Pelaksanaan Evaluasi dan Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam di Pesantren Daar El Manshur (original) (raw)
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One component of education as a system is material. Educational material is all learning material delivered to students in an institutional education system. This educational material is better known as the curriculum. While the curriculum refers to material that has been systematically prepared to achieve the goals set.the curriculum must contain Islamic values that are intrinsic and extrinsic capable of realizing the objectives of Islamic education. The concept of Islamic education is an effort directed at the formation of a child's personality in accordance with Islamic teachings or an effort with Islamic teachings, thinking, deciding and acting based on Islamic values.
Analisis Pengembangan Kurikulum DI Lembaga Pendidikan Islam
El-Rusyd : Jurnal Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah STIT Ahlussunnah Bukittinggi
Curriculum development in educational institutions is inseparable from various aspects that influence it. The curriculum is an important component in education, because in the curriculum there are all educational processes from planning to implementing evaluations. The curriculum development process is the process of perfecting the existing curriculum. In accordance with the current flow of globalization, curriculum development can be seen from the various supporting and inhibiting factors that influence it. This study discusses the curriculum development process, the stages of curriculum development, and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the curriculum development process. The method used is library research which aims to examine various literatures on curriculum development. The results can find out the curriculum development process carried out to develop the curriculum in Islamic Educational Institutions.
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Curriculum development and implementation of the PAI curriculum in schools and madrasas have different problems and solutions. This research aims to reveal the problems and solutions of the curriculum in schools and madrasas. This research belongs to the type of library research or library research. The results of the evaluation obtained are as follows. First, every individual interested in public schools needs to pay more attention to students' attitude aspects to create generations with social and spiritual sensitivities. Second, from the problem of the development of the Madrasah PAI curriculum, the local government must understand more about Islamic religious education that it is the responsibility of the regional government so that later on, Islamic religious education under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion will receive more attention.
Evaluasi Kurikulum dalam Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam
Evaluation is a process in an effort to collect information that can be used as consideration for making decisions. Curriculum is an overall activity designed by schools to provide various experiences to students, both inside and outside the classroom. While the assessment process consists of three components, namely gathering information, making judgments, and making decisions. To find out how well Islamic education implemented by schools can be seen from the running of the school's PAI curriculum itself. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum and the assessment of student learning outcomes in PAI subjects. This research is more focused on library research, which is a study that focuses on collecting library data. Researchers conducted a study on the evaluation of the Islamic religious education curriculum. The results of curriculum evaluation can also be used by teachers, school principals and other edu...
Perencanaan Pengembangan Kurikulum Pada Kulliyatul Mu’Allimien Al-Islamiyah
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2016
Curriculum Development Planning Kulliyatul Mu'allimien Al-Islamiyah. The purpose of this study are: (1) identify curriculum development planning; (2) identify curriculum development process; (3) determine the factors supporting and curriculum development planning; and (4) determine the strategy to overcome the inhibiting factors curriculum development planning. This study used a qualitative approach to describe the planning of curriculum development at Kulliyatul Mu'allimien Al-Islamiyah. The design of the study is a multi-site study means combining multiple sites, subject, background, and the scene is different. The key instrument is the researchers themselves, with the source of the research that led cottage, a team of curriculum developers, teachers, and students. Data obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data that has been analyzed using the criteria of the credibility of the data with the triangulation of data sources. The re...
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Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam DI Sma Terpadu Baiturrahman
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Evaluasi dalam Pendidikan Islam
Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019
Islamic education is used as an ideal goal to be achieved in programs and processes in Islamic products or Islamic educational outputs, and to find out the achievements made by the evaluation activities. With evaluation, it can be called or called the level of progress. But the system used for education is the same as the evaluation system used by general education. Therefore the writer will discuss about evaluation in Islamic education that can be found if it is in it. In this discussion the author uses literature studies to be able to understand education in Islam, the author seeks various references both primary and secondary about studies in Islamic education. The result of this experiment is that the evaluation applied in Islamic education is different from that in general education. That is, if in Islamic education objects that are valued or discussed by students are not just things related to science, nor are they related to religious behavior alone; But the balance between t...
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Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) perencanaan kurikulum di sekolah Islam terpadu, 2) proses implementasi kurikulum di sekolah Islam terpadu, 3) sistem evaluasi pembelajaran di sekolah islam terpadu dan 4) partisipasi masyarakat di sekolah islam terpadu.Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian kualitatif melalui pengamatan yang intensif dalam situasi yang wajar (natural setting). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP IT Miftahul Jannah Bandar Lampung. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik induktif-konseptualistik. Pengecekan keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan triangulasi metode dan sumber, baik triangulasi within menthod maupun triangulasi between menthod. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Pada proses perencanaan pembelajaran tepatnya pada proses pembuatan RPP terdapat hal yang berbeda dari pembuatan RP...