Implementation of Mind Mapping in Improving Sixth-Grade Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability at SDN Blimbing 2 Malang (original) (raw)
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PROCEEDING AISELT (Annual International Seminar on English Language Teaching), 2019
The objective of the study is to find out the effectiveness of using mind mapping technique in writing descriptive text at seventh grade of SMPN 14 Kota Serang. This study used quantitative method with true experimental design that used two groups. It means that there are an experimental class and a control class which were given pretest and posttest. The population of the research was the seventh grade students at SMPN 14 Kota Serang, the sample was taken by using cluster random sampling. Class VII G as the control group which consisted of 30 students. Class VII H as the experimental group which consisted 30 students. Pre-test and post-test were given to the experimental group and control group. The treatment was given only to an experimental group for two meetings. The instrument of this study was a written test, to score the students' descriptive text on pretest and posttest the writer used rubric of scoring namely an analytical scoring. The researcher used content validity and inter-rater reliability in order to make the instruments were valid and reliable. In testing the hypothesis, the researcher used t-test formula to know the effectiveness of using mind mapping technique in writing descriptive text at seventh grade of SMPN 14 Kota Serang. The calculation showed that the result of is higher than (4.38 ≥ 2.00) with the significance 0.05 (5%). It can be concluded that there is the effectiveness of using mind mapping technique in writing descriptive text at seventh grade of SMPN 14 Kota Serang.
Writing skill is a component of language skill with important role in human life. Through writing activity, an individual can express his idea and thought to achieve purpose and objective. For that reason, this ability should be taught appropriately in elementary school. But the reality proves that writing teaching is carried out incorrectly. This research aimed to find out the effectiveness of the students' essay writing ability using mind mapping method in the 7 th grade of SMP N 2 Gondangrejo, Karanganyar in the school year of 2014/2015. The research was conducted at SMP N 2 Gondangrejo, Karanganyar in the school year of 2014/2015. The population of research all at students the 7 th grade of SMP N 2 Gondangrejo, Karanganyar. Method: The study of a Classroom Action Research. Data and Data Source: Informants consist of teacher and the 7 th grade of SMP N 2 Gondangrejo, Karanganyar, and Document. Technique of collecting data is test writing. Conclusion the research says: The writing skill with Mind Mapping method improves either individually or classically. The mean score of student increased from 63.38 in cycle I to 70.95 in cycle II. The students' individual learning passing also increased classically from 75.67% in cycle I to 89.19% in cycle II. Considering the data above, the achievement of students' writing skill learning achievement in second cycle has achieved the indicator of success in which at least 75% of students had individual learning passing score ≥ 64. This improvement of narrative writing skill results from the application of Mind Mapping method that helps the students develop idea into a systematical narrative.
The objective of this research was to know whether there was significant influence of using mind mapping technique toward the students’ descriptive text writing ability at first semester of the eighth grade of MTSN 2 Bandar lampung in the academic year of 2016/2017 The research methodology used quasi experimental design. The population of the research was the students of the eighth grade of MTSN 2 bandar Lampung consisted of 248 students grouped in seven classes. The sample was chosen by doing cluster random sampling. The sample was taken from two classes, VIII E as control class and VIII G as experimental class which consisted of 50 students. In collecting data, the writer used the instrument of pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was conducted before the treatment and post-test was conducted after the treatment that was done only to the experimental class while the control is taught of using lecturing technique. In this case, the instrument was writing test. After giving the pre-test...
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This study concerns with improvement of students' achievement in writing recount text through mind mapping technique in Junior High School. The subject of the study was the students in SMP Free Methodist 1 Medan, class VIII-1 which consisted of 37 students. This study was conducted by applying Classroom Action Research. The procedure of this research was done in two cycles in six meeting. The mean of students' score in test I was 67.24. It was increased in test II to 72.78 and in test III, it became 78.79. The improvement was not only showed in the mean of the students' score but also in the number of students who got point up to 75. In test I, the number of students who got point up to 75 was only 5.4%. In test II, the number was increased to 29.8% while in test III it became 81.1%. Based on the diary notes, observation sheet and questionnaire sheet, it was found that the students gave good responds in the teaching and learning process. Based on the result of quantitative and qualitative data, it can be concluded that the application of mind mapping technique had improved the junior high school students' achievement in writing recount text.
Dianto, Roni. Registered student. 3213113140. 2015. The effectiveness of using mind mapping technique toward the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text at MTsN Tunggangri Tulungagung in academic year 2014/2015. Thesis. English educational program department of Islamic education state Islamic college of Tulungagung. Advisor: Muhammad Basuni, M.Pd Keyword: effectiveness, mind mapping technique, students’ achievement Writing is one of the language skills that should be taught besides the other skills. Based on curriculum of junior high school that recommended by the government in the second grade, there are some texts that must be mastered by the student at junior high school. One of those texts is descriptive text. In learning descriptive text, the students may have the difficulty in learning it. Student may be confused what they want to write because they didn’t have idea even though the teacher has been given the object. Therefore, in this study, the researcher will try t...
English Language Teaching Journal, 2017
This research is aimed to improve students' writing ability in writing analytical exposition texts using mind mapping technique for the eleventh grade at SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan. This research is categorized as classroom action research. The research was conducted in two cycles. The results of the research showed that the implementation of mind mapping technique in the teaching and learning process of writing was believed to be effective and successful to improve students' writing ability supported by the following statements. First, mind mapping technique helps students in bringing out the ideas, developing the ideas, and organizing the ideas. Second, mind mapping technique promote students' creativity in the same time. Third, it can increase students' involvement and enthusiasm in following the process of teaching and learning of writing. Fourth, there is improvement in students' writing achievement. Based on the quantitative data, the students' mean score obtained in the pre-test was 47.39 and increased into 64.57 in post-test of Cycle 1 and became 70.60 in the post-test of Cycle 2. Then, the gained score from pre-test to post-test in Cycle 2 was 23.21. This means students made a significant improvement in writing analytical exposition texts.
Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping Technique in Improving Students’ Writing Skill
e-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society)
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The Use of Mind Mapping Strategy in the Teaching of Writing at
The main objective of this study was aimed to identify whethier the use of Mind Mapping strategy was effective in improving the students' writing achievement. Non-equivalent groups pretest-posttest design was used in this study. The population was the First year students of SMAN 3 Bengkulu Town in academic year of 2011/2012 with a total number of 234 students. Out of this population, 66 students were taken as sample. There were two groups, each of which consisted of 33 students. The data were collected by using writing test. The data obtained were analyzed by using t-test formula. From the t-test calculation of the pre test result was known that t obtained was 0.25 by using t table p level and 64 df results in a figure of 2.0, so the obtained < t table (0.25 < 2.0). it means that there was not a statistically, the average of two groups were the same grade. Then after giving the treatment for sixteen meetings the post test was given to the two groups. The mean score of the experimental group was 68.1212 and the control group was 62.7727. In testing the significant difference between these two group means; t obtained was 2.7 and t table value at 0.05 p level and the 64 df was 2.0. So that t obtained > t table (2.7 > 2.0). It meant that there was a significance difference on students writing achievement which was taught through Mind Mapping Strategy. Therefore, it can be concluded that Mind Mapping Strategy improved students' writing achievement.
The Use of Mind Mapping Technique in Improving Students’ Writing Skill
This study aims at examining if the use of mind mapping technique can improve students' ability in writing skill at grade XI of SMA Labschool Unsyiah, Banda Aceh. It focused on how the students are able to organize idea and write a good analytical exposition text as one of text types taught in senior high school within Indonesian EFL context. To cope with the difficulties encountered by the students in writing the text, pre experimental study of one group pretest-posttest design employed by using simple random sampling. In order to collect the data in this study, the researchers administrated the test in the form of written test to elicit the data related to students’ writing ability. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic to depict the attained data and inferential statistic to prove the research hypothesis. From the results of data reveal that the mean score of posttest is higher than the mean score of pretest (53.8>26.9) as well as the value of t-t...