MgSO4 VE Na2SO4 ORTAMLARIN PKÇ 32.5 VE PÇ 42.5 (original) (raw)
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Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2005
A thermodynamic electrolyte model has been used to investigate the system MgSO 4 + H 2 O at temperatures close to the eutectic from (0 to-10)°C. The model was based on the Pitzer aqueous electrolyte activity coefficient model using the interaction parameters proposed by Marion and Farren (Marion, G.; Farren, R. E. Mineral solubilities in the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl-SO 4-H 2 O system: A re-evaluation of the sulfate chemistry in the Spencer-Møller-Weare model. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1999, 63, 1305-1318) as well as improved functions that have been derived in this work. Because of its improved data fitting, the model describes the system MgSO 4 + H 2 O accurately from (-5 to 50)°C. By making use of solubility data obtained from the literature as well as from additional laboratory experiments, we investigated the magnesium sulfate duodecahydrate solid phase (MgSO 4 ‚12H 2 O). The two characteristic points, which limit the MgSO 4 ‚ 12H 2 O(s) region of existence, are the eutectic point between MgSO 4 ‚12H 2 O(s) and ice and the phasetransition point (peritectic) between MgSO 4 ‚12H 2 O(s) and MgSO 4 ‚7H 2 O(s) (epsomite, bitter salt). Both were determined from the solubility experiments and the model. The solubility products (K sp) of MgSO 4 ‚ 12H 2 O(s) and MgSO 4 ‚7H 2 O(s) were calculated as functions of temperature from solubility and phase stability data. These functions improve K sp functions published by Marion and Farren (Marion, G.; Farren, R. E. Mineral solubilities in the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl-SO 4-H 2 O system: A re-evaluation of the sulfate chemistry in the Spencer-Møller-Weare model. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1999, 63, 1305-1318). It was experimentally determined that the eutectic occurs at 17.4 mass % MgSO 4 and-3.7°C, and the presented model predicts it at 17.3 mass % MgSO 4 and-3.7°C.
Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2008
Isopiestic vapor-pressure measurements were made for {yMgCl2+(1−y)MgSO4}(aq) solutions with MgCl2 ionic strength fractions of y=(0,0.1997,0.3989,0.5992,0.8008, and 1) at the temperature 298.15 K, using KCl(aq) as the reference standard. These measurements for the mixtures cover the ionic strength range I=0.9794 to 9.4318 mol⋅kg−1. In addition, isopiestic measurements were made with NaCl(aq) as reference standard for mixtures of {xNa2SO4+(1−x)MgSO4}(aq) with the molality fraction x=0.5000 that correspond to solutions of the evaporite mineral bloedite (astrakanite), Na2Mg(SO4)2⋅4H2O(cr). The total molalities, m T=m(Na2SO4)+m(MgSO4), range from m T=1.4479 to 4.4312 mol⋅kg−1 (I=5.0677 to 15.509 mol⋅kg−1), where the uppermost concentration is the highest oversaturation molality that could be achieved by isothermal evaporation of the solvent at 298.15 K. The parameters of an extended ion-interaction (Pitzer) model for MgCl2(aq) at 298.15 K, which were required for an analysis of the {yMgC...
MgSO 43 HO ) , from sea bittern through solar evaporation and fractional crystallisa tion
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Structure of aqueous MgSO4 solution: Dilute to concentrated
Chemical Physics Letters, 2011
Equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to examine the hydration characteristics of Mg 2+ and SO 2À 4 ions over a range of salt concentrations in the solution. While the hydration structure of the monatomic cation agrees with previous reports in the literature, the larger and more complex anion exhibits hitherto unreported novel coordination features. These result from its low charge density as well as the charge distribution over the five active sites. While the number of water molecules that hydrate the ions below the hydration limit is almost constant, this number rapidly reduces as the solution becomes saturated and ion-pairs are formed.
Phase transitions and ionic conductivity of the Na2SO4$z.sbnd;MgSO4 system
Solid State Ionics, 1990
Differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffractrometry and complex impedance spectroscopy measurements have been performed for the Na2S0.,-MgSO, binary system. The redetermined phase diagram shows that the solid solution of the high-temperature phase of Na*SO, is stable up to 35 mol% MgSO, at 680°C. The ionic conductivity in this phase increases rapidly with increasing MgSO, content, the maximum conductivity at 540°C is about 150 times larger than the conductivity of pure Na2S0,. For two intermediate compounds, Na2Mg(S04)2 and Na2Mg3(S04)4, the ionic conductivity is relatively low, 2x 10m4 and 4X 10-6fi-1 cm-' at 500°C.
Crystallization and Characterization of a New Magnesium Sulfate Hydrate MgSO 4 ·11H 2 O
Crystal Growth & Design, 2007
The MgSO 4 crystal hydrate formed below approximately 0°C was proven to be the undecahydrate, MgSO 4 • 11H 2 O (meridianiite) instead of the reported dodecahydrate MgSO 4 • 12H 2 O. The crystals were grown from solution by eutectic freeze and by cooling crystallization. The crystal structure analysis and the molecular arrangement of these crystals were determined using single crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). Reflections were measured at a temperature of 110(2) K. The structure is triclinic with space group P j 1 (No. 2). The crystal is a colorless block with the following parameters F.W.) 318.55, 0.54 × 0.24 × 0.18 mm 3 , a) 6.72548(7) Å, b) 6.77937(14) Å, c) 17.2898(5) Å, R) 88.255(1)°,) 89.478(2)°, γ) 62.598(1)°, V) 699.54(3) Å 3 , Z) 2, D calc) 1.512 g/cm 3 , µ) 0.343 mm-1. Raman spectroscopy was used for characterizing MgSO 4 • 11H 2 O and for comparing the vibrational spectra with the MgSO 4 • 7H 2 O salt. Between the two salts, there are significant differences mainly in the type of interactions of water with sulfate groups in the lattice, in view of the different O-H stretching vibrations, as well as sulfate, O-H • • • O (sulfate) and O-Mg-O bands vibrational modes. Thermogravimetric analysis confirmed the stochiometry of the MgSO 4 • 11H 2 O salt. Additionally, the Miller indices of the major faces of MgSO 4 • 11H 2 O crystals were defined.
Bayatcik jeotermal sahasi Afyonkarahisar ilinin 7 km kuzeybatisinda yer almaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci 2013 yilinda acilan Bayatcik-1 kuyusunun kuyu ici jeolojisi ve hidrotermal alterasyon mineralojisini belirlemektir. 925 metre derinligindeki sondaj boyunca; Koprulu volkanosedimanter istifinin aluvyon, volkanik ve sedimanter kisimlari ile taban konglomerasi, mermer ve sist birimleri kesilmistir. Ilk 528 m'de jeotermal sistemin ortu kayalari olan volkanik ve sedimanter kayalar, 528-558 m’lerde taban konglomerasi, 558-574 m derinlikte Jeotermal sistemin rezervuar kayasi olan mermer (Mrb1), 574-622 m arasinda mikassist (Sch1), 622-746 m arasinda mermer-2 (Mrb2), 746-830 m arasinda mikasist-2 (Sch2), 830-890 m arasinda mermer-3 (Mrb3) ve son olarak 890-920 m derinliklerde sistemin gecirimsiz temel kayasi olan sist birimleri gecilmistir. Bayatcik-1 kuyusundan 2m araliklarla alinan klastik orneklere stereo ve polarize mikroskop, x-isini difraktometre (XRD) ve tarama elektron mikrosk...
Magnesium salts and oxide: an XPS overview
Applied Surface Science, 1997
XPS measurements have been performed on a series of Mg II salts (NO 3, CO 2-, SO42-, CI-, CH3COO-), hydroxides and oxides, these latter compounds are both commercial and prepared in laboratory. The binding energy (BE) of the anionic partner in Mg H salts compares well in any case with literature data for the same anions in other alkaline and alkaline earth compounds. The BE of Mg n appears to be affected by the electroattractive nature of the parent anion. The Mg n spectra, in the case of MgO samples, are not influenced either by the nature of the oxide precursor salt or by the temperature of the oxide preparation (873 K, 1073 K, 1253 K). The BE of Mg 2p ranges between 49.9 eV and 50.2 eV. Oxygen spectra are regular and show the presence of the surface chemisorbed -OH component even at heating temperatures of 1473 K. The choice, as internal reference, of the hydrocarbon contaminant carbon peak is discussed, specifically, in the case of MgO samples with reference to specific lattice and surface properties of the oxide itself. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. strongly influenced by intrinsic bulk and surface properties of MgO itself.