Hasil Pemetaan Posisi SI Institusi Terhadap Setiap Proses SI dengan model maturity (original) (raw)

Penerapan Capability Maturity Model Integration Untuk Mengukur Tingkat Kematangan Organisasi Dalam Proses Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak (Studi Kasus: Direktorat Innovation Center Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta)


INTISARIMenerapkan standarisasi pada suatu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pengembangan perangkat lunak merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kualitasnya. CMMI merupakan salah satu standarisasi yang penulis pilih untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan dari divisi Innovation CenterAmikom. CMMI yang digunakan ialah CMMI for Development versi 1.3 yang fokus terhadap tingkat kematangan di level 2 dengan 6 proses area. Penelitian ini mengambil 1 sample proyek di Innovation Center(IC) yaitu apliksai presensi berbasis mobile. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengukuran yang telah dilakukan, proses pengembangan lunak di IC berada di tingkat 1 (Initial) yang diketahui bahwa belum semua praktik yang ada di masing-masing 6 proses area diterapkan. Kata kunci— proses pengembangan perangkat lunak, CMMI, CMMI-DEV, Representasi Bertingkat, Tingkat Kematangan. ABSTRACTApplying standards to a company engaged in the development of devices is one way to improve its quality. CMMI is one of the standards cho...

Analisis Tingkat Kematangan (Maturity Level) Dan PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Dalam Penerapan Audit Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi Pada PT Indonesia Game Menggunakan Metode ISO 27001:2013

Journal of Information System Research (JOSH)

It has become a current requirement in every company regarding the implementation of governance in the ICT field in an effort to improve service quality. For this reason, it is necessary to implement and at the same time carry out an ISMS periodic audit process in companies using the ISO 27001: 2013 standard. Based on the audit and research results found in Annex 7 has the lowest level compared to the other Annexes, because the work instruction documentation related to labeling has not been registered in the main document so it needs to be adjusted to the main document. existing procedures with titles, so they are not synchronized. Overall the use of ISO 27001: 2013 has been going well with a maturity level value of 97.45% level 5. With almost all annexes and clauses meeting the standards of ISO 27001: 2013, so from the results this research It is hoped that the company can make improvements again in carrying out the document archive process so that it makes it easier for the audito...

Perancangan Model Tingkat Kematangan (Maturity Level) Sistem Manajemen Kinerja Balai Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Industri

Sang Pencerah: Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton

Balai Diklat Industri Padang (BDIP) adalah pusat pendidikan dan pelatihan industri Kementerian Perindustrian, sebagai center of excellence dengan pelatihan vokasi industri dengan sistem 3 in 1 dituntut memiliki tingkat kematangan sistem manajemen kinerja yang baik. Model penilaian kematangan organisasi pemerintah yang sudah ada hanya melakukan penelitian yang terintegrasi kepada teknologi informasi, tidak meninjau sistem manajemen kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode grounded theory. Model konseptual dirancang dari berbagai literatur tentang tingkat kematangan yang berisi variabel dan sub variabel penentuan kematangan dan skala penilaian. Pengambilan data menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menghasilkan model kematangan yang digunakan untuk penilaian tingkat kematangan sistem manajemen kinerja di BDIP. Faktor yang diukur adalah struktur organisas...

Peningkatan Kematangan Proses TI: Penilaian, Rekomendasi dan Validasi (Studi Kasus Sistem Informasi IPOS)

Jurnal Ilmiah SINUS

IPOS information system is a service delivery system (package) and letter (mail) PT Pos Indonesia. The application of the IPOS information system still found problems, the problem of human resources, bar codes that were not in accordance with the delivery receipt. So it is necessary to do an assessment of the IPOS information system, the purpose of this study is to determine the level of maturity of the system information, formulate recommendations for improvements if needed and validation recommendations. The framework used assessment is COBIT 4.1 framework, focus DS10 process (Managing Problems) and DS11 (Managing Data). The results of the assessment will be obtained maturity level, then the formulation of recommendations for increasing maturity is carried out, then validation of the recommendations proposed. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews, study of business documents, literature studies, and questionnaires. Data is processed based on COBIT framework rules...

Analisis Maturity Level Framework Itil V3 Service Design Teknologi Informasi Akademik Universitas Pgri Wiranegara

Insand Comtech : Information Science and Computer Technology Journal

Teknologi informasi menyebabkan revolusi pada perusahaan baik bergerak pada bidang bisnis, manufaktur, pendidikan dan pemerintahan. Nilai investasi dari teknologi informasi bernilai 50 persen dari investasi infrastruktur. Teknologi informasi menjelmakan bisnis yang kasat mata yaitu melalui penggunaan smart phone dan perangkat komputer. Dimana hal ini didukung dengan teknologi berupa teknologi nirkabel. Teknologi ini diakses untuk mendapatkan seputar informasi dimana informasi ini dapat berupa teks, grafik, gambar, video maupun audio. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan sistem informasi pada Universitas PGRI Wiranegara (UNIWARA) yang tertuang pada website layanan akademik guna mengevaluasi dan menganalisa sistem informasi yang digunakan tenaga pendidik dalam memberikan layanan terhadap mahasiswa melalui aplikasi website. Analisis ini menggunakan kerangka kerja Information Technology Infrastucture Library (ITIL) dengan V3 (versi 3) berfokus pada kerangka domain service design...

Pengukuran Maturity Level Pelayanan Sistem Informasi Pada PT. Gramedia Asri Media


Information technology is currently very influential on the performance of the company, the better the information technology owned then add positive value and impact big changes to the company. The development of technology is increasingly changing day to make the company to innovate towards the better performance of individuals and companies. Therefore, to find out how big the technology is used in the company then the audit is one alternative to evaluate it. COBIT 4.1 is a framework for IT governance that comprises a set of IT best practices processes, which can be implemented at all levels of the organization to improve governance and IT management. This framework is a comprehensive tool for creating IT governance. COBIT 4.1 provides a best practice reference that covers the entire business process of an organization and exposes it in a logical structure that can be managed and controlled effectively. [Tambotoh and Latuperissa, 2014] The level of kemantangan on each sub domain D...

Analisis Maturity Level Tata Kelola It Menggunakan Framework Itil V3 Domain Service Operation Pada Universitas Terbuka Palembang

Journal of Scientech Research and Development, 2023

The Open University (UT) is the 45th State University in Indonesia that implements an open and distance learning system. The Open University provides technological services such as academic information system services and both online and offline learning services to facilitate students and staff in accessing and finding information about activities and the learning process for students, staff, and tutors at the Open University. With the rapid advancement of IT technology, which greatly supports UT's success in enhancing the quality and quantity of students, the reason to analyze the maturity level of IT governance is to understand how mature the IT governance level is specifically at UT, particularly in the Palembang area. Therefore, this research selects the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) V3 framework with the service operation domain to analyze maturity levels and gaps, thereby drawing conclusions for improvements at the Palembang branch of the Open University. The research methodology involves literature review and a questionnaire in the form of a Google Form distributed online to UT Palembang staff. The conclusion regarding IT governance for all services, including academic systems and learning systems at the Palembang branch of the Open University, is very good achieving a score of 4.57, reaching maturity level 5, meaning it has reached the level of Optimized process. However, in the Technology Considerations sub-domain, the maturity level achieved a score of 4.33 at level 4 (managed process). This level has not yet reached the target set by the Palembang branch of the Open University. Therefore, it is recommended to further improve Technology Considerations, encompassing integration, usage, and management of technology, to align with the goals or expectations of the Palembang branch of the Open University.

Perancangan Penilaian Kinerja untuk Menentukan Posisi Jabatan Struktural Administrasi dan Dosen Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Studi Kasus di Universitas Islam Bandung)

Prosiding Teknik Industri, 2017

The problems of this research are on the aspect of and criteria for who became measurements in performance assessment for determining the position of the post of lecturer and administration in the post of structural Unisba and how to design systems performance assessment for determining the position of the post of lecturer and administration on on government positions in Unisba. The purpose of this research is to know of aspects and the criteria are a measurement of performance assessment and make a system of grading performance to determining the position of structural government Unisba. The determination of positions solved on a decision making use analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Based on the research and data processing the data AHP, the consideration the performance assessment evaluation consisting of a list assessment the performance of the job, standard echelon, qualification experience, and health. Aspects assessment elaborated into 10 criteria. Standard feasibility weight employees in occupied government position Unisba for positions head of administration to education at least equivalent which is (0,28980). A standard for the head of administration with the university which is (0,29095). A standard for occupying the position of the post of the head part with the university (non-lecturers) which are (0,32627). Standard weights to the head of to education S2 (lecturers) which are (0,33839). The results of the end of the study it will be designing the assessment system of performance based on the results of weighting AHP.

Dampak Kualitas Institusi Terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia


Pembangunan ekonomi menjadi salah satu isu utama yang dibahas secara ekstensif dalam literatur ekonomi. Isu mengenai pembangunan ekonomi ini penting karena berkaitan dengan upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Secara historis, tidak ada satu pun negara di dunia yang mampu mentransformasi dirinya dari negara miskin menjadi negara maju tanpa didukung oleh pembangunan ekonomi yang baik.

Penilaian Kinerja Organisasi Menggunakan Metode Key Performance Indicators (Kpi) (Studi Kasus: Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Widyatama)

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan, 2020

Himpunan Mahasiwa Teknik Industri sendiri mempunyai staf dewan HMTI sebagai jabatan khusus yang bertanggung jawab besar dalam bergeraknya suatu organisasi yang dipimpin oleh Ketua Himpunan. Sistem penilaian kinerja anggota himpunan dilakukan pada setiap departemen untuk dievaluasi dalam menentukan para anggota yang memiliki kinerja baik. Alat ukur tersebut dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Untuk meningkatkan kinerja pengurus Himpunan tersebut hingga terpenuhi 100% maka dapat menggunakan strategi yaitu dengan memberikan reward pada kinerja mahasiswa. Cara lain untuk meningkatkan kinerja pengurus Himpunan tersebut yaitu melancarkan bagian administrasi dan persyaratan saat mengadakan acara.