Reconstruction Of Sparse Signals Using Likelihood Maximization from Compressive Measurements with Gaussian And Saturation Noise (original) (raw)
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Reconstruction of Sparse Signals under Gaussian Noise and Saturation
Most compressed sensing algorithms do not account for the effect of saturation in noisy compressed measurements, though saturation is an important consequence of the limited dynamic range of existing sensors. The few algorithms that handle saturation effects either simply discard saturated measurements, or impose additional constraints to ensure consistency of the estimated signal with the saturated measurements (based on a known saturation threshold) given uniform-bounded noise. In this paper, we instead propose a new data fidelity function which is directly based on ensuring a certain form of consistency between the signal and the saturated measurements, and can be expressed as the negative logarithm of a certain carefully designed likelihood function. Our estimator works even in the case of Gaussian noise (which is unbounded) in the measurements. We prove that our data fidelity function is convex. We moreover, show that it satisfies the condition of Restricted Strong Convexity an...
Detection and estimation with compressive measurements
Dept. of ECE, Rice University, …, 2006
The recently introduced theory of compressed sensing enables the reconstruction of sparse or compressible signals from a small set of nonadaptive, linear measurements. If properly chosen, the number of measurements can be much smaller than the number of Nyquist rate samples. Interestingly, it has been shown that random projections are a satisfactory measurement scheme. This has inspired the design of physical systems that directly implement similar measurement schemes. However, despite the intense focus on the reconstruction of signals, many (if not most) signal processing problems do not require a full reconstruction of the signal—we are often interested only in solving some sort of detection problem or in the estimation of some function of the data. In this report, we show that the compressed sensing framework is useful for a wide range of statistical inference tasks. In particular, we demonstrate how to solve a variety of signal detection and estimation problems given the measurements without ever reconstructing the signals themselves. We provide theoretical bounds along with experimental results.
Signal reconstruction via compressive sensing
Proceedings Elmar 2011, 2011
Compressive sensing is a new approach of sampling theory, which assumes that signal can be exactly recovered from incomplete information. It relies on properties such as incoherence, signal sparsity and compressibility, and does not follow traditional acquisition process based on transform coding. Sensing procedure is very simple, nonadaptive method that employs linear projections of signal onto test functions. Set of test functions is arranged in the measurement matrix that allows acquiring random samples of original signal. Signal reconstruction is achieved from small amount of data by an optimization process which has the aim to find the sparsest vector with transform coefficients among all possible solutions. This paper gives an overview of compressive sensing theory, background, measurement and reconstruction processes. Reconstruction process was presented on a few types of signals at the end of this paper. Experimental results show that accurate reconstruction is possible for various type of signals.
Non-Convex Compressed Sensing from Noisy Measurements
This paper proposes solution to the following non-convex optimization problem: min || x ||p subject to || y .. Ax ||q Such an optimization problem arises in a rapidly advancing branch of signal processing called ‘Compressed Sensing’ (CS). The problem of CS is to reconstruct a k-sparse vector xnX1, from noisy measurements y = Ax +.. , where AmXn (m<n) is the measurement matrix and ..mX1 is additive noise. In general the optimization methods developed for CS minimizes a sparsity promoting l1-norm (p=1) for Gaussian noise (q=2). This is restrictive for two reasons: i) theoretically it has been shown that, with positive fractional norms (0<p<1), the sparse vector x can be reconstructed by fewer measurements than required by l1-norm; and ii) Noises other than Gaussian require the norm of the misfit (q) to be something other than 2. To address these two issues an Iterative Reweighted Least Squares based algorithm is proposed here to solve the aforesaid optimization problem.
IJERT-Compressive Sensing Reconstruction for Sparse Signals with Convex Optimization
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 The theory of compressive sampling (CS), also known as compressed sensing. It is a modern sensing scheme that goes against the common theory in data acquisition. The CS theory claims that one can recover images or signals from fewer samples or measurements than the traditional methods use. To achieve this recovery, CS theory depends on two basic principles: the first is the sparsity of signal, which relates to the signals of interest, and the incoherence, which relates to the sensing method. In this paper we will give a simple review on the CS theory and the analog to information (AIC) system will be discussed briefly supported with two examples of signal reconstruction from undersampled signals. Simulation results show the powerful of the CS reconstruction for both sparse in time and spars in frequency signals.
Sparse signal reconstruction from noisy compressive measurements using cross validation
… Signal Processing, 2007. …, 2007
Compressive sensing is a new data acquisition technique that aims to measure sparse and compressible signals at close to their intrinsic information rate rather than their Nyquist rate. Recent results in compressive sensing show that a sparse or compressible signal can be reconstructed from very few incoherent measurements. Although the sampling and reconstruction process is robust to measurement noise, all current reconstruction methods assume some knowledge of the noise power or the acquired signal to noise ratio. This knowledge is necessary to set algorithmic parameters and stopping conditions. If these parameters are set incorrectly, then the reconstruction algorithms either do not fully reconstruct the acquired signal (underfitting) or try to explain a significant portion of the noise by distorting the reconstructed signal (overfitting). This paper explores this behavior and examines the use of cross validation to determine the stopping conditions for the optimization algorithms. We demonstrate that by designating a small set of measurements as a validation set it is possible to optimize these algorithms and reduce the reconstruction error. Furthermore we explore the trade-off between using the additional measurements for cross validation instead of reconstruction.
Compressive Sensing: From Theory to Applications, A Survey
Compressive sensing (CS) is a novel sampling paradigm that samples signals in a much more efficient way than the established Nyquist Sampling Theorem. CS has recently gained a lot of attention due to its exploitation of signal sparsity. Sparsity, an inherent characteristic of many natural signals, enables the signal to be stored in few samples and subsequently be recovered accurately, courtesy of compressive sensing. This article gives a brief background on the origins of this idea, reviews the basic mathematical foundation of the theory and then goes on to highlight different areas of its application with a major emphasis on communications and network domain. Finally, the survey concludes by identifying new areas of research where CS could be beneficial.
Improving Imprecise Compressive Sensing Models
arXiv: Information Theory, 2016
Random sampling in compressive sensing (CS) enables the compression of large amounts of input signals in an efficient manner, which is useful for many applications. CS reconstructs the compressed signals exactly with overwhelming probability when incoming data can be sparsely represented with a few components. However, the theory of CS framework including random sampling has been focused on exact recovery of signal; impreciseness in signal recovery has been neglected. This can be problematic when there is uncertainty in the number of sparse components such as signal sparsity in dynamic systems that can change over time. We present a new theoretical framework that handles uncertainty in signal recovery from the perspective of recovery success and quality. We show that the signal recovery success in our model is more accurate than the success probability analysis in the CS framework. Our model is then extended to the case where the success or failure of signal recovery can be relaxed....
Convex Feasibility Methods for Compressed Sensing
We present a computationally-efficient method for recovering sparse signals from a series of noisy observations, known as the problem of compressed sensing (CS). CS theory requires solving a convex constrained minimization problem. We propose to transform this optimization problem into a convex feasibility problem (CFP), and solve it using subgradient projection methods, which are iterative, fast, robust and convergent schemes for solving CFPs. As opposed to some of the recentlyintroduced CS algorithms, such as Bayesian CS and gradient projections for sparse reconstruction, which become prohibitively inefficient as the problem dimension and sparseness degree increase, the newly-proposed methods exhibit a marked robustness with respect to these factors. This renders the subgradient projection methods highly viable for large-scale compressible scenarios.
Signal processing with compressive measurements
Selected Topics in …, 2010
The recently introduced theory of compressive sensing enables the recovery of sparse or compressible signals from a small set of nonadaptive, linear measurements. If properly chosen, the number of measurements can be much smaller than the number of Nyquist-rate samples. Interestingly, it has been shown that random projections are a near-optimal measurement scheme. This has inspired the design of hardware systems that directly implement random measurement protocols. However, despite the intense focus of the community on signal recovery, many (if not most) signal processing problems do not require full signal recovery. In this paper, we take some first steps in the direction of solving inference problems-such as detection, classification, or estimation-and filtering problems using only compressive measurements and without ever reconstructing the signals involved. We provide theoretical bounds along with experimental results.