“Gifts for the Remedy of the Soul” and Kings’ “Friendly Greetings”: Some English Charters of the 7th–11th Centuries (Texts, Translations, Comments) (original) (raw)
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Государи и грамоты: Введение в дипломатику королевского акта в раннесредневековой Англии, 2022
The paper is an introduction in the diplomatic of royal charters in pre-1066 England. The paper comprises a terminological introduction, an overview of the history of the publication, study, and the main scholarly discussions concerning Anglo-Saxon charters from the 16th and up to the early 21st century (including the present situation with electronic databases of Anglo-Saxon charters, and the Soviet and Russian tradition of study and translating of those documents), overviews of the form, content, history, and the main issues of study of the two categories of Anglo-Saxon royal acta: diplomas and writs (including such issues as the origin of both diplomas and writs, the nature of bookland, boundary clauses, witnesses lists, the use of languages, the potential of the charters as a source for the history of economy and ideology, and a number of others), and, finally, an attempt to sum up the data on the practical functioning of royal charters (from their composing to their practical uses).
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NB. Отмечу два досадных историографических пробела в этой статье. Во-первых, я упустил очень важную статью Я.Р. Дашкевича (1991), в которой он подверг резкой и аргументированной критике мнение об отражении в летописях подлинных дипломатических посланий, а также (кажется, впервые) указал на вероятность того, что послам вручались только верительные грамоты, тогда как сама суть посольства выражалась изустно. Благодарю А.В. Кузьмина и А.А. Кузнецова. Во-вторых, наблюдение о независимом отражении в Лавр. и Ипат. одного и того же послания конца XII в. уже было сделано в работе М.Л. Лавренченко, которая, к сожалению, долго ждала публикации.
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By submitting this study devoted to book censoring in the times of Henry VIII the author tries to contribute to the general knowledge about political censorship by exposing the forms, methods, and aims, characteristic of a special historic period and situation. A combination of linguistic (syntactic, grammatical), contextuiall and bibliographical approaches, used in the study attempts to show the interrelation between political agenda, text semantics, language- and text structure, and the forms of mediality, contemporary to a certain epoch, as manifested by post-factum censorship (censoring applied to texts made public long before). As the source of material, a valuable copy of Ranulph Higden’s ‘Polychronicon’ published by Wynkyn de Worde in 1495, now kept in the incunabula collection of the Russian State (former Lenin) Library in Moscow, is presented and examined. It offers ample evidence of 16th-century post-factum censorship, carried out in an early printed book. The dating of marginal notes and questions of provenance are discussed in connection with the validity of the copy as a witness of 16th-century England. The method of ‘blotting out’, introduced by Henry VIII to support his protestant reforms (cf.: ‘cutte or blotte… in such wise, as they cannot be perceiued nor red’) concerned certain unwanted words (in the present case this was the lexeme ‘pope’). By linguistic and textological analysis the method of post-factum censorship by ‘blotting out’ is theoretically confronted with the concept of linguistic ellipsis. The effectivity of the blotting out-technique is evaluated and, as a result, an alternative explanation for its employment is suggested.
St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series III: Philology, vol. 51 (2017), pp. 77–90, 2017
This paper deals with three texts written in the genre of “consolation”, or consolatio, by the medieval Christian Arab authors Elias al-Jawhari, Severus ibn al-Muqaff a, and Elias bar Shinaya of Nisibis. The goal of this study is to reveal their connection to works of the Arab tradition, including the treatise by the Muslim Arab philosopher al-Kindi. This treatise serves as a link connecting the works of al-Jawhari, ibn al- Muqaff a and bar Shinaya with the Ancient Greek consolatio. The analysis off ered in the paper leads to the conclusion that Christian Arab writers adopted the literary form of the epistolary treatise, but modifi ed its content. All of the three authors theologise the content of consolatio, but choose diff erent strategies. Elias bar Shinaya brings the problem to a generalised ethical level considering it in the context of virtues and vices and organising the material mainly as a collection of sayings and short stories. Elias al-Jawhari and Severus ibn al-Muqaff a try to combine the argumentation typical for ancient consolations with arguments based on texts known to the Christian reader, fi rst and foremost Biblical. Furthermore, Elias al-Jawhari mostly employs themes from the Old Testament that could also be relevant for Muslim readers, whereas Severus ibn al-Muqaff a actively synthesises Classical and Christian material. The latter allows us to suggest the development of a theoretic treatise in the genre of consolatio, containing Christian content for the fi rst time. This paper also puts forward the idea that this phenomenon may be related to the powerful impetus gained by Arab writers during the so-called Abbasid Renaissance.
Donatio Constantini в славянских переводах XIV–XVвв.: к проблеме их датировки и локализации
The article studies two Slavic translations of the Donation of Constantine from the 14th and the 15th centuries in comparison with the Greek text (in some cases with the Latin original) in order to establish the time and place of their appearance. F. Thomson believed that the first Slavic translation was made in Serbia, and the second one in Bulgaria, but the study shows that both translations are of East Slavic origin. Both translations have a number of ideological inserts, on the basis of which it is possible to put forward assumptions about the goals of creating them. The first translation was probably made for Metropolitan Cyprian and served as an authoritative source to which the metropolitan could appeal in the matter of collecting church taxes in Moscow Russia. The second translation, in our opinion, could have been made in Southwestern Russia in a circle of scribes denying the Church Union of 1439. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.1.4В статье изучаются два славянских перевода ...
Годишњак Катедре за српску књижевност са јужнословенским књижевностима за школску 2016/17. годину, година XII
This paper discusses the rhetorics of Serbian medieval literature, the rhetorical heritages of Byzantium and the Antiquity, as well as specific rhetorical figures - topoi, composition, stylistic figures, ekphrasis - that can be identified in the most significant works in the classic rhetorical genres of oration and encomiums. Those are the works of Theodosius of Hilandar, Danilo of Banya, Andonius Raphail, Dimitrii Kantakuzin, and Anonymous of Smederevo. The present paper aims to show the ways in which these works are rhetorically shaped, which patterns they inherit from Byzantine and Antique rhetoric, and in what ways they are employed in the works of Serbian medieval authors.