Determination of Safe Operating Conditions for Non-gasketed Flange Joint under Combined Internal Pressure and Temperature (original) (raw)

Determination of safe operating conditions for gasketed flange joint under combined internal pressure and temperature: A finite element approach

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2006

Performance of a flange joint is characterised mainly by its 'strength' and 'sealing capability'. A number of analytical and experimental studies have been conducted to study these characteristics under internal pressure loading. However, with the advent of new technological trends for high temperature and pressure applications, an increased demand for analysis is recognized. The effect of steady-state thermal loading makes the problem more complex as it leads to combined application of internal pressure and temperature. The present design codes do not address the effects of temperature on the structural integrity and sealing ability. In addition, the available design solutions do not solve problems of failure of a gasketed flange joint even under bolt up and internal pressure loading conditions. To investigate joint strength and sealing capability under combined internal pressure and different steady-state thermal loading, a 3D nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) of a gasketed flange joint is carried out and its behaviour is discussed. To determine the safe operating conditions or the actual joint load capacity, the joint is further analyzed for different internal pressures keeping the temperature constant. q

Performance of a Flange Joint Using Different Gaskets Under Combined Internal Pressure and Thermal Loading


Performance of a bolted flange joint is characterized mainly by its’ strength’ and ‘sealing capability’. Performance of bolted flange joints is mostly discussed under steady state loading with and without internal pressure loading. The present design codes also do not address the effects of steady state and thermal transient loading on the joint’s performance. Use of different gaskets also affects the performance of a gasketed joint due to the joint relaxation behavior. In this paper, performance of the gasketed bolted flange joint is analyzed using two different gaskets i.e. solid plate and spiral wound when it is subjected to combined internal pressure and steady state thermal loading using detailed nonlinear finite element analysis.

Studies on joint strength and sealing behavior of single and twin-gasketed flange joints

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2017

Leakage is the main mode of failure in gasketed flange joints used in nuclear and thermal power plants. The leakage occurs when the joint is not able to withstand the internal fluid pressure. To evaluate the leakage behavior of gasketed flange joint, it is important to incorporate gasket properties and interfacial contact behavior due to friction. However, for safe joint operation, the members also should be structurally sound without exceeding allowable limit of materials. In this study, the joint strength and sealing behavior of gasketed flange joint are investigated through experiments by carrying out leakage test. The joint strength is evaluated based on strains developed in flanges along longitudinal and tangential direction under both pretightening and pressurizing stages. Three-dimensional finite element simulation is also performed under both aforesaid stages, considering the nonlinear properties of gasket along with hysteresis during unloading. The finite element results of...

Effect of Thermal and Mechanical Loads On A Non Parallel Face Flanges Using Finite Element Analysis


The flanged joint is one of the weakest elements on the piping system because of leakage. The leakage free joint is the target of the standard codes and many analytical and experimental studies. The codes usually focus on the conventional flanged joints containing gaskets. The gasketed joint which is classified in the standard codes was studied under different operating conditions to investigate its performance and its sealing capability. The nonparallel face flanged joint has been studied under different mechanical loads to be developed and it showed high efficiency than the conventional joint. The present paper studies the non-parallel face flanges as a 3D finite element model to investigate the behaviour of the joint under combined mechanical and thermal loading. The suggested model for the joint was established for different flange thicknesses under various operating temperatures and internal pressures.

Determination of load capacity of a non-gasketed flange joint under combined internal pressure, axial and bending loading for safe strength and sealing

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A study on the sealing performance of bolted flange joints with gaskets using finite element analysis

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2007

Gaskets play an important role in the sealing performance of bolted flange joints, and their behaviour is complex due to nonlinear material properties combined with permanent deformation. The variation of contact stresses due to the rotation of the flange and the material properties of the gasket play important roles in achieving a leak proof joint. In this paper, a three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) of bolted flange joints has been carried out by taking experimentally obtained loading and unloading characteristics of the gaskets. Analysis shows that the distribution of contact stress has a more dominant effect on sealing performance than the limit on flange rotation specified by ASME.

Determination of optimized non-gasketed flange geometry for safe stress and no leak condition: finite-element analysis approach

Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2008

Performance of a flange joint is characterized mainly due to its 'strength' and 'sealing capability'. Available design rules for flange joints are mainly concerned with the strength of the flanges and do not sufficiently consider for their sealing. Being continuous problems faced by the gasketed flange joints for strength and sealing based on concluded 'dynamic mode of load', non-gasketed joints are recommended as an alternative. The current paper presents threedimensional non-linear finite-element analysis of non-gasketed flange joint with different flange surface profiles (positive taper, negative taper, and zero taper angles) to find out the most optimal flange geometry for safe stress and no-leak conditions under bolt up and internal pressure loading. Based on the results, optimum flange geometry is selected and further analysed under proof test pressure. A 'static mode of load' in positive taper angle flange is concluded, ensuring proper joint sealing, and strength.

Stamina of a Nongasketed Flange Joint Under Combined Internal Pressure, Axial, and Bending Loading: An Experimental Study

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2009

Performance of a bolted flange joint is characterized mainly due to its “strength” and “sealing capability.” A number of analytical and experimental studies have been conducted to study these characteristics only under internal pressure loading. A very limited work is found in the literature under combined internal pressure and bending loading. Due to the ignorance of this external loading, i.e., bending and axial in addition to the internal pressure loading, the optimized performance of the bolted flange joint cannot be achieved. The present design codes do not address the effects of combined loading on the structural integrity and sealing ability. To investigate joint strength and sealing capability under combined loading, an extensive experimental study of a nongasketed flange joint with two different assemblies and with different load combinations is carried out, and overall joint performance and behavior is discussed. Actual joint load capacity is determined under both the desi...