Orthoepy of West Slavonic Languages (Czech, Slovak and Polish) (original) (raw)

Word Phonology in Czech


The paper presents the project Issues in the Phonology of the Word in Czech the purpose of which is to account for phonological properties of words in Czech.

Czech Phonology and the Axiomatic Functionalist Approach - À Propos of Phonotactics of Czech, PHD Thesis by Aleš Bičan (*)


The article briefly describes Bican's successful PhD thesis, discusses some specific issues in it, makes some recommendations, but focuses on a num- ber of issues of theory and practice arising from the thesis. It considers issues in the selection of phenomena and variety, the axiomatic functionalist view of de- scription and the construct-phenomenon distinction, the limits of "delicacy" in a description, and key concepts - the distributional unit, phonotagm, archi- phoneme, and archi-position.


Diplomacy and Security, 2022

This paper conducts comparative analysis of two aspects of the Orthography manual of the Serbian language, The Croatian orthography manual, The Orthography manual of the Bosnian language and of The Orthography manual of the Montenegrin language on the basis of cultural politics. Final goal of this paper is to provide scientific conclusions on influence of cultural politics in creating orthography norms and political functionalization of certain examples used in orthography manuals. Author also introduces a new discipline, yet unknown in serbistics, exemplology. Its standpoints represent methodological frame of this analysis. Author concludes that certain orthography examples could be functionalized in order to sustain certain cultural politics’ agendas and help in creating new cultural models. Author also emphasizes that script standardization represents an act with long-standing effects which is why it cannot be treated in purely linguistic matter.

Morfologicke Znackovani Ceskych Textu


from 1994 until 2000. Doctoral candidate Mgr. Barbora Vidov' a Hladk' a Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics MFF UK Supervisor RNDr. Jan Haji c, Dr. Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics MFF UK Department Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics MFF UK Malostransk'e n'amest'i 25, 118 00 Prague 1 Opponents Prof. Frederick Jelinek Center for Language and Speech Processing Johns Hopkins University 320 Barton Hall, Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 212 18, USA Prof. PhDr. Petr Sgall, DrSc. Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Malostransk'e n'amest'i 25, 118 00 Prague 1 I-3 board chairman Prof. PhDr. Petr Sgall, DrSc. This report has been disseminated on February 24, 2000. The thesis defense will be held on March 24, 2000 at 1:0 p.m., MFF UK, Ke Karlovu 3, Prague 2, room No. 105. The thesis is available at the Depart

Coordination throughout the history of Croatian orthography


In contemporary linguistics, subordination and coordination are most commonly used in syntax, with co-ordination referring to independent clauses, and subordination to the dependent ones. In this paper, we approach the phenomenon of coordination from the syntagm point of view with the aim of describing the relation between the syntagm and the word. For the purpose of this analysis, “word” is understood as an orthographic unit (a language unit written between two blank spaces) which is, in addition, in the sense of derivational morphology, a compound with at least two stems. In this respect, the most challenging are the derivation of semi-compounds, in the traditional sense, and the understanding of the function of a dash. The dash conveys two senses: formal (orthographic and derivational) and the semantico-syntactic. The formal function refers to the connection of at least two constituents (stems), while the semantico-syntactic function relates, on one hand, to the subordination (co...