Implementation of Minister of Education and Culture Policy Number 84 of 2013 Article 11 (original) (raw)

Lecturer Performances in Indonesia Higher Education System

IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 2015

This paper is concern with Indonesia lecturers' performances on teaching and research activities. Particular attention is given to look at teaching and publication performances after a various compensation schemes introduced since 2008. The study began with developing the instruments integrating lecturer's characteristics and academic activities; i.e., including teaching, research, and time allocation. Around 54.000 of lecturers of higher system in Indonesia registered as permanent staffs of universities received certification. The questionnaire forms were digitally filled. This study shows there is a tendency of increase number of working hours of lecturers for teaching process. Publication index is slightly improved after certification and compensation schemes are introduced. Large variations of publication index are observed according to country where doctoral graduate is finished. This study implies that there is a limited improvement of research activities, particularly after the implementation of lecturer compensation policy. This study is ended with a conclusion.

Determinants of Lecturer Performance Through Job Satisfaction at the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and Study Programs Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) in Indonesia

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023

This study aimed to test and analyze the determinants of lecturer performance through job satisfaction at the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and Study Programs outside the Main Campus (abbreviated as PSDKU) in Indonesia through the variables of Organizational Commitment, Leadership Style, and Work Motivation. The type of research used is descriptive and verification, and the research method used is an explanatory method with survey research. The research subjects were civil servant lecturers or Government employees (abbreviated as PNS), while the research objects were the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and PSDKU in Indonesia. The sample in this research was 390 people. The questionnaire instrument is based on five variables, 18 dimensions, and 68 statement items. Test the validity of the data using product moment correlation and reliability using the Spearman-Brown formula. Data analysis used descriptive and structural equation models (SEM). The results of the study concluded that the variables of organizational commitment, leadership style, and work motivation were proven to have a positive and significant effect both partially and jointly on the job satisfaction of permanent civil servant lecturers at the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and PSDKU in Indonesia, with a value of f count (7.96) > f table (2.63) and the coefficient of determination (R²) = 0.46 (46%). The variable of work motivation with the most reflective dimension is the dimension of physiological needs (PN) with a loading factor value of 0.88, especially with the salary indicator that I earn being able to meet the basic housing needs for my family (MK-2) with a loading factor value of 0.94. The variables of organizational commitment, leadership style, work motivation, and job satisfaction have been partially and jointly proven to have a positive and significant effect on the performance of permanent civil servant lecturers at the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and PSDKU in Indonesia with f count (5.24) > f table (2, 63) and the coefficient of determination (R²) = 0.84 (84%). The variable of work motivation with the dimensions of physiological needs (PN) and the salary indicator that I get can meet the basic needs of a place to live for my family (MK-2) is the most dominant variable affecting the performance of permanent lecturers as PNS State Polytechnics in Jakarta and PSDKU in Indonesia. Another important finding in the results of this study is that the job satisfaction variable only acts as a partial mediating variable.



The quality of a college is determined by many components, one of which is lecturers. Lecturers at colleges play a strategic role in improving college's quality. There are opinions stating that the quality of an education can be improved by first improving the lecturers' quality. Lecturers' job satisfaction and job performance become important topics to review in order to improve the lecturers' quality. This is a causality research which uses stratified random sampling method with 105 lecturers as the sample, and 95 respondents who submit the questionnaires in a complete manner. The results of hypotheses testing from this research are as follows: (1) Organizational commitment has a positive impact on lecturers' job performance; (2) Job performance has a positive impact on lecturers' job satisfaction; (3) Organizational commitment has a positive impact on lecturers' job satisfaction; (4) Job performance mediates the correlation between organizational commitment and lecturers' job satisfactionl; and (5) Reward system moderates the correlation between lecturers' job performance and job satisfaction. KEY WORDS Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, job performance, reward system. Globalization connects people in many aspects of life, such as politics, technology, socioculture, and economics (Giddens, 2001:5). The globalization progresses rapidly thanks to inventions in technology, communication and information. It even changes the world economic order and characteristics of business environment. It also begins to affect many life aspects, not excluding the field of education, and within it, the higher education. The society, as a result of the globalization, demands a better quality in higher education. This is only natural and has to be solved immediately. This means the learning process in colleges/higher education institutes should be highly qualified; it should meet the assigned standard of quality. A college's existency and challenges depend on its stakeholders' assessment of the college's quality. The quality of a college is determined by many components, for example the quality of academic programs (college inputs, learning process, and college outputs/graduates), the human resource, the facilities and infrastructures, and the academic environment. Among the others, the human resource component, namely the lecturers, becomes significant in order to raise a college's quality. Lecturers at colleges play a strategic role in academic and student development. There are opinions stating that the good quality of an education can be attained by first improving the lecturers' quality. Such opinion stems from the fact that lecturers become the agent of science and knowledge transformations towards the students; hence it is expected that the higher quality of a lecturer, the higher quality of students and graduates. What can be found in previous discovery is that " the man behind the system " plays significant role in education. Human resource is the key factor in determining the power of education. Moreover, education as a service industry is a " front line provider and determine the quality of service delivery system " , which places lecturers in the front line in deciding the quality of service (Sallis, 2002:35).

Lecturer Performance Factors in Private Universities in Bandung City

International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2017

Nowadays, private universities in west Java, especially in Bandung city, grow and develop fast. Educators are the most important aspect to improve higher education quality. We are talking about lecturers in this case. Government rule says in teacher and lecturer act No. 14 year 2015 that lecturer is professional educator and scientist who transform, develop, and propagate science, technology, and art through education, research, and society dedication. Lecturer is educator who has important role in transforming learners, and lecturer has to have good qualification of academic and character. Lecturer is prosecuted to present good performance. A high lecturer performance influences a higher education quality. This research is aimed to figure out the factors that influence lecturer performance. Performance factors of lecturer include experience, skill, age, sex, education, work period, responsibility, work satisfaction, perception, motivation, leadership, fee, supervision, and work con...

The Effect of Tridharma Human Resource Management in Higher Education on Improving the Quality of Private Higher Education Lecturers in Clusters of Higher Schools in DKI Jakarta and West Java Regions


So far the implementation of Tri Dharma Human Resources Management of Universities, a lecturer carries three main tasks, namely: (1) education and teaching; (2) Research; and (3) devotion to the community. The general objective of this study, namely to find out and analyze the influence of the Human Resource Management of Tri Dharma Higher Education on improving the quality of PTS lecturers in the high school cluster in the DKI Jakarta and West Java areas. Interpretation and analysis of the results of the study, obtained general conclusions as follows: (1). There is an Effect of Human Resource Management in the field of education and teaching of improving the quality of lecturers at STKIP Kusumanegara; (2). There is an Effect of Human Resource Management in the field of research on improving the quality of lecturers at STKIP Kusumanegara; (3). There is an Effect of Human Resource Management in the field of service to the public on improving the quality of lecturers at STKIP Kusuma...

Phenomenology of the Policy of Lecturer Development at Higher Education in Indonesia

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2019), 2020

The excellent and professional human resources who have the competencies relevant to their expertise are required by every higher education institution. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), as one of the big institutions of higher education, requires a variety of ways to develop and improve its human resources, especially teaching staffs (lecturers) to reach the leading and outstanding university. Supported by professional and competent lecturers, the university is expected to be able to reach its vision and missions. Nevertheless, the University has experienced a shortage fulfillment of professors and lecturers who have doctoral degree and associate professor positions. The barriers are in the writing of scientific papers indexed by Scopus, the lecturers lack the courage to expose themselves in making or participating in international journals, lack of ability in terms of language and research in accordance with the international standards and funding issues, and the lack of understanding of the carrier development rules. Therefore, this study tries to find solutions on how UPI can address the problem of development of lecturers, especially the lecturers who have positions from associate professor to professor.

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Medical Lecturers Case Study at Private “X” University Indonesia

Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (DIJMS), 2022

Indonesia launched a program to improve the quality of human resources (HR) as a driving factor for competitiveness. Universities have an important role in producing quality human resources and for this to occur, good lecturer performance is also needed. In fact, the performance of human resources educators in Indonesia has not been as expected. Performance is the result of work both in quantity, quality, and the influence is multifactorial. Therefore, this research aims to obtain these factors, so that it can help educational institutions, especially medical study programs, in taking policies that can improve lecturer performance. This research was conducted by interviewing 20 medical lecturers with three stages, namely the first stage: identification of variables, the second stage: identification of variable relationships and the third stage of analysis of the results of the first and second stages with MICMAC analysis. There are 22 variables that affect the performance of medical lecturers and divided into independent variables, dependent variables, linkage variables, and autonomous variables. The variables that have the most direct influence on other variables are leadership, commitment and credit point. The variables that are strongly influenced indirectly are motivation, namely by credit point, and commitment. The linkage variables that strongly problematic for direct relationships are internal regulations, leadership, ability, work environment and workload; and for indirect relationship is commitment. It can be concluded that the variables that affect the performance of medical lecturers are numerous, and the relationship is very complex between one variable to another.

Determinant Factors of the Performance of Higher Institutions in Indonesia

Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021

This causal quantitative research aims to investigate the influence of factors that determine the performance of employees in Indonesian universities. The factors are crucial for organizations in the achievement of their goals. Based on theoretical studies, three independent variables, namely, training, personality, and work motivation were tested for their influence on employee performance, which was the dependent variable. Primary data were obtained from 94 respondents of a total population of 122 individuals at the Education Quality Assurance Institute (LPMP) in Banten Province, Indonesia. They were tested by the normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov approach to ensure their normally distributed population and the linearity test to measure the significant linear relationship between the two variables. There are five hypotheses in this study. Each hypothesis tested by the F-test to determine the significant effect of all independent variables on the dependent variable, and t-test to analyze the effect. The results of this study answered all hypotheses of the research model. There is a positive direct effect of training and personality on work motivation. Both training and personality also affect positively employee performance. Another finding of this study is that employee performance is positively and directly affected by work motivation.

Competency Analysis of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment to Lecturers Who Teach at Private Universities in the Area of Southern Sumatra

The most important thing in an organization is how an organization is managed well, including the readiness of human resources to deal with changes that occur so quickly. Competence will be very influential on job satisfaction and organizational commitment both in the short and long term, therefore to achieve the vision and mission that the organization has established, the organization must be able to create job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This research was conducted on lecturers who taught at private universities in Palembang as many as 254 respondents from undergraduate and postgraduate education who had five years of experience as lecturers. There is a positive influence between competency on job satisfaction and organizational commitment, meaning that to create job satisfaction and organizational commitment in an organization, competencies are needed in accordance with the field of work. Therefore the suggestion in this study is to improve the competence of lecturers who teach, either through additional education or further education which can create job satisfaction and organizational commitment both in the short and long term. the managerial implication is that the university must be able to provide a budget to improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment through efforts to improve the competence of teaching lecturers