Mineral dust is a sink for chlorine in the marine boundary layer (original) (raw)
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Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
In the autumn of 2019, a 5 d long-lasting dust event was observed using a synergy of field measurement techniques in Shanghai. This particular dust event stood out from others due to its unique characteristics, including low wind speed, high relative humidity, elevated levels of gaseous precursors, and contrasting wind patterns at different altitudes. During this event, three distinct dust stages were identified. The first stage was a typical dust invasion characterized by high concentrations of particulate matters but relatively short duration. In contrast, the second stage exhibited an unusual enhancement of ozone, attributed to compound causes of a weak synoptic system, transport from the ocean, and subsidence of high-altitude ozone downdrafted by dust. Consequently, gas-phase oxidation served as the major formation pathway of sulfate and nitrate. In the third stage of dust, a noteworthy phenomenon known as dust backflow occurred. The dust plume originated from the Shandong Peninsula and slowly drifted over the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea before eventually returning to Shanghai. Evidence of this backflow was found through the enrichment of marine vessel emissions (V and Ni) and increased solubility of calcium. Under the influence of humid oceanic breezes, the formation of nitrate was dominated by aqueous processing. Additionally, parts of nitrate and sulfate were directly transported via sea salts, evidenced by their co-variation with Na + and confirmed through thermodynamic modeling. The uptake of NH 3 on particles, influenced by the contributions of alkali metal ions and aerosol pH, regulated the formation potential of secondary aerosol. By developing an upstream-receptor relationship method, the quantities of transported and secondarily formed aerosol species were separated. This study highlights that the transport pathway of dust, coupled with environmental conditions, can significantly modify the aerosol properties, especially at the complex land-sea interface.
Direct observations of the atmospheric processing of Asian mineral dust
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2007
The accumulation of secondary acid products and ammonium on individual mineral dust particles during ACE-Asia has been measured in real-time using ATOFMS. Changes in the amounts of sulphate, nitrate, and chloride mixed with dust particles corresponded to different air mass source regions. During volcanically influenced peri-5 ods, dust mixed with sulphate dominated. This rapidly switched to dust predominantly mixed with chloride when the first Asian dust front reached the R/V Ronald Brown. We hypothesise that the high degree of mixing of dust with chloride was caused by the prior reaction of NO y (g) and volcanic SO 2 (g) with sea salt particles, reducing the availability of nitrate and sulphate precursors while releasing HCl(g), which then reacted 10 with the incoming dust front. The segregation of sulphate from nitrate and chloride in individual dust particles is demonstrated for the first time. This is likely caused by the dust plume encountering elevated SO 2 (g) in the Chinese interior before reaching coastal urban areas polluted by both SO 2 (g) and NO x (g). This caused the fractions of dust mixed with nitrate and/or chloride to be strongly dependent on the total dust 15 loadings, whereas dust mixed with sulphate did not show this same dust concentration dependence. Ammonium was also significantly mixed with dust and the amount correlated strongly with the total amount of secondary acid reaction products in the dust. Submicron dust and ammonium sulphate were internally mixed, contrary to frequent statements that they exist as an external mixture. The size distribution of the mixing 20 state of dust with these secondary species validates previous models and mechanisms of the atmospheric processing of dust. The uptake of secondary acids was also dependent on the individual dust particle mineralogy; nitrate accumulated on calciumrich dust while sulphate accumulated on aluminosilicate-rich dust. Oxidation of S(IV) to S(VI) by iron in the aluminosilicate-rich dust is a probable explanation for this result, 25 with important consequences for dust as a vector for the fertilization of remote oceans by soluble iron. This series of novel results has important implications for improving the treatment of dust in global chemistry models and highlights several key processes 4110 Abstract Introduction Conclusions References Tables Figures Back Close Full Screen / Esc Printer-friendly Version Interactive Discussion
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2004
1] A comprehensive regional-scale chemical transport model, Sulfur Transport and Emissions Model 2001 (STEM-2K1), is employed to study dust outflows and their influence on regional chemistry in the high-dust Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia) period, from 4-14 April 2001. In this period, dust storms are initialized in the Taklamagan and Gobi deserts because of cold air outbreaks, are transported eastward, and are often intensified by dust emitted from exposed soils as the front moves off the continent. Simulated dust agrees well with surface weather observations, satellite images, and the measurements of the C-130 aircraft. The C-130 aircraft observations of chemical constituents of the aerosol are analyzed for dust-rich and low-dust periods. In the submicron aerosol, dust-rich air masses have elevated ratios of DCa/DMg, DNH 4 + /DSO 4 2À , and DNO 3 À /DCO (D represents the difference between observed and background concentrations). The impacts of heterogeneous reactions on dust involving O 3 , NO 2 , SO 2 , and HNO 3 are studied by incorporating these reactions into the analysis. These reactions have significant influence on regional chemistry. For example, the low O 3 concentrations in C-130 flight 6 can be explained only by the influence of heterogeneous reactions. In the near-surface layer, the modeled heterogeneous reactions indicated that O 3 , SO 2 , NO 2 , and HNO 3 are decreased by up to 20%, 55%, 20%, and 95%, respectively, when averaged over this period. In addition, NO, HONO, and daytime OH can increase by 20%, 30%, and 4%, respectively, over polluted regions. When dust encounters fresh pollutants, these heterogeneous reactions can lead to a series of complex responses of the photochemical system. In addition, these reactions can alter the chemical-size distribution of the aerosol. Under heavy dust loadings, these reactions can lead to >20% of the sulfate and >70% of the nitrate being associated with the coarse fraction. The radiative influence of dust can also affect the photochemical system. For example, OH levels can decrease by 20% near surface. The dust radiative influence is shown to be weaker than the heterogeneous influence for most species.
Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Mineral Dust to the Ocean: Implications for Research Needs
This paper reviews our knowledge of the measurement and modeling of mineral dust emissions to the atmosphere, its transport and deposition to the ocean, the release of iron from the dust into seawater, and the possible impact of that nutrient on marine biogeochemistry and climate. Of particular concern is our poor understanding of the mechanisms and quantities of dust deposition as well as the extent of iron solubilization from the dust once it enters the ocean. Model estimates of dust deposition in remote oceanic regions vary by more than a factor of 10. The fraction of the iron in dust that is available for use by marine phytoplankton is still highly uncertain. There is an urgent need for a long-term marine atmospheric surface measurement network, spread across all oceans. Because the southern ocean is characterized by large areas with high nitrate but low chlorophyll surface concentrations, that region is particularly sensitive to the input of dust and iron. Data from this region would be valuable, particularly at sites downwind from known dust source areas in South America, Australia, and South Africa. Coordinated field experiments involving both atmospheric and marine measurements are recommended to address the complex and interlinked processes and role of dust/Fe fertilization on marine biogeochemistry and climate.
Dust sources in the Salton Sea Basin: A clear case of an anthropogenically impacted dust budget
Environmental Science Technology, 2019
The Salton Sea Basin in California suffers from poor air quality, and an expanding dry lakebed (playa) presents a new potential dust source. In 2017–18, depositing dust was collected approximately monthly at five sites in the Salton Sea Basin and analyzed for total elemental and soluble anion content. These data were analyzed with Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF). The PMF method resolved seven dust sources with distinct compositional markers: Playa (Mg, SO42–, Na, Ca, Sr), Colorado Alluvium (U, Ca), Local Alluvium (Al, Fe, Ti), Agricultural Burning (K, PO43–), Sea Spray (Na, Cl–, Se), Anthropogenic Trace Metals (Sb, As, Zn, Cd, Pb, Na), and Anthropogenic Copper (Cu). All sources except Local Alluvium are influenced or caused by current or historic anthropogenic activities. PMF attributed 55 to 80% of the measured dust flux to these six sources. The dust fluxes at the site where the playa source was dominant (89 g m–2 yr–1) were less than, but approaching the scale of, those observed at Owens Lake playas in the late 20th century. Playa emissions in the Salton Sea region were most intense during the late spring to early summer and contain high concentrations of evaporite mineral tracers, particularly Mg, Ca, and SO42–.
This study examines the effect of a typical pre-monsoon season dust storm on tropospheric chemistry through a case study in northern India. Dust can alter photolysis rates by scattering and absorbing solar radiation and provide surface area for heterogeneous reactions. We use the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) to simulate the dust storm that occurred during 17-22 April 2010 and investigate the contribution of different processes on mixing ratios of several key trace gases including ozone, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen oxides, methanol, acetic acid and formaldehyde. We revised the Fast Troposphere Ultraviolet Visible (F-TUV) photolysis scheme to include effects of dust aerosols on photolysis rates in a manner consistent with the calculations of aerosol optical properties for feedback to the meteorology radiation schemes. In addition, we added 12 heterogeneous reactions on the dust surface, for which 6 reactions have relative-humidity-dependent reactive uptake coefficients (γ ). The inclusion of these processes in WRF-Chem is found to reduce the difference between observed and modeled O 3 from 16 ± 9 to 2 ± 8 ppbv and that in NO y from 2129 ± 1425 to 372 ± 1225 pptv compared to measurements at the highaltitude site Nainital in the central Himalayas, and reduce biases by up to 30 % in tropospheric column NO 2 compared to OMI retrievals. The simulated dust storm acted as a sink for all the trace gases examined here and significantly perturbed their spatial and vertical distributions. The reductions in these gases are estimated as 5-100 %, and more than 80 % of this reduction was due to heterogeneous chemistry. The RH dependence of γ is also found to have substantial impact on the distribution of trace gases, with changes of up to 20-25 % in O 3 and HO 2 , 50 % in H 2 O 2 and 100 % in HNO 3 . A set of sensitivity analyses revealed that dust aging could change H 2 O 2 and CH 3 COOH levels by up to 50 % but has a relatively small impact on other gases.
Effects of Salt Mineralogy on Dust Emissions, Salton Sea, California
Soil Science Society of America Journal
Some of the most emissive surfaces on Earth are dominated by salt minerals. We hypothesized that the vulnerability of surfaces to eolian erosion may be controlled by salt mineralogy and crystal habit. We used x-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS) analyses to measure salt mineral assemblages and crystal habits along exposed shorelines of the Salton Sea, California. Potential dust emissions were also measured using the Portable In-Situ Wind Erosion Lab (PI-SWERL). Results indicate that surfaces with the highest emissions, up to ~1 mg m −2 s −1 , are composed of hydrous/anhydrous salt minerals and minerals with acicular or prismatic crystal habits. Hydrous/anhydrous minerals (mirabilite/thenardite, eugsterite/glauberite, gypsum/bassanite, and numerous Mg sulfates) are more unstable under changing environmental conditions, are likely to dissolve and reprecipitate repeatedly, form less cohesive tiny individual crystals or small aggregates, and are therefore more likely to result in highly emissive surfaces. Salt minerals with acicular or prismatic habits are more likely to be disruptive, enhance salt heave, lessen the degree of interlocking precipitates, and form loose, "puffy" crusts that are highly emissive. Low-sloping surfaces near the shoreline had greater fluctuations in water content and relative humidity, triggering frequent salt mineral dissolution-precipitation and increased emissions. A high water table also allowed a continuously replenishing supply of salt crystals, increasing the potential for extensive dust emissions. Surfaces containing salt minerals are incredibly dynamic, but understanding the processes that control surface characteristics is an important step in mitigating dust emissions.