The First French "Americanists" of the 1770s and 1780s, the American Revolution and Atlantic History: Beyond Mirages in the West (original) (raw)

2022, Revue française d'études américaines

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Epilogue to Transatlantic Revolutionary Cultures, 1789-1861, ed. Charlotte A. Lerg and Heléna Tóth

Transatlantic Revolutionary Cultures, 1789-1861, 2018

Transatlantic Revolutionary Cultures, 1789-1861 argues that the revolutionary era constituted a coherent chapter in transatlantic history and that individual revolutions were connected to a broader, transatlantic and transnational frame. As a composite, the essays place instances of political upheaval during the long nineteenth century in Europe and the Americas in a common narrative and offer a new interpretation on their seeming asynchrony. In the age of revolutions the formation of political communities and cultural interactions were closely connected over time and space. Reciprocal connections arose from discussions on the nature of history, deliberations about constitutional models, as well as the reception of revolutions in popular culture. These various levels of cultural and intellectual interchange we term “transatlantic revolutionary cultures.”


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The French Revolution in Spanish America

First proofs of a chapter in: Forrest, Alan; Middell, Matthias (eds.), The Routledge Companion to the French Revolution in World History, London: Routledge., 2016