遺伝的アルゴリズムによる50kg級小型衛星の熱制御システム設計 (original) (raw)
The paper reports several steps taken to reduce vibration responses of a 50 kg-class micro-satellite structure, which is subjected to severe mechanical/vibratory environment during launching. In order to satisfy the required mechanical interface conditions, anti-vibration design of satellite structure was modified to enhance damping capacity of the structure by applying adherent aisogrid-panel, honeycomb panel, polyimid-tape-inserted connections, and damping pads. Considerable reduction of vibration responses was confirmed by vibration test of structural-thermal model.
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), 2016
The mechanical thermometer using a bimetallic strip coil was developed for the Tanpopo mission. The Tanpopo mission is a multi-year passive exposure experiment for astrobiology exposure and micrometeoroid capture onboard the Exposed Experiment Handrail Attachment Mechanism (ExHAM) at the Japanese Experiment Module 'Kibo' (JEM) Exposed Facility (EF) on the International Space Station (ISS). The Tanpopo mission apparatuses were launched by the SpaceX-6 Dragon CRS-6 on April 14 2015, from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in the U.S.A. Since its microbial exposure experiment requires recording the maximum temperature that the Tanpopo exposure panel experiences, we have developed a mechanical thermometer with no electric power supplied from the ExHAM. At a given time and orbital position of the ISS, the thermometer indicator was video-imaged by the extravehicular video camera attached to the Kibo-EF and controlled from the ground. With these images analyzed, we were able to derive the maximum temperature of the Tanpopo exposure panels on the space pointing face of the ExHAM as 23.9±5 ℃. Now this passive and mechanical thermometer is available to other space missions with no electric supplies required and thus highly expands the possibility of new extravehicular experiments and explorations for both human and robotic missions.
7. 植物遺伝資源の超低温保存法開発の現状と動向(セミナー : 生物資源の保存)
Japan ln temationa 'Research Centerfo厂 Agricultural Sciences 1 -20hwashi , Tsukuba , ∬わ α r α た ご , 305 -8686 With increasing numbers of gemplasms requidng conservation , the demands are on the development of longtenn conservation of clonal materials . CryopTeservation is the only current rnethod that cou 且 d provide the ideal condition for base collection of vegetatively propagated pla 皿 t germplasms . There are growing interests and needs for cryopreservation ・ In recent years, detailed conditions of cryogenic precedures such as vitrification , encapsulationvitrification and encapsulation -dehydration were well investigated and successful protocols for wider range of plant species have been developed・ Cryopreserva 缸on is recognized as a practical and efficient tool for longterm storage of vegetatively propagated not only fo曲 e cold -hardy and temperate but also for tropical plant germplasms , 1.緒 言
Kyoto University (京都大学)0048新制・論文博士博士(エネルギー科学)乙第10328号論エネ博第10号新制||エネ||4(附属図書館)UT51-2000-C95(主査)教授 神田 啓治, 教授 塩津 正博, 教授 芹澤 昭示学位規則第4条第2項該
Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2015
In this paper, load frequency control problem of a microgrid is discussed. The control is conducted to retain power demand supply balance by controling output of generators in power system. However, it becomes harder to retain the balance because of large-volume injection of renewable energy. For the problem, two approaches are considered in this research field. One is to use dispersion type power sources like batteries, and the other is to apply new control theories. Therefore, we focus on a microgrid which holds a wind turbine generator, a diesel generator and a battery, and propose a technique based a static H∞ control. In the beginning, we design the generalized plant considering the difference of the response speed of a diesel generator and a battery. Then, static H∞ control is applied to the generalized plant. Moreover, an LMI condition to avoid control gains to cause too big control input are combined with static H∞ control. In numerical simulation, we validate that the controller can suppress frequency deviation and deviation of residual capacity of the battery. Futhermore, we show that the approach can design controllers with lower dimensions, and avoid undesirable control gains. In experiment with a generator and a variable resistance, the effectiveness of the controller is also confirmed.
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C, 2008
In the reciprocating engine with multi-cylinders, estimation of cylinder imbalance characteristics is an important issue for online balancing control in order to obtain high quality torque generation and reduce emission. This paper addresses the individual cylinder A/F estimation with single sensor and control problem. First, a simple model is proposed that provides an estimation of the individual cylinder A/F with multiple sampling data of the single sensor during a cycle. Then, using the model-based estimation, a feedback control approach is shown that is cycle-based PI regulation with the fuel injection as control input. Finally, experimental results carried out on an engine testbench are demonstrated to validate the estimation and the control effectiveness.
低圧マイクロ波放電プラズマのN2 2+バンドの放射と温度特性
Spectroscopic measurements of microwave-discharged low-pressure nitrogen plasmas were made in a tube with a diameter of 9.5 mm and length of 42 mm. Intense radiation of N 2 2+ bands and weak radiations of N 2 + 1−, N2 1+, and NO γ bands were observed. Unique intensity distribution of N2 2+ bands with high vibrational levels was observed as in the arc-discharged micro-air plasma-jets. Rotational and vibrational temperatures were determined by a spectral matching method with N 2 2+ (0, 2) and (1, 3) bands. The vibrational state of the plasma was also investigated by the N 2 2+ band intensity. As the experimental spectra could not be reconstructed by a usual equilibrium radiation theory with one rotational temperature, the theoretical spectra were constructed with the effects of predissociation and theoretical non-Boltzmann rotational population distribution, and were compared with the experimental ones. As a result, it was found that the vibrational and rotational temperatures were dependent on the theoretical model for rotational population distribution, that the rotational temperature was dependent on the vibrational states, and that the plasmas were in the vibrational non-equilibrium state.