Side Channel Cryptanalysis of Product Ciphers (original) (raw)


Building on the work of Kocher [Koc96], we introduce the notion of side-channel cryptanalysis: cryptanalysis using implementation data. We discuss the notion of side-channel attacks and the vulnerabilities they introduce, demonstrate side-channel attacks against three product ciphers—timing attack against IDEA, processor-flag attack against RC5, and Hamming weight attack against DES—and then generalize our research to other cryptosystems.

Side-channel and fault analysis in the presence of countermeasures : tools, theory, and practice. (Canaux cachés et attaques par injection de fautes en présence de contre-mesures : outils, théorie et pratique)


The goal of the thesis is to develop and improve methods for defeating protected cryptosystems. A new signal decompositionalgorithm, called Hilbert Huang Transform, was adapted to increase the efficiency of side-channel attacks. This technique attempts to overcome hiding countermeasures, such as operation shuffling or the adding of noise to the power consumption. The second contribution of this work is the application of specific Hamming weight distributions of block cipher algorithms, including AES, DES, and LED. These distributions are distinct for each subkey value, thus they serve as intrinsic templates. Hamming weight data can be revealed by side-channel and fault attacks without plaintext and ciphertext. Therefore these distributions can be applied against implementations where plaintext and ciphertext are inaccessible. This thesis shows that some countermeasures serve for attacks. Certain infective RSA countermeasures should protect against single fault injection. However, ad...


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