Remote teaching as a compulsory alternative: public school under threat? (original) (raw)
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Distant Learning: The Experiences of Brazilian Schoolteachers during the COVID-19 School Closures
The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed several challenges to education, especially with the shift from traditional face-to-face to distance learning, affecting teaching and learning worldwide. While distance learning seemed to favor children of affluent families, students of low socioeconomic families faced additional challenges, like the lack of adequate resources to attend online classes and continue their education. Thus, in this study, schoolteachers’ experiences adapting their instructional strategies to distance learning were investigated. A qualitative case study examined and compared the experiences of a public-school and a private-school teacher with distance learning in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic school closures. The cases give insight into the strategies used and challenges experienced by the participants while attending to different student populations’ needs: marginalized and more affluent. Thematic analysis of the aggregated data indicated the participants’ similar...
Creation of a Digital Repository by analyzing the urgent implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching in the public basic education network in Brazil in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Atena Editora), 2022
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, relationships that were previously face-to-face were replaced by virtual ones. One of these relationships is that of teaching and learning, which, given the context of social isolation resulting from the need to contain the spread of this virus, needed to be rethought. The adoption of Emergency Remote Teaching comes up against issues related to social differences and the exclusions resulting from them, including digital exclusion, forcing society to review its values. Through a look at the current legislation on Brazilian education, related to national and international recommendations, in the face of public policies and actions coordinated by state education departments, this work presents an analysis of the context through a bibliographic review, raising points relevant to the implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching in Public Basic Education in Brazil and presenting information through a Digital Repository created to collaborate as a virtual source that centralizes some of the reflections on education in times of pandemic.
The research project aimed to investigate the challenges and possibilities of actions for remote and hybrid teaching, in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, in the Municipal Teaching Network of São Paulo -SP. The research was developed through a descriptive and bibliographical study, with a qualitative approach which is justified by the nature and complexity of the investigated phenomenon. Articles on the subject, official document of the Municipality of São Paulo, Political Pedagogical Project of a public elementary school in São Paulo were analyzed. The need for and commitment to the teaching-learning process and the right to quality education for all students can be highlighted, until school failure and educational exclusion, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, are effectively overcome.
#Stayathome #Fiqueemcasa: Opportunities for new governances of public education in Brazil
It is not possible to predict how we might re-exist/resist while most of our bodies fail to be hospitable to the virus. For now, what seems possible, and potent, is to make strange the solutions we have been putting into practice, while sharing the world and our bodies with this enemy / companion species. This article focuses on some solutions municipal and state education systems in Brazil have produced, in partnership with philanthropic foundations and educational businesses, to answer the demand for #stayathome #fiqueemcasa. Throughout the article, they are understood as the replication of proposals that have been circulating for some time, with the aim of affixing particular meanings to education. The article argues that the pandemic constitutes an opportunity for these networks to further redesign education in economized terms. It also addresses the effects of such redesigns and argues for the recognition of alterity, without which there can be no education.
Políticas públicas, tecnologias educacionais e Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA)
The interpretive-critical analysis focuses on the micro-contexts of teacher formation policies and practices for enhancing Technological-Pedagogical Fluency (TPF) with Open Educational Resources (OER). Within this framework, public policy devices are analyzed in light of universal principles such as the right to education, democratization of knowledge, and lifelong learning. The thematic delimitation, the data and the conclusions are systematized under the methodological structure of three cartographic matrices typical of an action-research: Dialogic-Problematizing Matrix (DPM), Thematic-Organizing Matrix (TOM) and ThematicAnalytical Matrix (TAM). The results highlight the plurality of local perceptions, translations, and (re)interpretations of policies related to educational technologies and Open Educational Resources (OER). The discursive practices demarcate naive typologies in curvatures ranging from negationist to futurologist. As an outcome, the affirmative proposition emphasiz...
Popular Pedagogy in the Times of COVID-19: Digital School or Digital Culture
Education Journal, 2022
This work seeks to reflect upon the importance of critical training in the use of digital media in educational contexts. In such a period in which the school is necessarily forced to become 'digital', one wonders if this complex, and probably necessary, path of renewal brings along an equally and devoted commitment regarding better practices concerning educational intentionality with the use of the new technologies. Therefore, it is in this direction that we have chosen to bring critical research about a reading experience in the Brazilian context. It is an experience that highlights the importance of a perspective of social emancipation where action and reflection are intimately connected and translate into the promotion of a "praxis" that is critically deepened against the hegemonic thought of neoliberalism, which is, at the same time, dispersive. We defend a reading perspective against the manipulations of oppressors who, thanks to the web, feed hate, racists, and misogynist ideas, which are contrary to any kind of equality among human beings. Along with this perspective, the role of educational agencies is invested with an enormous responsibility in promoting digital literacy that provides everyone, especially young people, with tools capable of allowing management and the critical use of the enormous amount of information in which we are immersed. Today, it is important to strive for perspectives of education based on freedom, on the autonomy and the construction of truly democratic societies, in which the benefits and responsibilities of the democratic rule of law can be shared by all people, regardless of their color, origin, religion, sex.
Calidad en la Educación
Este artículo tuvo como objetivo analizar las percepciones de los docentes sobre la implementación de la enseñanza remota y los efectos en las relaciones con estudiantes y familias durante la pandemia Covid-19. La encuesta se realizó durante 2020, a través de un cuestionario electrónico, en el que se analizaron las respuestas de 178 docentes. Teóricos como Morin y Viveret, Saviani y Galvão, González Rey, Ganda y Boruchovitch, Santos, entre otros, apoyaron las reflexiones presentadas en este estudio. El análisis de los registros se realizó, por medio de los principios de la metodología de Análisis de Contenido (Bardin, 2011). Los resultados expresados en los discursos producidos mostraron impactos en las relaciones entre los actores que conforman este escenario de enseñanza a distancia, incluidos docentes, alumnos y familias. Otra reflexión producida fue que, muchas veces, la importancia de la calidad de estas relaciones, en el día a día, pasa desapercibida, pero está fuertemente rel...
Manifestaciones polifónicas de la pedagogía: epílogo(s) que interrumpen sentido(s
We propose four irruptions as an epilogue, they seek tensions and meanings in relation to the task of education and pedagogy that, as a conceptual record, offers us lines to inhabit and think about the world in which we live, but also the one we would like to live. Multiple claims and recipes resonate for education in the digital age. Since the end of the last century, education policies have moved between two vertices: crisis and reforms. Reforms of schooling that have been launched in the most diverse countries and regions that make up the globalized world promising answers to this question. It is in this climate of time that Biesta and Säfström propose their manifesto for education where, as they point out, moving between what is and what is not, has become the crossroads for contemporary schooling. Probably, this image is one of the most global in the globalized world. Of course, its effects and local affections are multiple and diverse. This dossier is installed there: to inhabit the educational word, to ask about it. This calls for the imperative need to be manifested by education in a way that allows us to escape a duality that has done nothing but undermine the school without offering lines with which to weave other plots. Interrupting is also the challenge for a theory of education that tries to escape to the crossroads by staying in tension, destabilizing the
Research, Society and Development, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated significant impacts in all areas, such as health, economy, and education, the latter culminating in the suspension of face-to-face classes. Also, it has reduced the time dedicated to classes and generated numerous problems for teachers, as this has hampered both the transfer of content and the development of the entire teaching-learning process. It is noted that the platforms are used to publish fixed activities, texts, and others, aimed at classes that require more time but which, in short, do not have more excellent aggregate knowledge. This research aimed to analyze the challenges faced by high school teachers, from the state public network of the city of Parnaíba-PI, in the teaching-learning process, at a distance. It used the scientific-technological method to seek answers to the following guiding questions: a) how does distance learning happen in-state public schools in that municipality, b) analyze the strategies and tools used by schools for the operationalization of distance learning, c) identify the methods used, and d) the main difficulties faced by teachers in their distance classes. It is a case study, exploratory-descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. The results showed significant obstacles due to the pandemic's changes, constituting barriers to the learning process being carried out successfully. There are several challenges to overcome in this form of teaching, from the capacity of technical resources to the emotional problems triggered. The analysis showed that the most significant difficulties encountered by teachers during teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic were: 1) lack of quality internet access; 2) lack of motivation; 3) lack of adequate access to technological issues; 4) overwork; 5) lack of interaction with students; 6) socio-emotional issues: uncertainties, anxiety, insecurity.
Pandemic and Education: notes from the Brazilian context
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research , 2021
This is an essay that addresses issues related to learning and its possible enhancements through the use of technologies. In the year 2020, amid the moment when all of humanity was affected due to the advent of a pandemic, caused by COVID-19, abrupt changes occurred in all instances. Schools did not go unscathed by all the changes that millions of people were affected by. In the present essay, the authors discuss the problems of this pandemic moment, inviting readers to think about the current moment, having at sight the unequal possibilities that have risen by the educational process mediated by technologies and digital medias.