The Effect of Peripheral Vestibular Recovery on Improvements in Vestibulo-ocular Reflexes and Balance Control After Acute Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Loss (original) (raw)

Relation Between Head Impulse Tests, Rotating Chair Tests, and Stance and Gait Posturography After an Acute Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Deficit

Otology & Neurotology, 2013

Background: Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) deficits and balance instability during stance and gait are typical for an acute unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit (AUPVD). The relation between different VOR measures with recovery is unknown, as is the relation of VOR measures to balance control. To answer these questions, we examined changes over time in caloric canal paresis (CP), head impulse tests (HIT), whole body rotation (ROT) tests of the horizontal VOR, and changes in trunk sway during stance and gait tests, for cases of presumed vestibular neuritis. Methods: HIT was performed with short ca. 200 degrees per second head turns, ROT with triangular 24-second velocity profiles (peak 120 degrees per second, acceleration 20 degrees per second squared). To measure balance control, body-worn gyroscopes measured pitch (anterior-posterior) and roll (lateral) sway angles and angular velocities at lumbar 1 to 3. Results: Changes during recover in ROT and HIT responses to the deficit side were equally well related (R = 0.8, p G 0.001) to changes in caloric CP values. ROT but not HIT responses to the normal side were also related to CP responses (R = 0.53, p = 0.02). Spontaneous nystagmus levels were related to changes instance balance control (R = 0.52, p = 0.001). Balance during gait improved over time but was not well correlated with changes in VOR measures (R = 0.26 max., p 9 0.05). Conclusion: Both HIT and ROT track VOR recovery on the deficit side due to central compensation and peripheral recovery. However, only ROT track changes in the central compensation of normal side responses. The weak correlations between VOR and stance and gait tests suggest that the latter should also be tested to judge the effect of an AUPVD on balance control.

Recovery times of stance and gait balance control after an acute unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit

Journal of vestibular research : equilibrium & orientation, 2016

Acute unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit (aUPVD) patients have balance deficits that can improve after several weeks. Determining differences in vestibulo-spinal reflex (VSR) influences on balance control and vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) responses with peripheral recovery and central compensation would provide insights into CNS plasticity mechanisms. Also, clinically, knowing when balance control is approximately normal again should contribute to decisions about working ability after aUPVD. Usually VORs are employed for this purpose, despite a lack of knowledge about correlations with balance control. Given this background, we examined whether balance and VOR measures improve similarly and are correlated. Further whether balance improvements are different for stance and gait. 26 patients were examined at onset of aUPVD, and 3, 6 and 13 weeks later. To measure balance control and thereby assess the contribution of VSR influences during stance and gait, body-worn gyroscopes mo...

Correlations Between Multi-plane vHIT Responses and Balance Control After Onset of an Acute Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Deficit

Otology & Neurotology, 2020

Objective: Previous studies reported that balance deficits in pitch (sagittal) and roll (lateral) planes during stance and gait after onset of an acute unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit (aUPVD) due to vestibular neuritis are weakly correlated with deficits in commonly explored lateral canal vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) responses. Theoretically, stronger correlations with roll and pitch balance deficits could be expected for vertical canal VOR responses. Therefore, we investigated these correlations. Setting: University Hospital. Study Design: Retrospective case review. Patients: Thirty three patients examined on average 5 days following onset of aUPVD. Main Outcome Measures: Video head impulse test (vHIT) VOR gains in each vertical canal plane were converted to roll and pitch response asymmetries and correlated with patients’ roll and pitch balance control measured during stance and gait with body-worn gyroscopes mounted at lumbar 1 to 3. Results: Mean caloric canal paresis...

Recovery of Vestibular Ocular Reflex Function and Balance Control after a Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Deficit

Frontiers in Neurology, 2012

This review describes the effect of unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit (UPVD) on balance control for stance and gait tests. Because a UPVD is normally defined based on vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) tests, we compared recovery observed in balance control with patterns of recovery in VOR function. Two general types of UPVD are considered; acute vestibular neuritis (AVN) and vestibular neurectomy. The latter was subdivided into vestibular loss after cerebellar pontine angle tumor surgery during which a vestibular neurectomy was performed, and vestibular loss following neurectomy to eliminate disabling Ménière's disease. To measure balance control, body-worn gyroscopes, mounted near the body's center of mass (CoM), were used. Measurement variables were the pitch (anterior-posterior) and roll (lateral) sway angles and angular velocities of the lower trunk/pelvis. Both patient groups showed balance deficits during stance tasks on foam, especially with eyes closed when stable balance control is normally highly dependent on vestibular inputs. Deficits during gait were also present and were more profound for complex gait tasks such as tandem gait than simple gait tasks. Major differences emerged between the groups concerning the severity of the deficit and its recovery. Generally, the effects of acute neuritis on balance control were more severe but recovered rapidly. Deficits due to vestibular neurectomy were less severe, but longer lasting. These results mostly paralleled recovery of deficits in VOR function. However, questions need to be raised about the effect on balance control of the two modes of neural plasticity occurring in the vestibular system following vestibular loss due to neuritis: one mode being the limited central compensation for the loss, and the second mode being some restoration of peripheral vestibular function. Future work will need to correlate deficits in balance control during stance and gait more exactly with VOR deficits and carefully consider the differences between insufficient central compensation compared to inadequate peripheral restoration of function.

The Effect of Age on Improvements in Vestibulo-Ocular Reflexes and Balance Control after Acute Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Loss

Frontiers in neurology, 2016

An acute unilateral peripheral vestibular loss (aUVL) initially causes severe gaze and balance control problems. However, vestibulo-ocular reflexes (VOR) and balance control are nearly normal 3 months later as a result of peripheral recovery and/or central compensation. As pre-existing vestibular sensory loss is assumed to be greater in the healthy elderly, this study investigated whether improvements in VOR and balance function over time after aUVL are different for the elderly than for the young. Thirty aUVL patients divided into three age-groups were studied (8 age range 23-35, 10 with range 43-58, and 12 with range 60-74 years). To measure VOR function eye movements were recorded during caloric irrigation, rotating chair (ROT), and head impulse tests. Balance control during stance and gait was recorded as lower trunk angular velocity in the pitch and roll planes. Measurements were taken at deficit onset, and 3, 6, and 13 weeks later. There was one difference in VOR improvements ...

Posture Deficits and Recovery After Unilateral Vestibular Loss: Early Rehabilitation and Degree of Hypofunction Matter

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Postural instability and balance impairment are disabling symptoms in patients with acute unilateral peripheral vestibular hypofunction (UVH). Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) is known to improve the vestibular compensation process, but (1) its effect on posture recovery remains poorly understood, (2) little is known about when VR must be done, and (3) whether the degree of vestibular loss matters is uncertain. We analyzed posture control under static (stable support) and dynamic (unstable support) postural tasks performed in different visual conditions [eye open (EO); eyes closed (EC); and optokinetic stimulation] using dynamic posturography. Non-linear analyses of the postural performance (wavelet transform, diffusion analysis, and fractal analysis) were performed in two groups of patients with UVH subjected to the same VR program based on the unidirectional rotation paradigm and performed either early (first 2 weeks) or later (fifth to the sixth week) after vertigo attack. Distribu...

Functional Testing of Vestibulo-Spinal Contributions to Balance Control: Insights From Tracking Improvement Following Acute Bilateral Peripheral Vestibular Loss

Frontiers in Neurology, 2019

Background: A battery of stance and gait tasks can be used to quantify functional deficits and track improvement in balance control following peripheral vestibular loss. An improvement could be due to at least 3 processes: partial peripheral recovery of sensory responses eliciting canal or otolith driven vestibular reflexes; central compensation of vestibular reflex gains, including substitution of intact otolith responses for pathological canal responses; or sensory substitution of visual and proprioceptive inputs for vestibular contributions to balance control. Results: We describe the presumed action of all 3 processes observed for a case of sudden incapacitating acute bilateral peripheral loss probably due to vestibular neuritis. Otolith responses were largely unaffected. However, pathological decreases in all canal-driven vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) gains were observed. After 3 months of vestibular rehabilitation, balance control was normal but VOR gains remained low. Conclusions: This case illustrates the difficulty in predicting balance control improvements from tests of the 10 vestibular end organs and emphasizes the need to test balance control function directly in order to determine if balance control has improved and is normal again despite remaining vestibular sensory deficits. This case also illustrates that the presence of residual otolithic function may be crucial for balance control improvement in cases of bilateral vestibular hypofunction.

Postural Control in Bilateral Vestibular Failure: Its Relation to Visual, Proprioceptive, Vestibular, and Cognitive Input

Frontiers in Neurology, 2017

Patients with bilateral vestibular failure (BVF) suffer from postural and gait unsteadiness with an increased risk of falls. The aim of this study was to elucidate the differential role of otolith, semicircular canal (SSC), visual, proprioceptive, and cognitive influences on the postural stability of BVF patients. Center-of-pressure displacements were recorded by posturography under six conditions: target visibility; tonic head positions in the pitch plane; horizontal head shaking; sensory deprivation; dual task; and tandem stance. Between-group analysis revealed larger postural sway in BVF patients on eye closure; but with the eyes open, BVF did not differ from healthy controls (HCs). Head tilts and horizontal head shaking increased sway but did not differ between groups. In the dual task condition, BVF patients maintained posture indistinguishable from controls. On foam and tandem stance, postural sway was larger in BVF, even with the eyes open. The best predictor for the severity of bilateral vestibulopathy was standing on foam with eyes closed. Postural control of our BVF was indistinguishable from HCs once visual and proprioceptive feedback is provided. This distinguishes them from patients with vestibulo-cerebellar disorders or functional dizziness. It confirms previous reports and explains that postural unsteadiness of BVF patients can be missed easily if not examined by conditions of visual and/or proprioceptive deprivation. In fact, the best predictor for vestibular hypofunction (VOR gain) was examining patients standing on foam with the eyes closed. Postural sway in that condition increased with the severity of vestibular impairment but not with disease duration. In the absence of visual control, impaired otolith input destabilizes BVF with head retroflexion. Stimulating deficient SSC does not distinguish patients from controls possibly reflecting a shift of intersensory weighing toward proprioceptive-guided postural control. Accordingly, proprioceptive deprivation heavily destabilizes BVF, even when visual control is provided.

Postural Compensation for Unilateral Vestibular Loss

Frontiers in Neurology, 2011

Postural control of upright stance was investigated in well-compensated, unilateral vestibular loss (UVL) subjects compared to age-matched control subjects. The goal was to determine how sensory weighting for postural control in UVL subjects differed from control subjects, and how sensory weighting related to UVL subjects' functional compensation, as assessed by standardized balance and dizziness questionnaires. Postural control mechanisms were identified using a model-based interpretation of medial-lateral center-of-mass body-sway evoked by support-surface rotational stimuli during eyes-closed stance. The surface-tilt stimuli consisted of continuous pseudorandom rotations presented at four different amplitudes. Parameters of a feedback control model were obtained that accounted for each subject's sway response to the surface-tilt stimuli. Sensory weighting factors quantified the relative contributions to stance control of vestibular sensory information, signaling body-sway relative to earth-vertical, and proprioceptive information, signaling body-sway relative to the surface. Results showed that UVL subjects made significantly greater use of proprioceptive, and therefore less use of vestibular, orientation information on all tests. There was relatively little overlap in the distributions of sensory weights measured in UVL and control subjects, although UVL subjects varied widely in the amount they could use their remaining vestibular function. Increased reliance on proprioceptive information by UVL subjects was associated with their balance being more disturbed by the surface-tilt perturbations than control subjects, thus indicating a deficiency of balance control even in well-compensated UVL subjects. Furthermore, there was some tendency for UVL subjects who were less able to utilize remaining vestibular information to also indicate worse functional compensation on questionnaires.