Humor dan Komedi dalam Sebuah Kilas Balik Sejarah Sastra Arab (original) (raw)
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Sejarah Sastra Arab (Periode Modern)
Peradaban besar sering kali dihasilkan dari peristiwa besar. Seperti halnya yang terjadi ketika pasukan Prancis tiba di negeri Mesir pada tahun 1798. Periode ini betulbetul menjadi momen bersejarah bagi peradaban Mesir. Hingga para Ahli sejarah bersepakat menyebutnya sebagai "Permulaan dari Periode Modern."
Sejarah Prosa Imaginatif (Novel) Arab; Dari Klasik Hingga Kontemporer
LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra, 2011
Though the tradition of classic Arab was not prose, the Arabic fiction prose has developed since the end of Umayya Dinasty. The factors contributing to this development are the Qur'an that contains many stories and translation of fiction from Persian. Started from folklore and then translation, the Arabic fiction developed rapidly, followed by the publishing of short novels. Furthermore, there was a kind of fiction called maqamat. The Arabic fiction developed in the classic period in the East of Arab was romantic fiction, while at the West part of Arab the development of classical fiction was marked by the works of romantic fictions by Ibn Al-Syahid and philosophical romantic fiction by Ibn Thufail. In modern era Arabic fiction was characterized with the translated works of Al Thanthawi. Then it was developed further by Al-Manfaluthi, a poet of classic and romantic. Novel Zainab by Husein Haikal indicated the birth of modern novels, followed by Taufik Hakim. Thaha Husein also developed Arabic fiction works that are still read nowadays. However, through Najib Mahfudz's various works ranging from historical romantic, realist, and philosophical symbolic, the Arabic fiction claimed the world's acknowledgement. The most recent trend of Arabic fiction is that the metaphysical and intertextual novels come into light.
Budaya Satire pada Masa Dinasti Umayyah dalam Syair Hijā’ Al-Farazdaq
Buletin Al-Turas, 2019
Hijā’ atau satire adalah salah satu genre syair yang mengandung konten sinisme atau ejekan. Jenis puisi ini berkembang pesat pada masa Dinasti Umayyah. Penyair yang sangat terkenal dengan genre ini di antaranya adalah al-Farazdaq. Kajian ini bermaksud untuk mengungkap jenis budaya satire yang berkembang pada masa Bani Umayyah melalui syair al-Farazdaq serta latar belakang munculnya budaya tersebut. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, saya akan menggunakan metode penelitian qualitatif melalui pendekatan budaya dan sejarah pada teks-teks syair hija al-Farazdaq. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terungkap bahwa budaya satire yang berkembang pada masa Bani Umayah dalam puisi hija al-Farazdaq adalah jenis satire personal (al-hijā al-syakhsyi) yaitu satire yang menyerang pribadi seseorang dengan cara mengejeknya melalui hal-hal yang bersifat fisik, satire moral (al-hijā al-akhlāqi) yaitu sindiran-sindiran yang ditujukan kepada lawan karena dianggap memiliki moralitas yang rendah, satire politik (al-...
Identitas Sastra Arab Kontemporer dan Perubahan Ekonomi
Alfaz (Arabic Literatures for Academic Zealots), 2018
This study proves that Arabic as an identity and as a connector between the contemporary Arabic literary products and economic changes. It can be concluded that the more faded the use of Arabic, the various Arabic cultural and literary products will be degraded and even eliminated; and the magnitude of the value of economic changes that cannot be detailed will be a deficit, especially in the field of creative industry and translation. This research is aimed to explore the significance and relevance of cultural products to the East-an. This research uses library method in the perspective of data gathering and qualitative method in data reduction perspective. The perspective used is the perspective of globalization. Stages of analysis related perspectives used are the placement of the global arena, symbiotic mutualism, and technological involvement.
Integrasi Sastra Arab dan Islam serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Sastrawan Muslim Modern
In his work, some modern Muslim literature shows a relationship between Arabic literature and Islam. This is shown in some of the literary works of Muslim writers who made Islam a Worldview and thought in his writing. Abu Bakar Siradjuddin, for example, who persistently spread Islam in Europe through his Literary Works and received a good response was even followed by several other poets. In contrast to Siradjuddin, Ahmad Al Alawi, an Algerian poet, also spread Islam through his 1955 manuscripts and literary books. This shows that the existence of Arabic and Islamic literature is still sustainable. Although on the other hand, there are new cultures, but this does not change the pattern of Muslim Literature. This article uses a description analysis method to describe the study of the Integration of Arabic and Islamic literature as an object of art and life revealed from the soul with full faith in Islam. So the resulting Texts also hold on to the view of Islamic life. (Islamic Worldv...
Sastra Arab masa Jahiliyah dan Islam
UIN Maliki Press, 2018
Materi Tarikh al-Adab al-Arabi (sejarah Sastra Arab) menjadi materi wajib yang dipelajari seluruh mahasiswa di jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab dan jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, baik yang ada di STAIN, IAIN dan UIN maupun yang ada di Perguruan Tinggi lain di bawah naungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Budaya. Keterbatasan referensi menjadi alasan klasik yang terus terulang sampai sekarang. Karena itu buku ini sangat dibutuhkan keberadaanya untuk melengkapi referensi dalam mata kuliah Sejarah Sastra Arab. Selain itu, seluruh program studi yang mengkaji Islam (Islamic Studies) baik pada strata 1, strata 2 bahkan strata 3 pasti mempelajari Sejarah Peradaban Islam yang salah satu tema pokoknya adalah tentang sastra Islam dan sastra Arab. ~ Masa Jahiliyah dan Islam vii Pembantu Rektor bidang Akademik dan tim penerbitan UIN-Press yang telah merancang penerbitan buku ini dan memberikan kepercayaan penulisannya kepada kami yang kedua kalinya. Kepada teman-teman di Fakultas Humaniora khususnya jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, penulis juga menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih atas apresiasi, kritik, saran dan masukan yang diberikan demi penyempurnaan tulisan buku ini.
Kritik Sastra Arab Era Umawy Dan Abbasy
`A Jamiy : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, 2021
This writing aims to examine the development of Umawy and Abbasy literary criticism. The method used in collecting data in this historical research is the literature method, the researcher looks for all the data related to this research and then records the data into a notebook. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, this method uses interpretation through descriptive media. Meanwhile, the approach applied in this research is a historical approach, in which the researcher looks for history related to the development of literary criticism in Umawy and Abbasy The results of this study are that we can find out the definition and division of literary criticism, and find out about the purpose of prose and poetry Umawy or Abbasy. In addition, this research produces information about literary criticism in Umawi and Abbasy. In Umawy, literary criticism is still in a developmental stage, whereas in Abbasy, literary criticism is in a perfect state.
Pengaruh Sastra Arab Terhadap Sastra Indonesia Lama
Hamzah fansuri ada/ah pe!!Jair dan penulis stifi Indonesia yang sangat lerkena/ Ia le/ah menu/is sefum/ah puisi yang berisi tentang kosep-koseps suji khusus'!Ya "wahdah al-wujud'� Puisipuisi lersebut diasumsikan terpengaruh oleh literatur Arab. U ntuk membuktikan asumsi ini, penulis membuat perbandingan antara literalur berbahasa Arab dan Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa gaya puisi!!Ja dipengaruhi oleh Arudlh dan Balaghah, seperti metre (wazan), rlyme (qefryah), iqtibas, dan yang lainl!Ja. S edangkan kandungan'!Ya berisi ten tang gha:::._al (puisi cinta dan erotis),yang biasa digunakan dalam syair-syair Arab.