The velocity of spatial population expansion (original) (raw)
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Note CS-N8505 May The Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science is a research institute of the Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, which was founded on February 11 , 1946, as a nonprofit institution aiming at the promotion of mathematics, computer science, and their applications. It is sponsored by the Dutch Government through the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).
Mathematics and Computer Science
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers undergraduate majors in mathematics and in computer science. We also participate in the Informatics and Modeling Certificate Program. The department's graduate programs include a PhD in mathematics and MA programs in mathematics and in computer science. Each student's course of study is designed to provide an introduction to the basic areas of mathematics or computer science and to provide the technical tools that will be useful later in the student's career. The course of study is planned in consultation with the student's faculty advisor and the department's advisory committees, DADCOM for mathematics and CADCOM for computer science.
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Mathematical Sciences : a testimony of its insertion in Science, Technology and Innovation
I. Prologue: Scientific and Cultural Bases of Mathematics ORIGINS AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE The present account is largely based on the principle that mathematics is a scientific activity with social-historical roots, in opposition to a static view that takes it as existent per se, quite independent from human culture. The first stand, on whose side one counts famous forerunners, sees mathematics in a position similar to that of other sciences, to wit, both a function and agent of society and of the scientifically explainable universe. The precise language of mathematics and the beauty of its universal formulas, apparently conceived to perfection, would seemingly be responsible for the platonic-like vision of the discipline as a pure manifestation of the human or divine spirit, which exists independently of a given cultural state of mankind or of its social development. The nature of the present document moves away from the above vision and tries to convey the idea that the mathema...
The Pilot Maths Centre at the North West Regional College
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