The universities and business cooperation — a look from the caucasus countries (original) (raw)

University – Industry Cooperation In Central And Eastern Europe: A Common Past, A Different Future?


The aim of this paper is to map the position of the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)region for university – industry cooperation in research and development. (R&D) To meet this goal,we use the Global Competitiveness Index 2011 database and consider those indicators describing the knowledge production and the knowledge absorption potential of 142 participating countries. Based on a discriminant analysis, we classify the countries and synthesize their performances for the selected indicators. The results confirm our hypothesis regarding the heterogeneity of the CEE countries’ performances for university – industry cooperation and identifies the factors that explain the variations.

University-Business Cooperation as a Key Factor in Innovative Economic Development in Kazakhstan

Theoretical and Practical Research in the Economic Fields

The aim of this article is to study the role of university-business cooperation in innovative economic development in Kazakhstan. It was considered some issues related to the creation of research universities, the development of innovative activities and university-business cooperation. The study revealed that the creation of the partnership between universities and technology parks is beneficial from an economic perspective. This interaction provides high-quality training for experts focused on innovation in priority areas of science, engineering, and technology development. Moreover, these integration structures are expected to have a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the region, specialized industries, and the higher education system. It was suggested a set of interacting organizational and economic components aimed at creating incentives and interests for investing in small innovative enterprises at research universities. The principal research method used ...

The Evolution of University-Industry Interactions: Case of Kazakhstan

Procedia of the International Conference on Humanities, Literature and Management, 2015

The paper aims to analyze a historical evolution of university-industry linkages in Kazakhstan since its annexing to the USSR till present days. The discussion in the paper is based on existent literature, statistical data, and author's observations. The findings reveal three basic periods of university-industry linkages development in Kazakhstan: a rise of science-industry interactions in the era of the USSR, scientific stagnation after Kazakhstan's independence, and a hard gradual recovery after 2000s. Despite numerous attempts of policymakers to revitalize science and foster innovative development of Kazakhstan clear mechanisms for the integration of science and industry were not yet developed.

Innovation policy in Russia and the development of university–industry linkages

Industry and Higher Education, 2018

All the major science and innovation activity indicators for Russia have remained largely unchanged over the past 10–15 years. Expenditures on research and development (R&D) have stayed at a low level, with 70% of the funding provided by the federal government. During the last 7 years, the Russian government has introduced a number of instruments to improve research performance and stimulate closer cooperation between universities and companies. This article presents the results of a survey conducted in 2016 among 155 medium-sized technological companies with the purpose of identifying factors that encourage or hamper collaboration with universities in Russia. The survey revealed that the level of cooperation between companies and universities is relatively stable but insufficient. It is not low, especially in the area of educational activities, but it appears not to be growing. Companies often prefer to conduct R&D on their own, without outsourcing tasks to universities. Major prob...

University-business collaboration as perceived by leading academics: comparing and contrasting the two most innovative Czech regions

Erdkunde, 2015

This article compares the nature of academia-business collaboration in the two most innovative Czech regions, where the respective regional decision-makers and universities' representatives differ sharply in their approaches towards the commercialization of academic knowledge. An analysis of the nature of collaboration between life-science researchers in two leading Czech universities and private companies has been performed to identify whether targeted support provided at the regional and university levels can make a real difference and can overcome hindrances from the national level. In particular, the article investigates the motivation and approaches of leaders of life-science research teams to cooperation with private companies, the perceived barriers impeding such cooperation, including the strength of demand for innovation in both analyzed regions. The research identified significant differences in the perception of barriers between life scientists in Prague and South Moravia, vindicating the positive role of the South Moravian innovation strategy. Thus, researchers in South Moravia no longer face barriers preventing the emergence of cooperation with the business sector, and instead they are concerned about obstacles that stand in the way of its more intensive development. Zusammenfassung: In diesem Beitrag wird die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Unternehmen in den beiden innovativsten Regionen Tschechiens untersucht, die sich hinsichtlich der seitens regionaler Entscheidungsträger und Repräsentanten der Universitäten verfolgten Strategien einer Kommerzialisierung akademischen Wissens grundsätzlich unterscheiden. Es wurde eine Analyse der Zusammenarbeit von Life Science Wissenschaftlern zweier führenden tschechischen Universitäten und privaten Unternehmen vorgenommen, um die Wirksamkeit einer gezielten Förderung auf regionaler und universitärer Ebene zu identifizieren und zu bewerten, ob die Strategien geeignet sind, Hindernisse auf nationaler Ebene zu überwinden. Im Fokus des Beitrags stehen vor allem die Motivation der Leiter von Life Science Forscherteams und ihre Art der Kooperation mit privaten Unternehmen, ihre Wahrnehmung möglicher Barrieren auf dem Weg zu und im Rahmen einer solchen Zusammenarbeit, aber auch die Intensität der Innovationsnachfrage in beiden untersuchten Regionen. Die Studie belegt signifikante Unterschiede in der Perzeption von Barrieren zwischen Life Science Wissenschaftlern in Prag und der Region Südmähren und belegt die positiven Impulse der in Südmähren verfolgten Innovationsstrategie. So sehen die Wissenschaftler in dieser Region keine Hindernisse bei ihren Kooperationen mit der privaten Wirtschaft, sondern sorgen sich vielmehr um die Hemmnisse einer intensiveren und fortschreitenden wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.

University-business cooperation in Kazakhstan: influencing factors

The Journal of Economic Research & Business Administration, 2020

The importance of collaboration between universities and business (UBC) continues to grow in all countries. The reasons for this are numerous, such as changes in innovation structures, the development of the knowledge society, and national and international higher education policies. Kazakhstan, as a rapidly developing country, is experiencing all these changes. Nowadays, activities of university are evolving from the basic functions of teaching and research to commercialisation of research results where the partnership with the private sector is one of the most important elements. The purpose of the article is to identify influencing factors, driving factors and barriers for UBC, as well as recommendations for the future. The data for analysis was obtained using an online survey. The survey was conducted among University employees and company employees. More than 100 respondents took part in the survey. The results of the survey show that the main factors influencing the cooperation of universities and business: sources of funding, innovative indicators of universities, the impact of funding sources on control mechanisms and innovative activities of universities, also, the likely reason for the lag is the slow and still incomplete transition of Kazakhstan from the "traditional" innovation system to the modern innovation ecosystem.


While there may be few exceptions, cooperation between industry and academia in Europe is still in the early stages of development. Studies have shown that Industry – Academia in Europe is influenced by a large number of factors including the perception of benefits coming from these collaborations as well as barriers to and drivers of such cooperation. Cooperation between universities and industry needs to be intensified by gearing it more effectively towards innovation, new business start-ups and, more generally, the transfer and dissemination of knowledge. Within the project Tempus IV-6TH " UNITE PROJECT Τ.Ε.Ι. ΟF PIRAEUS " University and Industry for the Modernization of the Textile manufacturing sector in Belarus, the scientific team of the Liaison Office of the T.E.I. Piraeus conducted a study concerning the good practices existing in Europe for the connection between education and industry. It analyzed specifically the patterns in Greece, presented the higher education system in Greece, the Universities' structures and the services offered as tools to attain the scope and their effective role. The key strategic objectives are analyzed for the development of partnerships between education and industry so as to promote research, to stimulate entrepreneurship and dissemination of knowledge. Last but not least, a particular case of cooperation between the Department Textile Engineer of T.E.I. Piraeus and a company that operates in a similar way as an industry-which was conducted within the

Development of university–industry partnerships in Kazakhstan: Innovation under constraint

International Journal of Educational Development

This paper examines university-industry partnerships (UIPs) in Kazakhstan. The study described here explored the kinds of collaborations with industry that universities have undertaken, their purposes and benefits, and the contextual barriers to such partnerships. Our findings suggest that UIPs in Kazakhstan remain weak and are largely limited to employers' involvement in teaching, the provision of internships for students, and technical consultancies. We argue that the goal of policy makers to develop robust research partnerships that contribute to innovation and economic growth is constrained by heavy faculty teaching loads, poor institutional support for research, constant reforms in the higher education system, and little consistency in the priorities of the fastchanging Ministers of Education.

Academia-Business Cooperation in Bulgaria: Problems and Progress Possibilities

Economic Studies journal, 2021

The study presents general results of the research project "Academic sphere and business in Bulgaria: status and possibilities for expanding cooperation" carried out at the Economic Research Institute at BAS. An assessment of the status of the cooperation between the universities, research organisations and enterprises in Bulgaria is made. Main problem areas are identified and on this basis-possibilities for its expansion are derived.