Empowerment of Diabetes Self-Management Assistance Groups (DAG) as an Effort to Improve Self Care Behavior of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Gorontalo City (original) (raw)

Family Nursing Care in the Case of Diabetes Mellitus with Nursing Problems Readiness to Increase Family Coupling in the Village Banjarejo, Sukodadi District, Lamongan Regency

Journal of Vocational Nursing, 2021

Family is an important aspect in nursing. Family members need care, supervision, and attention if they suffer from health problems such as Diabetes Mellitus. Families must have effective and competent coping to overcome health problems of family members. Global diabetes mellitus prevalence in 2019 an estimated 9,3% (463 million people). Diabetes mellitus patients in Lamongan regency are 1,4% with a total of 4,138 cases per year and are ranked 4 th in Java Province. According to an integrated disease surveillance report based on Puskesmas in Lamongan. Methods: Method this research uses a qualitative descriptive method in the form of a case study to axplore the problem of family nursing care in the case of Diabetes Mellitus with nursing problems of increasing family coping readiness in Banjarejo village, Sukodadi district, Lamongan regency. The approach used is a nursing care approach that includes assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning,implementation, and evaluation. Results: Patients usually then do things that are not allowed in the treatment process, such as not maintaining a pattern of nutrition, activity, and wound care. Conclusion: The role of the family is needed because it has a duty in health so that they understand the health problems of family members with each other so that they can have a positive impact.

155-DIABETES Mellitus: Applicability and Effectiveness of the Educational Work Addressed to the Physical Activity in Bearers of the Program of Health in the Family (PHF) of the Municipal District of Cuitegi, PB


Volume 77-Special Edition-ARTICLE II-2007 FIEP BULLETIN 1 INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the Diabete Mellitos is one of the main chronic diseases-degenerative that affect the man. It is characterized by presenting disturbances metabolic ocasionandos for the increase of glucose sanguine for insulin deficiency or for outlying resistance the action of the insulin and it is considered such as a serious problem of public health. In Brazil, data of the multicentric study on the prevalence of the diabetes (1987/89) demonstrated about 7,6% of the population in an age group from 30 to 69 years, where it is made calculations that in the year of 2025 it pass to exist about 11 million diabetics in the country, representing an increase of more than 100% in relation to the data obtained in the year of 2000 (BRAZIL, 2002). In spite of being considered for a long time a disease of developed countries, the diabetes has been presenting epidemic characteristics in the developing countries, being among the four more important problems of health, due to number of affected people. With this affirmation it is possible to verify that the diabetes is constituted in a complex problem that needs urgent actions of public health. That because it attacks all of the socioeconomic classes, especially the population of low income that stands out for not possessing enough conditions to submit to an appropriate treatment, that characterizes in that group, larger number of complications, incapacitations or precocious morbosity. The intervention for the treatment of the diabetes is linked to the alimentary habits, practice of the physical exercise and medical ingestion, which it causes changes in a certain way, a lot of times, radicals for the patient, for demanding alterations in his way of living. It is necessary that the diabetic knows all the conditions that can help him in his health, mainly in what he refers to the physical activities that can contribute in a significant way to a better adaptation. It is known that the practice of physical activity to regulate help in the control of the body mass, reduces the blood pressure, and it improves the psychological health (ROSA NETO; COQUEREL; GUIMARÃES, 2004), as well as it brings social benefits in all of the phases of the life. Therefore, it is necessary that inside of the educational activities controlled by the professional health, the importance of the practice of the routine exercise always been emphasized with the intention of contributing for the improvement of the patient's illness state. The accomplishment of this study is justified for the need that the diabetic patients have regarding the low level of information about diabetes and the physical activity as middle of intervention for taken care itself. It was considered important the following question: Will it be that the level of the patients' bearers of Diabetes Mellitus information about the use of the practice of the exercise as intervention can modify after the application of an educational work? The treatment process and control of degenerative chronic diseases no transmissible (DCDNT) dispute of the diabetic's information necessary explanation. In this perspective, The aim of this study is to verify the applicability and effectiveness of the educational work addressed to the physical activity in bearers of diabetes of PHF. 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE STUDY: This research elapses from an exploratory and field study, descriptive, probabilística, with primary data. 2.2 POPULATION AND SAMPLE: The population was consisted of patients of the PHF. The sample was polietapic, because it involved people enrolled in the Program of Health of the Family (PHF) of the group Roberto Paulino of the municipal district of Cuitegí-PB, residents in this neighborhood. And lecture visitors promoted by the center and, after 30 days, it was felt 10 bearers of Diabetes Mellitus volunteers, raffled starting from the ones that were presents. 2.3 PROCEDURES FOR COLLECT OF DATA AND INSTRUMENTS The nurses, under the researcher's command and atendente of the center, organized the project of the lectures and they published through microphone of the church of the city summoning the community, especially the diabetics, for the event the interested patients. The educational work was accomplished in the form of lectures, during the period of 30 days, about the theme the definition of diabetes mellitus and the importance of the physical activity for the diabetic. Likewise as the accomplishment of dynamics of the group for the diabetics' motivation. Initially it took place the test of capillary glicemia in all the participants that were in fast. In the second moment it was offered a breakfast following by group dynamics and of the lecture about diabetes and the importance of the physical activity for the patient. It was given the right for the participant to question and to remove their doubts. Soon afterwards, in the third moment, an instrument was applied, counting with the support of aiding of nursing and ACS of USF, at the end of the period, it was selected by draw 10 volunteers for application of an interview itinerary semi-structured, of the type form, containing objective questions on the participants' profile, state of diabetes, perception about the physical activity and the diabetic and their complications. The orientations adopted the ethical aspects of the resolution 196/96 of the ministry of the health that treats the researches with human beings. The plan of statistical analysis felt in percentile of frequency. 2.4 ANALYTICAL PLAN: The plan of statistical analysis felt in percentile of frequency. Distributed in tables and illustrations. 3. ANALYSIS RESULTED DOS AND DISCUSSION Initially, it was observed the analysis of the variable age group and gender in accordance table 01. It was verified that most of the participants of the educational work is female gender and about 70% were in an age group between 50 and 70 years, fact waited, once they present clinical characteristics of Diabetes Mellitus type II, confirmed through the data obtained in table 4, where most of these discovered that they are diabetes, the less than one year, as refers the Ministry of Health (BRAZIL 2002) to this pathology, essentially the type 2 has begin insidious, with symptoms not specific, which a lot of times it delays the diagnosis.

Development of A Community-Based Care Program to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Rural Areas of Indonesia


Diabets mellitus is one of helath problem in the wolrd and Indonesia and its prevealence incresed each year. It is important to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus because the occurrence of the desease can be prevented or delayed. This study aimed to develop a community-based care program to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural areas of Indonesia. This study used action research design consisted of phase of look, think, and act. Data collection carried out by questionnaire, focus group discussion, in-depth interview, and observation. This study revealed that the problem of people at risk for type 2 diabates mellitus was lack of knowledge about disease and its prevention. To address the problem, a diabetes prevention education program was developed through the phase of action research. After one and a half months of implementation phase, evaluation was conducted and revelaed that risk people of type 2 diabetes mellitus perceived incraesed knowledge on diabates and its prevention as well as gradually followed lifestyle to prevent diabetes mellitus in their daily activities. This action research was conducted in the first cycle. Therefore, second cycle is recommended to gain deeper understanding of the effectiveness of the program.

Educational program to promote the self-care of people with diabetes mellitus

Avances en Enfermería, 2019

Objective: to evaluate the effect of an intervention program on the capacity and action for the self-care of people with diabetes mellitus.Method: this is an intervention study with the implementation of a problem-solving educational program in diabetes in a private health service. Capacity and action scales were applied for the self-care, in the initial moment and after the intervention with analysis of the outcome by the metabolic control. Differences were identified by the Student t test and the comparison of the scales variability calculated by Cronbach's alpha, with a 95 % confidence interval.Results: participated in the study 23 people, with significant improvement in the values of glycated hemoglobin, glycemic and diastolic blood pressure variability after the educationalprogram. The educational strategy in diabetes provided improvement in both capacity and action for self-care,respectively (p ≤ 0.0 %), Cronbach’s alpha initial 0.895 and final 0.938 Conclusion: education...

Pengaruh Collaborative Care System (CCS) terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Pasien Rawat Jalan dengan Penyakit Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2016

Some health system in various countries in the world is highly fragmented and is unable to resolve health problems. With collaborative care system, it is expected that DM patients can be managed well. We conducted a study to determine the effect of collaborative care system on blood glucose levels of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study uses a quasi-experimental design. Data was obtained by measuring random blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The samples consisted of 66 diabetic patients divided into 2 groups: 35 patients in the intervention group in Puskesmas Fakfak and 31 patients in the control group in Balai Pengobatan Misi. Data was analyzed using statistical paired sample t test in the intervention group, the Wilcoxon test for the control group, and the Mann-Whitney test to compare the difference of random blood glucose levels between the groups. The results showed that the collaborative care system in the intervention group for 1 month shows the average random blood glucose levels before CCS 276.11 mg/dL and after CCS 222.43 mg/dL. Whereas in the control group before CCS 217.32 mg/dL and after CCS 266.45 mg/dL. Statistical test result showed significant differences (p<0.05) between random blood glucose levels before and after the CCS in the intervention group and the control group The conclusion of this study is a collaborative care system affects the reduction in random blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Self Care Application In Improving The Quality Of Care And Management Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Clients

Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi, 2021

Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease (CD) in Indonesia that contributes to high mortality. This disease poses a limitation to self-care. Good self-care prevents complications and improves the quality of life. Self-care application (SCA) is a way to increase understanding of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) clients and their families to improve the quality of care and good management of T2DM clients. Objective: To determine the effect of SCA on improving the quality of care and management of T2DM clients which include blood sugar levels, nutrition management, activity/ exercise management, self aesthetics, and personal hygiene. Methods: A quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The population of this study was patients with type 2 diabetes with a total sample size of 50 patients with type 2 diabetes who were evenly divided into 2 research groups. The sampling method used was proportional sampling. The interventions are in the form of...

Effect of Peer Education on Self Care Patients Diabetes Mellitus in RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul Yogyakarta

Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia, 2019

Self Care is an implementation of activities based on self-awareness and conducted by the individual itself to meet the needs in maintaining life, health, and well-being in accordance with the state of health and illness.Employment of independence conducted by patients Diabetes Mellitus (DM) called self care DM with one of the goals in performing independent actions is to control the Diabetes Mellitus so as to minimize the occurrence of complications.Edukasi is a source of information that can help diabetes mellitus patients in taking decisions appropriate self-care nursing actions.The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of peer education against self care in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Type of quantitative research with quasi experimental research design pre-test and post-test control group. The number of samples in this study were 21 patients with Diabetes Mellitus in the Hospital according to inclusion criteria and exclusion in the study. Sampling using purpo...


MNJ (Mahakam Nursing Journal), 2020

Background : Diabetes Self Management Education is a sustainable and comprehensive family-based treatment that involves families in clients' homes with the aim of increasing, maintaining and maximizing client independence and reducing the impact of diabetes. This study aims to determine the effect of DSME towards diabetic patients on HbA1C levels of type 2 diabetes mellitus clients in the working area of Wonorejo Public Health Center, Samarinda. Method : The design of this study was a quasi-experimental design with a pre and post test with control group design. The population in the study were all patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in the working area of Wonorejo Public Health Center Samarinda with a total of 32 respondents, by using Simple Random Sampling. The researcher divided the respondents into two groups. Data were analyzed using paired T-Test and Independent T-tests. Result : The results of this study indicate that the results of statistical tests using the Paired TTest, in the experimental group p = 0,001 and p = 0,002 in the control group, while the P value on Independent T-Test is 0,728 (p>α;α=0,05). Conclusion : There is an influence of DSME on HbA1C levels of patients with DM type 2 in the working area of Wonorejo Public Health Center, Samarinda. It is recommended that health workers can make DSME as a reference in providing health promotion interventions to control HbA1C levels of patients with DM type 2.

Diabetes Mellitus Lifestyle Management as an Efforts to Improve Quality of Life for Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Community Service Journal of Indonesia

Complications experienced by DM patients will affect the patient's quality of life. Efforts that can be done to maintain the quality of life, one of which is by lifestyle management. This training is expected to increase the knowledge and skills of health cadres in teaching lifestyle management to improve the quality of life of people with diabetes mellitus. The method used in this community service activity is to provide health counseling. This activity was carried out for one month and was attended by 15 cadres and 50 people with DM. Quality of life is measured by DQOL (Diabetes Quality of Life). After one month of service, it was found that 98% of the quality of life of people with DM increased (good). Lifestyle management can maintain the quality of life of people with DM through maintaining stable blood sugar levels