the multiplier space for introducing the concepts of alphaB-, betaB-, gamaB-duals and NB-duals, where B = (b_{n,k}) is an infinite matrix with real entries. Moreover, these duals are computed for the sequence spaces X and X(\delta), where X\in{l_p; c; c_0} and 1< p<\infty.
We will start with the set M(X,Y)M(X,Y)M(X,Y), multiplier space, defined by: \[ M(X,Y)=\{a=(a_k)\in \omega \mid ax\in Y \mbox{, for all }x\in X\} \] where omega\omegaomega denotes the space of all complex-valued sequences and XXX and YYY are sequence spaces. Specially, putting Y=csY=csY=cs, where cscscs is the set of convergent series, the multiplier space becomes the beta\betabeta-dual of XXX. We will present some generalized results related to XbetaX^{\beta}Xbeta and extend some of existing. Finally, we will illustrate these generalizations with some examples and applications.
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A homomorphism theorem for multipliers
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 1989
Throughout the paper, the symbols G1 and G2 will denote two locally compact abelian groups with character groups X1 and X2, respectively. Haar measures on Gj are denoted by μj; the ones on Xj are denoted by θj (j=1,2). The measures μj and θj are normalized so that the Plancherel Theorem holds (see [7, p. 226, Theorem 31.18]).
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This paper studies some properties of the Fourier multiplier operators on a compact group when the underlying multiplication functions (the symbols) defined on the dual object take values in a Banach algebra. More precisely, boundedness properties for such Fourier multiplier operators for the space of Bochner strong integrable functions and for the (vector) p-Fourier spaces are investigated.
Multiplicative functionals on function Algebras
Revista Matemática Complutense, 1988
Leí X be a completely regular Hausdorff space and C(X) the algebra of alí continuous <-valued functions on X (1K = IR o C). If A E C(X) is a subalgebra, in [4] can be found conditions on A under whicls cadi character of A, i.e., each non-zero 1K-linear multiplicative funclional 4xA-* 1K, is given by a point evaluation al sorne point of X. In ibis paper we presení a «Michael» type theorem for the particular case in which X is a real Banach space. As consequence it is showed thai if E is a separable Banach space or E is the topological dual space of a separable Banach space aud A ís the algebra of ah real analytic or the algebra of alí real Cm.functions, ni = 0, 1 oD, on E, then every character 4 of A is a point evaluation at sorne poiní of E. Let E be a real Hanach space with topological dual E' and let C(E) be the algebra of alí continuous IR-valued bunctions on E. Let ll(~~J)={a=(a»)eIRNõ , a t,~09}. n1 Theorem 1. Assume Éhat diere exists («t,)%'1 cE', 114,,II=lforevery nel\J, such that (&) separates points of E. LeÉ A EC(E) be a subalgebra with leA. Assume: (i) IffeA,f(x)#Ofor aH xeE, then 1//EA. (ji) E' a A aná for every í = (í,,) e ¡'(IN), tbe funetion Z~a~belongs to A. n1 Pien every character 4rA-dR, such that /.'(4t,)=#t,(a)for every neN aná sorne acE, is the point evafuation at a.