18. Yüzyıl Başlarında Has Oda Kütüphanesi (original) (raw)
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Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 2019
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Konya Yusuf Ağa Kütüphanesi̇’Nde Bulunan 18. Yüzyila Ai̇t İki̇ Ci̇lt Örneği̇
Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
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Balkan 7. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2023
Reading habit, which is an important factor that shows the development level of societies, expresses regular and critical reading. The acquisition of this habit is related to the fact that the act of reading has turned into a continuous and permanent act. With this approach, it does not seem possible to detect reading habits in Ottoman society. Because the sources give information about the books read from and the owners of the books but the continuity of the reading cannot be determined. However, the reading culture in Ottoman society can be partly explained by determining the quality of the books read and the social position of the people who read the books. One of the most important sources of information about the books read in Ottoman society is the inheritance records in the sharia registers. The inheritance records, which contain the movable and immovable assets of the deceased, also include the books owned by the persons. Although these books were sometimes recorded as evrâk-ı perîşân, kitab, kütüb, mecmûʻa, Türkî kitab, Fârisî kitab without mentioning their names, it is seen that most of the time the names of the books are written using some abbreviations. The intellectual identity of the society can be revealed by examining subjects such as the nature of the books people owned in Ottoman society, what types of books were common, and the number of books people owned. In this context, the books identified in the inheritance records can be evaluated from two different perspectives: the nature of the books and the books' owners. In this paper, the books owned by the people of Bitola in the first half of the 18th century will be evaluated from these two perspectives. The main source of the study is the inheritance records in the Manastır (Bitola) Sheria Registers. For this study, twenty-three notebooks were examined. Among more than four hundred inheritance records, a total of forty-eight inheritance records have been identified. In the paper, the nature of the books in Bitola, the welfare status of the book owners, and their place in the social stratification will be determined through these identified books. Thus, in the first half of the 18th century, the book culture and intellectual identity of the people of Bitola will be tried to be revealed.
Bir Kütüphanenin Hazin Hikayesi: Âsâr-ı Müfide Kütüphanesi
1916'da Cenap, Süleyman Nazif ve İbnülemin'in öncülüğünde "kıymetli eserlerimizi" yok olmaktan kurtarmak için kurulan; fakat pek çok teşebbüs gibi yarıda bırakılan bir çaba... --- Established c. 1916 by a group of well-known intellectuals (such as Cenap, Suleiman Nazif and Ibnulemin) to get some priceless works to be published; but ended up with a sad failure as such enterprises always did...
With the communication opportunities that have developed in recent years, public diplomacy has obtained more importance and gained new opportunities in the foreign policy of States compared to previous periods. The presence of common denominators in areas such as language, religion, history, nationality and culture between the country to which public diplomacy activities will be directed and the source country creates a favorable environment for public diplomacy practices. Many of these common denominators exist between Uzbekistan and Turkey. Thanks to these common points, it is expected that the relations between the two countries will be quite good. However, due to different reasons, it is difficult to say that these relations are at the desired level, especially until 2016. It cannot be said that there is sufficient data about the perception of Turkey in Uzbekistan. But in general, people have been found to have more positive feelings towards people they know intimately. There is no reason not to assume that this also applies to the Uzbek and Turkish peoples. In this context, public diplomacy, which is a two-way communication activity unlike propaganda, will be effective in bringing relations between the two countries to better levels. Tourism, which is one of the application areas of public diplomacy today, is also very important in this respect. In this study, the tourism relationship between Turkey and Uzbekistan was discussed on the axis of public diplomacy, it was proposed to develop tourism activities between the two countries and to evaluate these activities as a public diplomacy opportunity at the same time. Considering the impact of tourism on the international recognition and reputation of the countries, it is evaluated that these activities will be a useful tool in the development of relations between the two countries.
20. Yüzyılın İlk Çeyreğinde İstanbul Kütüphaneler.doc
Özet: Yirminci yüzyılın ilk çeyreği Osmanlı Devleti'nin fiilen son bulduğu (30 Ekim 1918) ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurulduğu (29 Ekim 1923) tarihlerini kapsayan, Türk kültür ve siyasi tarihinde köklü değişimlerin yaşandığı önemli bir zaman dilimidir. Bu zaman diliminde Osmanlı Devleti'nin bilimsel ve kültürel birikimlerinin depolandığı kütüphanelerin çoğunluğu Osmanlı Devleti'ne 1453 yılından yıkılışına kadar başkentlik yapmış olan İstanbul'da bulunmaktadır. İstanbul bu özelliği ile yalnızca Osmanlı Devleti'nin başkenti değil aynı zamanda birçoğu devlet adamlarının kurmuş olduğu vakıflarda oluşturulan kütüphanelerle de bir bilim ve kültür merkezi olma özelliğini taşımaktaydı. Ancak Osmanlı Devleti'nin çöküşü ve yıkılışı tüm kurumlar gibi içinde eşsiz bilim ve kültür hazinelerini barındıran kütüphaneleri de olumsuz yönde etkilemiştir. İstanbul'daki bazı kütüphanelerin kapalı tutulması, kütüphanelerde hırsızlık olaylarının artması, kütüphane dermesinin elverişsiz koşullarda depolanması ve kütüphane hizmetlerinin ehliyetsiz kişilerce yürütülmesi gibi olaylar söz konusu olumsuzluklara örnek olarak gösterilebilir. Bildiride, köklü bir kütüphane kültürüne sahip olan Osmanlı Devleti'nin yıkılış döneminde İstanbul Kütüphaneleri'nin içinde bulunduğu olumsuz koşullar ve bunların giderilmesi için yapılan tespit ve düzenleme çalışmaları, o dönemde yayınlanmış belgeler ışığında açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Abstract The first quarter of 20th century that witnessed deep changes in history of Turkish culture and politics, is a significant period which comprises the date from abolishment of the Ottoman